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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Ant man & the wasp  

Highly enjoyable marvel flick, get what you expect, bits of humour, soppy scenes and cracking action moments, think ant man and the sequel have slightly better action scenes than most mcu films due to the shrinking and growing during the fights 

Nice double post credits scenes as well bumps it to an 8.5/10 for me

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3 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

Watched Hannibal the other day.

It was ok but not on the same level as Silence of the Lambs. Brain eating scene at the end particularly gruesome.

They really went for the shock and gore element in the sequel,but in fairness they were never going to recreate the atmosphere and the drama of the first.

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On 8/13/2018 at 20:03, Co.Down Hibee said:

They really went for the shock and gore element in the sequel,but in fairness they were never going to recreate the atmosphere and the drama of the first.

Thats almost word for word what I said when discussing it with someone at work.

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Watched a few movies because I was on a plane.

Rampage: Silly nonsense as expected, but better than I thought it would be. Some good creature feature action sequences. 6/10

A Quiet Place: Good original, atmospheric horror. I was curious how it would work with almost no dialogue, but it worked. Slightly spoiled by a few irritations, such as (possible spoiler alert) the questionable life choice of the main characters who, in a world stripped of all life by flesh-eating alien monsters who hunt by sound, decide to have a baby. A good watch though. 7/10

Hostiles: Stunning visuals puts gloss on a fairly average & predictable story. 6/10

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9 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

A Quiet Place: Good original, atmospheric horror. I was curious how it would work with almost no dialogue, but it worked. Slightly spoiled by a few irritations, such as (possible spoiler alert) the questionable life choice of the main characters who, in a world stripped of all life by flesh-eating alien monsters who hunt by sound, decide to have a baby. A good watch though. 7/10

Not sure how prevalent abortion clinics were in the film, to be fair.  

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Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Didn't find it particularly funny; boring, stereotypical characters; didn't really care what happened as everyone was a cock. It felt like three insubstantial ideas that were squeezed together to push it to around 90 minutes. 

I can somewhat understand why some 'nerds' took to it years ago, but so many films and TV shows with the same idea have done it much better. 

Hush (2016)

A solid horror film that doesn't do much in the way of story, but ticks along nicely, has a fairly well-rounded protagonist, and uses its scares to good effect. There aren't regular scares - the overall tension compensates for that - but pretty much every one is used to advance the plot in some way, as opposed to "scaring" the audience by suddenly ramping the sound up as soon as something incidental comes on screen. 

On a couple of occasions, it felt like they recycled shots of the antagonist walking around house, but for a fairly limited premise, I was impressed by how well it managed to maintain its pace and grip of the conflict. The final 10 minutes did result in a few moments of wrapping things up then carrying on, which always feels grating. 

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14 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Didn't find it particularly funny; boring, stereotypical characters; didn't really care what happened as everyone was a cock. It felt like three insubstantial ideas that were squeezed together to push it to around 90 minutes. 

I can somewhat understand why some 'nerds' took to it years ago, but so many films and TV shows with the same idea have done it much better. 

I actually watched this recently as well. Agree the characters weren't very engaging and I didn't particularly like any of them. The statutory rape bit in the mirror hall hasn't aged well either.

Edited by Scotty Tunbridge
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Justice League (Sky Movies)

Really wanted to like this but despite some decent fight scenes, it's a pretty poor film that could have and should have been much better. A poor villain, whose existence/purpose seems very vague and unexplained while some of the dialogue is shocking. Aquaman saying 'ma man' when caught by Cyborg and 'alright!' when Superman appears being particularly cringeworhty. Special mention for Cyborg saying 'booya'.

Cannot believe some of the lines that made it into the final script tbh and you really have to question the standard of writers in a film with such a big budget.

Positives were Cyborg, who I thought was the most interesting of the new additions, plus I'm pleasantly surprised by Affleck and his, 'I'm getting too old for this shit' depiction of Batman


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Well, this was fucking fantastic. The simple sum up is a quadriplegic has a chip put in his neck to help him to watch again, and it's best not to say much more. It's violent as f**k, and there's some brilliant dark humour. I'm willing to go the full score on this.



This was a bit more poor natured than I thought it was going to be. It comes good eventually but it lost a lot of likeability and at times was just plain nasty. Took me right out of the movie. So I didn't enjoy it much.


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The Festival

I enjoyed this far more than I expected to. Basically the Inbetweeners at a festival with Simon playing the exact same character. Some real laugh out loud moments and painfully cringey bits. Also, a good smattering of cameos throughout. Another film I'd probably not have bothered paying to see so glad I got my unlimited card!


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Mission Impossible 6: Guys I Realy Don’t Think Any Of These Missions Turned Out  To Be Impossible 10/10

Mindboggingly absurd, but also mindboggingly thrilling. The chase scenes - on a motorcycle in Paris, on foot in London and in helicopter in Kashmir - were stupidly exciting, and knowing that Cruise does all his own stunts just doubles the whole feeling. It’s self-aware all the way through and the entire cast is great. Slight criticism - Michelle Monaghan looks slightly too much like Rebecca Ferguson and that gets a bit confusing. Vanessa Kirby (Netflix’s The Crown, apparently) plays seriously the sexiest character since Jessica Rabbit. I spent so much of this film with a massive massive gurning grin on my face, I mean it really is completely absurd, but it’s so much fun that you don’t care. Easily the best MI film (although the last one was pretty good too). (cinema)

The Meg 10/10

Jason Statham fights a giant shark. (cinema)

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies 7/10

Never heard of this, or the TV show it was based on, or the TV show THAT was based on, or the comics that was based on. For kids (fart jokes) but it just rips the SHIT out of its own (DC) comic universe, with several other references. It’s funny. (cinema)

2001: A Space Odyssey 9/10

Saw it last night at an open air thing. Still v good.

Sicilian Ghost Story 6/10

Bit of a magical realist film, but based around a true story (kid gets kidnapped by da mafia who are trying to stop his dad from being a massive grass and they keep him locked up for years), kind of an interesting film but also jumped a bit too much around al over the shop so it didn’t quite hang together for me. Plus I’m not that much of a magical realist fan as I prefer to live a bit too relentlessly in the real world wherever possible. One thing I think would have helped is if I’d known that the guts of the story were true before rather than when they tell you (at the end) as that did bring quite an emotional heft to it that just wouldn’t be there if was complete fiction. (cinema)

Apostasy 8/10

Very much the opposite of a magical realist film what you would call a grindingly realist film, set in the charming and relaxed world of Jehovah’s Witnesses..NOT! (had NOT realised quite how nutty they were, so this was a bit of an eye opener). Focused around a single mum and her two daughters, one very devoted to Jehovah, the other not so sure about the whole thing. Thought the mum was particularly brilliant, genuinely felt like she wasn’t even acting. Filmed in full bleak, soundtrackless style, loved it. (cinema)

The Escape 6.5/10

Woman lives a crushingly dull and disappointing (for her) life of 2 kids, 2 cars and a suburban semi (but you’ve got a conservatory! as her mum tells her when she tries to explain how depressed she is), bits of it were not v credible (the “escape to Paris” specifically) and the soundtrack did that slightly annoying thing of signposting what you’re meant to be feeling but first half, of her unraveling, was decent. Particularly memorable but is where the two lead characters are having it off and she’s properly not there behind the eyes for whilst it’s going on, just this kind of subtle but grim window in to her clinically fed up state of mind. (DVD)

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