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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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22 hours ago, Blootoon87 said:

I thought Under The Skin was utter shite btw, maybe I'm too thick to get the whole arty feel they were going for. Even seeing ms Johanssen naked didn't save the film for me, and that's quite a statement.

I knew the story of the book before seeing the film and I think this helped me enjoy it. I wasn't thinking "WTF is going on?" but instead thinking "what a clever way to tackle it". The missus knew nothing about it beforehand and she didn't take to it. 

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American Hustle 


I watched Silver Linings Playbook and spent the next few days wanting to find Bradley Cooper and punch him. I'm a sucker for 70s big hair etc so was keen to forgive and forget and hopefully enjoy this. I can appreciate the fact he's trying to get real emotion from his actors but it's like everyone is in a different film in terms of their costume and tone. The camera filters seem to change all the time too. The odd scene passes as looking 70's but then other scenes look like a modern US sitcom. Bradley Cooper appears to call someone on their mobile in one scene too. Just doesn't work for me, though Jennifer Lawrence in a bodysuit is always worthy of screen time. 

Vinyl on Sky Atlantic pisses all over this in every way. 

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Jobs 7/10

Jobbies more like! Only joking, thought it was pretty compelling but I think you'd have trouble if you didn't know what a Lisa was, what NeXT were or why Apple bought them. Pretty much scoring it so high for the dialogue alone

Edited by Christophe
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I enjoyed Suicide Squad only because I watched it with zero expectations. The reviews were terrible but it was nowhere near as bad as I had expected.
On a better note I recorded and watched 'Killer Joe' which is Matthew Mcconaughey's best performance and is one of the most unsettling films I've seen. Not a film to watch if you're at a low ebb but one of the best indie films of recent years 

Made me crave some KFC [emoji6]
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1 minute ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

Re-watched American Hustle. I had watched it at the cinema and was really bored by it but given the reviews it got I thought maybe I was just not in the right mood when I saw it. Having seen it again I still think it's crap. The performances are all decent but I found it a slog to watch.

I think given the way the movie goes, the fact that there's only really one non-arsehole character doesn't help.

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Also Tivo'd and watched Raiders Of The Lost Ark for the first time in years. I felt really sorry for the nazi monkey. You could, unfairly, in my view class the monkey as a Nazi collaborator but I think the monkey was as much a victim of the Nazis as anyone else. I'm not convinced the monkey knew about the shit going down in Germany at that time and her simian support for the nazis was fuelled by propaganda from her patch eyed owner who was a wrong un. Karen Allen said how smart the monkey was so I think the monkey knew the dates were poisoned and it was a suicidal regretful binge once she knew the damage she had done and the pain she had caused Indy.

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Seen Deepwater Horizon on kodi, it past a bit of the afternoon, it is not bad, but it did raise a question, does Mark Walberg just play a version of the same character in every film he is in

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Re-watched American Hustle. I had watched it at the cinema and was really bored by it but given the reviews it got I thought maybe I was just not in the right mood when I saw it. Having seen it again I still think it's crap. The performances are all decent but I found it a slog to watch.

Any episode of the bbc series hustle is a better watch imo
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Also Tivo'd and watched Raiders Of The Lost Ark for the first time in years. I felt really sorry for the nazi monkey. You could, unfairly, in my view class the monkey as a Nazi collaborator but I think the monkey was as much a victim of the Nazis as anyone else. I'm not convinced the monkey knew about the shit going down in Germany at that time and her simian support for the nazis was fuelled by propaganda from her patch eyed owner who was a wrong un. Karen Allen said how smart the monkey was so I think the monkey knew the dates were poisoned and it was a suicidal regretful binge once she knew the damage she had done and the pain she had caused Indy.

Interesting observation.
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Green Room 7/10
Interesting. Some pretty savage moments and some unexpected moments but not really as savage overall as I was lead to believe and I was :unsure: about Patrick Stewart

Feel free to not answer if it's too personal a question, but I'm intrigued as to where you get the time to watch so many movies every week?
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