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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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There’s strands that are similar but I’d say it packs a greater emotional punch and the performances have more depth to them. I think Lady Gaga’s experience in the music industry shines through and Cooper could absolutely pass as a rock star in his 40s with a wealth of experience in the music industry. Incidentally I love begin again too! 
cheers for the feedback mate. going on thursday with the missus and looking forward to it
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A Mighty Wind 8.5/10

I’ve given this extra points for the way a character says a word. That word is Christopher Guest saying/singing “well” (dvd)


Searching 8/10

There are a few things to nit-pick at here but that would be churlish. The conceit was new to me but others may have seen t before with the Unfriended films - all of the action is shown on screens - tablets, phones, laptops, CCTV - and how it’s pulled off is just brilliant. It sets up the backstory with an Up-esque montage and not once throughout the rest of the film do you feel the gimmick is overdone or tenuous. John Cho is absolutely great, I could hardly believe this is the guy from Harold and Kumar - apparently it’s the first ever Hollywood thriller with a major release to feature an Asian-American actor in the lead role. The story isn’t that amazing but how it’s all put together is what makes this so compelling. I know it’s had solid reviews and sparked a bidding war at Sundance but even so I left this thinking “that was really, really good”. It’s easy to be competent, it’s much harder to be original and interesting - this is all those things. (cinema)

Cold War 4/10

Tempestuous romance between a young singer and a Svengali-ish figure in yes Cold War Poland. All v artfully shot in black and white, looked great and all that but fucking hell this was rubbish, mainly because the film lives or dies by whether you buy into the central relationship and i definitely did not. Judging by the universally amazing reviews I guess most people did. Other big criticism is every so often it just suddenly lurches another couple of years forward seemingly just so we can move onto the next reconciliation/break up without having to bother with all the rubbish normal life stuff in between...until the VERY unintentionally (?) comedic denouement (actually maybe it was meant to be funny/absurd and I just don’t get Polish senses of humour?). Going as high as a 4 because the first 40 minutes was actually not THAT bad. (cinema)

Mandy 5/10

Alright so, I saw this advertised on the Saturday and got so excited I found a torrent and downloaded it to watch that night. Background: I read an interview with the director, Panos Cosmatos, and be mentioned Phase IV and The Andromeda Strain, two of my favourite films, so I naturally became interested in what he was doing. I watched Beyond The Black Rainbow which LOOKS amazing and has a great soundtrack but is ultimately underwhelming because of its lack of any real forward narrative or memorable performances. Mandy, on the other hand, boasts Nicolas Cage and some other actors who have been in some real films. As well as a discernible plot. Basically Cage’s girlfriend is kidnapped by some drug-addled Hell-demon bikers and given to a cult and he goes mental on them to a soundtrack by Johann Johannsson who took so much coke he died. The film is excessive in all ways. It switches between gore, slow dark pseudo religious spiels, and grindhouse chainsaw fights. But for every moment of visual/audio awe, there’s about 20 minutes of not really much, or just cheesy pastiche. It’s been really well received, but I think it’s probably a weird film for people who don’t like weird films. I’ve seen enough 40-70s sci-fi/horror B-movies, with extreme lighting effects and synth-soundtracks, and with B-movies, at least with them there’s more to buy into and they’re normally done in 70 mins. And then on the other side, Cosmatos is SO good at achieving (what I guess) he’s trying to achieve. Cage is brilliant. The animated dreams are beautiful. The moments Cosmatos steps back and looks at the world he has created, it is genuinely impressive. But ultimately it left me cold. I wanted more. Bit dull. 

Lucky 8/10

This heartwarming and heartbreaking piece follows Harry Dean Stanton’s Lucky as he goes through his daily routine in a tiny, friendly South-Western desert town. It looks gorgeous and has a beautiful soundtrack. Highlights include David Lynch relating his love for his 100 year old tortoise President Roosevelt, and Stanton himself performing a wonderful version on Volver, Volver at a ten-year-old’s birthday fiesta. I adored it. It was slight though, I mean that’s the word isn’t it, “slight”, nothing really happens. But there are some resolutions. Star Trek fans might recognise James Darren as the Sinatra-esque crooner from DS9. Lynch is a terrible actor but he really works here. The sort of unrealism he specialises in kind of adds to the slightly weird tone. I worried a bit about whether Stanton and Tom Skerritt could have fought in WW2, but Stanton definitely could have, and it turns out Skerritt is 85 so it’s not that far outwith the realms of possibility. Especially if the film is set maybe 4-5 years ago. Skerritt just looks fucking great for his age. (So does James Darren tbf). There’s lots and lots of attention to irrelevant detail which I loved. Stanton drinks a glass of milk from his fridge every morning - literally, he drinks the glass from his fridge and then refills the glass from a carton in the fridge, and then puts the glass of milk into the fridge again. Then he walks...probably a couple of miles to the store to buy another carton of milk, which he takes home and sticks in his fridge alongside two other unopened cartons. It reminded me a lot of Straight Story, not as good obviously, and not just because Stanton was in it, but just a beautiful character study of an adorable old man coming to terms with his mortality and what he has gone through and his beliefs and, idk, just everything. (cinema)

Crazy Rich Asians 7/10

This was utterly charming and thoroughly enjoyable. Kinda thought the opulence was sickening but then loads of classic Hollywood films are like this, doesn’t need to be kitchen sink to be decent. Akwkinfina is a proper talent, will go and watch anything she’s in. Gemma Chan (her from Humans and Fresh Meat) is tbh the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen. There’s also an adorable turn from Nico Santos as a gay fixer. It doesn’t hold back on showing how utterly despicable the uber rich mostly are, so I was on board with that. The romance was manipulative and that’s fine, that’s what you expect from a romcom. I was delighted to enjoy this as much as I did and delighted it was such a big success in the US. (cinema)

The Rider 8/10

Film about a kid who rides the rodeo and breaks horses but has injured his head v badly in a fall and so is told he can’t ever even ride again let alone rodeo but that shit is basically his whole life (plus he lives in Dakota where the only other work you can get is farmer or working at a sub-Walmart) so he is really struggling to come to terms with it all. Sort of like The Wrestler but much more low key and sedate (spoiler: he doesn’t have a heart attack to Sweet Child O Mine). It’s kind of an odd viewing experience because everyone in it is a non actor basically playing themselves, the main guy I think did actually injure himself at a rodeo, his dad plays his dad, his mentally disabled sister plays his sister and the paraplegic former rodeo star that he visits IS actually   a paraplegic former rodeo star. Deals with a lot of themes like WHAT IS LIFE and the folly of youth etc, reallt touching and tender film. (cinema)

The Predator 0/10

I have no words. Probably the worst film I have ever seen. (cinema)



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All the money in the world(sky)

Great performances but doesn't keep you engaged the way it should, 

Plummer is excellent in the role of the truly vile John Paul Getty and Mark Whalberg was terrific but it kind of plods in places and I dont think they made the most of the era the events happened in, Still ok though 6/10


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The Majestic (dvd)

Jim Carrey showing again, after The Truman Show, that he can really can act. Thanks to @19QOS19 for recommending this one. It's a long film but always engaging as Carrey plays the reluctant hero in a small town in 50's America. Great supporting cast who add to the general feel-good factor of this film.


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The Majestic (dvd)
Jim Carrey showing again, after The Truman Show, that he can really can act. Thanks to [mention=12169]19QOS19[/mention] for recommending this one. It's a long film but always engaging as Carrey plays the reluctant hero in a small town in 50's America. Great supporting cast who add to the general feel-good factor of this film.
Being honest. How were you emotionally when he gave that speech at the end? [emoji14]
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18 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Being honest. How were you emotionally when he gave that speech at the end? emoji14.png

Aye that was sensational, I was welling up and inwardly cheering at the same time, also 



when he returned on the train and saw the whole town there before squeezing through to kiss Adele. 


Edited by JustOneCornetto
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Just watched Calibre, a Netflix original horror/thriller set in the Highlands. Very Wicker Man. Absolutely fantastic film; up there with The Ritual for films I’ve seen this year.
Spoiler Never piss off teutchters.
Was recommended this by my brother in law last night.
Will investigate.
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First rule of Fight Club....... is to tell everyone that it’s being shown tonight at various Odeons across the region.
Haven’t seen this in years, it’s always on TV but I’ve always put off watching it. I don’t think I’ve seen it on the big screen, so that’s my evenings entertainment sorted.

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Straw Dogs (1971 original), recorded off the telly

Think it was banned as a video nasty for a while and has one of the most troubling scenes in mainstream cinema. An early scene in the yokel pub was lifted straight into An American Werewolf in London. An American mathematician comes to Cornwall for a year of peace to study with his unbelievably pretty young wife left feeling a bit neglected. The locals remember her and appear to have all grown up to be violent sex criminals. It looks a bit like The Good Life but right from the start there's a nasty, unsettling edge. 

Highlight was seeing Bishop Len Brennan as a creepy sex pest rat catcher. 

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The Town 8/10

Heist film with really good performances from Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner (the shit Avenger) - basically this gang, in a suburb of Boston do banks and trucks and guns and bombs and f**k up when Rebecca Hall (who they kidnap in one of the jobs) notices one of them has a tattoo. Ben Affleck starts courting her and they become a couple but wait the FBI are on the case headed by superstar John Hamm! No one even notices it’s John Hamm the whole entire film! Anyway it’s very tense and they do job after job for Pete Poselthwaite until they come a cropper! It’s VERY exciting even if it goes a bit flat in the last act but damn you know what...Ben Affleck is a bloody good actor, he doesn’t get enough praise. Even shit Avenger was great although I suspect playing criminals is quite easy and all across live having a go. (Sky)

The Thing (2011) 6/10

Not sure where this fits into The Thing universe timeline but it’s back! An elite group of scientists are collected and sent to Antarctica fona secret mission. When they get there the main guy (who looks SHIFTY AS f**k) tells them they found a spaceship in the snow and it’s got a dead alien in it flippin ell!!! It’s at this point i need to mention one of the scientists is Mary Elizabeth Winstead who is also Mrs Ewan McGregor the WIFE STEALING COW! Ooh she is SO pretty could literally just stare at her all day. Anyway what do you know, the alien is NOT dead! It knows how to copy people apart from their fillings! So the way to test if you’ve been copied is to check your teeth. ANYWAY it ends up it’s copied fucking literally everyone APART from the fragrant Mary Elizabeth Winstead if it was me she’d be the first one I’d do. I love horrors set in really remote locations e.g. country mansions on islands. This was not very scary, I’d say it was suitable for a 5yo. (Amazon Prime)

Night School SHIT/10


Faces Places 6/10

Sort of travelogue about this old burd (Agnes Varda, French new wave film director) and young bloke who thinks he’s too cool to take his sunglasses and stupid hat off (which tbf Varda spends the whole film ripping into him about) driving around France doing art photography stuff, quite sweet but also a bit what is point. (stream)



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1 hour ago, Shandon Par said:

Straw Dogs (1971 original), recorded off the telly

Think it was banned as a video nasty for a while and has one of the most troubling scenes in mainstream cinema. An early scene in the yokel pub was lifted straight into An American Werewolf in London. An American mathematician comes to Cornwall for a year of peace to study with his unbelievably pretty young wife left feeling a bit neglected. The locals remember her and appear to have all grown up to be violent sex criminals. It looks a bit like The Good Life but right from the start there's a nasty, unsettling edge. 

Highlight was seeing Bishop Len Brennan as a creepy sex pest rat catcher. 

The scene I think you're probably referring to is indeed extremely troubling  - good film with some very good performances, but oh dear. 

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The Town 8/10
Heist film with really good performances from Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner (the shit Avenger) - basically this gang, in a suburb of Boston do banks and trucks and guns and bombs and f**k up when Rebecca Hall (who they kidnap in one of the jobs) notices one of them has a tattoo. Ben Affleck starts courting her and they become a couple but wait the FBI are on the case headed by superstar John Hamm! No one even notices it’s John Hamm the whole entire film! Anyway it’s very tense and they do job after job for Pete Poselthwaite until they come a cropper! It’s VERY exciting even if it goes a bit flat in the last act but damn you know what...Ben Affleck is a bloody good actor, he doesn’t get enough praise. Even shit Avenger was great although I suspect playing criminals is quite easy and all across live having a go. (Sky)
The Thing (2011) 6/10
Not sure where this fits into The Thing universe timeline but it’s back! An elite group of scientists are collected and sent to Antarctica fona secret mission. When they get there the main guy (who looks SHIFTY AS f**k) tells them they found a spaceship in the snow and it’s got a dead alien in it flippin ell!!! It’s at this point i need to mention one of the scientists is Mary Elizabeth Winstead who is also Mrs Ewan McGregor the WIFE STEALING COW! Ooh she is SO pretty could literally just stare at her all day. Anyway what do you know, the alien is NOT dead! It knows how to copy people apart from their fillings! So the way to test if you’ve been copied is to check your teeth. ANYWAY it ends up it’s copied fucking literally everyone APART from the fragrant Mary Elizabeth Winstead if it was me she’d be the first one I’d do. I love horrors set in really remote locations e.g. country mansions on islands. This was not very scary, I’d say it was suitable for a 5yo. (Amazon Prime)
Night School SHIT/10
Faces Places 6/10
Sort of travelogue about this old burd (Agnes Varda, French new wave film director) and young bloke who thinks he’s too cool to take his sunglasses and stupid hat off (which tbf Varda spends the whole film ripping into him about) driving around France doing art photography stuff, quite sweet but also a bit what is point. (stream)
i really liked the town. pretty sure Affleck wrote and directed it as well. Jeremy renner delivers a solid performance
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Night School

Went to see this tonight last minute as I didn't realise 'A Star is Born' wasn't out until Wednesday. Entertaining enough with some pretty funny moments. Predictable plot with Kevin Hart again playing Kevin Hart. It still works tbf and got a few laughs from me. Another one of those comedies that I enjoyed but will never watch it again unless it happens to pop up on channel 5 in a few years time as I'm channel surfing.

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