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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Apologies if I have already posted this (the app is too slow for me to waste time checking back) but I watched Too Big to Fail about 10 days ago and thought it was a brilliant film - 8/10.

Started to finally use my Netflix and I also watched a documentary film called Team Foxcatcher which was the story of the downfall of philanthropist John Du Pont. Pretty good 6/10.

Foxcatcher movie was out last year with Steve Carell getting a Oscar nomination for that du Pont character. I'll need to check out the documentary. Good movie Carell was brilliant so out of character for him.
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Ghostbusters - 4/10

Thought this was pretty poor fair and surprised to see it has a relatively high rating on rotten tomatoes. The story was less interesting than the original, mainly because the bad guy was one of the worst characters I've seen on film. The way they had him reveal his plans by talking to himself in the mirror and drawing in his book was especially grim. The cameos from the original crew were pretty forced and totally unnecessary.

I thought Leslie Jones was the best from a poor bunch of the main characters. I normally quite like Kristen Wiig and while she was ok, it was a fairly forgettable character. I also don't mind Melissa McCarthy but her shtick is becoming a bit boring now. Kate McKinnon was a mixed bag with some funny/bright moments but some of it was just way off point - like the pringles bit. Chris Hemsworth had some funny bits as well but on the whole was just a ludicrous character and actually quite sexist.

I wasn't that fussed about the female Ghostbusters stuff that had been hitting the headlines before its release but it was a bit over the top to do a full role reversal. It was also ironic that they tried to make the film a feminist thing and yet, Janine in the original films, who was a strong female character, was replaced by the male version of a blonde bimbo. They would have been better just making a film with a mixed gender group and been a bit more subtle about things but then modern society seems a bit 'hit you with a sledgehammer' these days so I'm not surprised that it wasn't done that way. That said, despite the odd cool idea and bright moments, the film was ultimately a turd so changes to the make up of the cast would probably not have changed things too much. You cant polish a turd after all.


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Copland starring Sylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro & the guy that played the polis in Terminator 2. I can thoroughly recommend this if you haven't seen it.

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The Duel

Woody Harrelson comes up against Thor's wee brother in a decent thriller based in the aftermath of the American civil war.

Seems Woody is stuck in edgy mode since True Detective but comes across as over the top. Decent enough and worth a watch.


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Weiner 7.5/10

Really great doco this about American politician Anthony Weiner ie the guy who couldn't stop getting his Weiner out left right and centre. Bit riskily he allowed a camera crew access all areas as he mounted his campaign to be mayor of NY just as the second phase of the scandal broke. Absolutely fascinating viewing.

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2 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for the umpteenth time last night.  Put me in the mood for Shane Black's new one The Nice Guys with Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe.

And Michelle Monaghan is fucking insanely hot in KKBB 

Watched The Nice Guys last night and it's similarly good. Gosling and Crowe are both excellent. 

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Finding Dory - 8/10. Storyline is exactly the same as the first, but it's still a great film. Was in stitches at various points throughout and there's the usual Pixar tug at the heartstrings. The short film before it was really good as well.

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Jason Bourne - 8/10

This was exactly what I expected.  Bourne not doing anything wrong, Bourne gets involved through somebody else, Bourne investigates, Bourne is attacked, Bourne has car chase.

Loved it :lol:  Wasn't the most exciting plot admittedly but the end section is just fantastic.  

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Jason Bourne 9/10

Loved his trilogy and finally brought myself to watch the 4th 1 he's not in on Friday.

The new 1 is typical of his trilogy and the scenes in Vegas are awesome.

Clearly a big budget film and if you love your all action movies this 1 is for you.

Insurance firms must've had a heart attack seeing it.

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Green Inferno 2/10

Eli Roth flick that was held up over and over for release for many reasons.  His homage to Italian cannibal exploitation films.  More like FROMAGE though

Dreadful acting, dreadful story, really really dreadful acting, dubious special effects, without any merit whatsoever and I don't half put myself through some rubbish sometimes.  I cleaned my kitchen while watching it and enjoyed that more

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Crimson Tide - 9/10.  Love this film, Gene Hackman is superb in it as is Denzel Washington. 

Star Trek Beyond - 8/10.  Enjoyed it more than the other two recent ones.  Plenty of action and a good story. 

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Over the past few weeks I've seen The Nice Guys (funny but instantly forgettable; not even close to KKBB) and Embrace Of The Serpent (alongside Mustang as my favourite film of the year, the "Jesus" bit is the best sequence of the year).

Last night I went to see The Neon Demon

I like Nicolas Winding Refn. He's got a great sense of visual style, and he makes gorgeous looking films. His track record is a mixed bag though (rewatched Only God Forgives recently, didn't enjoy it this time around - a handful of good scenes interspersed with dull homages to NWR's favourite directors; I like the idea though). This was good and I would probably rank it alongside Drive (the same strengths and weaknesses as it, coincidentally). A nice change to the unwatchable "BOO! LOUD NOISES! SCARY!" horror films or the god awful explicit "torture porn" shit. Not as shocking as the media made it out to be (although a couple of scenes are worthy of an audible "Oh Jesus Christ") but there is an element of "I'm doing this out of a sense of self-indulgence" but that's what Refn is all about really, he doesn't hide his motivations.  I'll be surprised if there's a more visually stunning film in 2016.

P.S., soundtrack plus Sia's end credits song both swiftly downloaded.

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Finding Dory

We all knew what the deal was going to be going into this one. So that's not really a problem. It's kinda uneven for the most part. It's held together by the flashbacks and the little continuity nods. That keeps things going until the big moment and from that onwards, the thing just shoots up and up to an incredible finale. With a better first two thirds, this could have been a true classic. As it is, it's just a damn fine movie and a worthy addition to the Pixar list.


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