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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Captain America:Civil War - 6/10. Thought this really dragged on and wasn't convincing enough throughout. Funny at times and decent action but after a while I lost complete interest.

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 7/10.  Tina Fey stars as a journalist who is sent to Afghanistan to cover what's happening out there.  Pretty enjoyable film which features Martin Freeman with the most stereotypical Scottish accent of all time, Margot Robbie (not in it enough), Billy Bob Thornton and that "hot guy from Home & Away" (according to my better half).


Funny and well written.  Slow start but picked up enough to get high marks from myself!

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True Story

Thought James Franco was superb as man accused of killing his family in this true life drama. Also thought Jonah Hill was good as the journalist who got to know him before writing s book. Quite a few twists in the film which made it enjoyable.


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Age of Apocalypse.

I really wanted to like this film. Have fond memories of the character from the 90s animated show and when First Class start it gave the films a shot in the arm. Since however Singer has come back we have gone back to xmen 3 territory.

Biggest problem in this film is still trying to use Jennifer Lawrence character as a focal point. Just stop. The story was a bit of a mess and some of it ott even for me.


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Age of Apocalypse.

I really wanted to like this film. Have fond memories of the character from the 90s animated show and when First Class start it gave the films a shot in the arm. Since however Singer has come back we have gone back to xmen 3 territory.

Biggest problem in this film is still trying to use Jennifer Lawrence character as a focal point. Just stop. The story was a bit of a mess and some of it ott even for me.


Should be going to see this over the weekend. First two of the trilogy were pretty good. Not heard great things about this final installment though but feel the need to see it through having watched the others.

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Age of Apocalypse.

I really wanted to like this film. Have fond memories of the character from the 90s animated show and when First Class start it gave the films a shot in the arm. Since however Singer has come back we have gone back to xmen 3 territory.

Biggest problem in this film is still trying to use Jennifer Lawrence character as a focal point. Just stop. The story was a bit of a mess and some of it ott even for me.



PEDANTRY: It's not 'Age of Apocalypse'. It's simply 'X-Men: Apocalypse'.

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wasn't impressed with it at all, had high hopes when I saw the cast and I'm a sucker for a boxing movie (cliched as hell that they are) but this was a dissapointment, 

The death scene of JG missus was the kind of thing parodied by Stiller and RJD in Tropic Thunder,

, the only saving grace was Forest Whittaker who gave a cracking turn as the trainer.3/10

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Clever title for the Jesse Owens story, it works on 2 levels see.

Interesting biopic even though we all know the result. Never hurt the Titanic films, did it.

Interesting to show the political situations & how one was abhorred, quite rightly & yet the other was accepted at home. Poignant bit at the end when he goes to the dinner that is held in his honour.



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Legend 5/10


Mixed bag of a film. Two excellent performances from Hardy but the film is let down by some far weaker supporting characters. It's a fresher take on the Kray's story and shies away from focusing too much on the violence and extortion etc but instead tries to focus on the contrasting nature of the 2 brothers.


The film fails for me because it is too predictable due to the nature of the protagonists and there is really no-one to care for. Most characters are thoroughly dislikeable. Even Reg's wife is so thinly characterised that her plight isn't the emotional payoff it should be.


Hardy is brilliant though.

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Robot and Frank


So much better than it sounds..

Set in the near future, an old guy is starting to lose his memory. His kids struggle to keep an eye on him so get him a helper robot. Old boy was a burglar and gets the robot to start helping him with robberies. They strike up a friendship and.. not much happens. Just a really sweet, funny film.

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