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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On 22/10/2019 at 13:56, Lee Van Tee said:

Best Tarantino film for me is Kill Bill. Absolutely magnificently staged martial arts action including Uma Thurman taking on the Crazy 88. Superb.

Saying that there's always something to enjoy in every Tarantino film.

It's ok I suppose, apart from being an hour too long. 

Kill Bill 2 is two hours too long. 

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7 hours ago, Stellaboz said:


8/10. Basically a camera following Christina Aguilera around. Minus one mark for the occasional other actor getting in shot and another mark for her not showing it all in the scud.

You're criminally underselling that.

A stone cold so bad it's good classic.

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German film from the early 90s following a unit of doomed soldiers in the titular WW2 battle.

Overall a decent war film, my only complaint is the DVD I picked up has some really dodgy English language dubbing. I much prefer subtitles when watching foreign films. It was like fucking Eurotrash.


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Official Secrets - 8/10

Fantastic film especially if like me you were in primary school in 2001 as it's a story very worth telling, I knew the legal advice around the legality of the war changed but it's quite incredible how it came about. Knightly and Smith are perfect for the lead roles.

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German film from the early 90s following a unit of doomed soldiers in the titular WW2 battle.
Overall a decent war film, my only complaint is the DVD I picked up has some really dodgy English language dubbing. I much prefer subtitles when watching foreign films. It was like fucking Eurotrash.

Really good movie.
I’d recommend rewatching it with the German dialogue and English subtitles.

The shite dubbing diminishes it a fair amount.
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Dr Sleep


Thought the first 30/45 mins dragged a bit..but the next hour and a half were very good..Ewen McGregor was a good Danny but Rebecca Ferguson stole the film I thought along with the little girl. Could have been a stand alone film not that much in common with the first film really 

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Blade Runner 2049

Overall forgettable. Some very good visuals and I enjoyed the scenes with his hologram girlfriend but otherwise it didn't really grip me.


It’s not as good as the first Blade Runner but still, it’s a great film nonetheless. From the visuals, the music, and the acting; it’s so pleasing on the senses.
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4 hours ago, SweeperDee said:



It’s not as good as the first Blade Runner but still, it’s a great film nonetheless. From the visuals, the music, and the acting; it’s so pleasing on the senses.


I think it blows the first one away. Brilliant film.

Saw it at the cinema and the sound was incredible.

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5 hours ago, SweeperDee said:



It’s not as good as the first Blade Runner but still, it’s a great film nonetheless. From the visuals, the music, and the acting; it’s so pleasing on the senses.


Regarding both Blade Runner films. I love the visuals and the atmosphere but I found the storylines to be pretty dull.

I'm a fan of the whole cyberpunk concept, I'd love to see a film version of Neuromancer.

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The King.

Stunning film about Agincourt. Timothée Chalamet stars and just fizzes the whole way through. Fun campy role for Robert Pattinson. The battle itself is represented as a horrific quagmire, puts me off the idea olden times was all chivalric.

What type of film is it? More battle than chat or mix of both?
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On 03/11/2019 at 13:42, tongue_tied_danny said:

Regarding both Blade Runner films. I love the visuals and the atmosphere but I found the storylines to be pretty dull.

I'm a fan of the whole cyberpunk concept, I'd love to see a film version of Neuromancer.

November 2019 the time for the first movie - looking at pictures from smog-ridden Dehli maybe that would make a good setting for a remake.

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47 Metres Down. It was on Film 4 last night. Had never heard of it before and after reading the synopsis decided to give it a shot.


Two American woman on holiday in Mexico decide to do the old ‘diving with sharks’, i.e. going in to a metal cage under the sea (where seemingly life’s always better), with scuba gear, and viewing the sharks who swim by.


They are having a nice time seeing some big b*****d sharks firing around when suddenly the cable keeping their cage attached to the boat snaps, and they plunge to the bottom of the sea floor, which is the eponymous depth.


They’re in a bit of a pickle, as they can’t just swim up due to the aforementioned big b*****d sharks who are nearby. Given how deep they are sunlight doesn’t penetrate that far down, so the only lights they have are the ones on the cage and a flashlight. Unfortunately they’re too deep to still be in radio contact with the boat, so they need to decide if one of them will swim up far enough to be able to get a signal to speak to the boat. But can they even get out of the cage? Will their air supply last?


A very decent film that keeps the sharks to a minimum, instead using the threat of them and the environment (i.e. dark and cold) instead to ramp up the tension. It’s a gripping film and there are some great visuals, as well as an absolutely terrifying scene involving a massive chasm (see my post in the General Nonsense thread about it!).


The ending is quality as well. It’s in spoilers below, so don’t scroll down if you don’t want to see them.


A short run time (just under 90 minutes) helps as well and the film flies by. 7/10.




















After a lot of things happen (including a failed rescue that ended in an unfortunate shark related death) and a new cable that snapped, sending them back to the ocean floor when they were closing in on the surface, pinning the leg of one of the women under it, it is decided to send the two woman down some fresh oxygen tanks, as they are nearly out. It’s explained that this wasn’t done before as changing the air at that depth, after them breathing a rapidly decreasing air supply, can result in Nitrogen Narcosis and hallucinations. It’s only done here as a last resort, with the plan being them to change their air supply and wait for the coastguard, who are on their way.


The tanks arrive but are just outside of the cage, so one of the women ventures outside to get them. She successfully attaches her own and is about to bring the other to the woman in the cage (who I’ve just remembered is her sister!) who is trapped (her leg is stuck under it remember) when suddenly a shark appears and grabs her by the face, and swims off with it’s pray. Her sister in the cage is distraught having just watched the death of her sister, but worse is trapped and unable to reach the oxygen. She realises that a harpoon from the harpoon gun, which they got when one of the guys on the boat tried to rescue them (see the first line!) can perhaps snag the netting around the other air canister and allow her to drag it to her. After a few attempts, during which her air supply is almost at zero and during which she also badly cuts her hand on the harpoon, she finally makes it, and drags the canister in and changes it, just as her air supply runs out. Amazingly she then hears her sister’s weak voice, who reveals that she is very badly hurt but still alive, but needs help. She’s still trapped in the cage though, with her leg pinned under it. Fortunately she comes up with the idea of using her inflatable flotation device to life the cage just enough to let her free her, scraping a lot of skin off her shin and creating a huge wound.


Free, she desperately swims for her sister, who she manages to find after asking her to call out when she sees the flashlight. Her sister is badly wounded, and is bleeding to death, so they decide to take their chances and go for the surface. They have 3 flares, which they got from the lad who died trying to get the new cable to them. One of them says that the flares will scare off the sharks, so they light one and start for the surface. Quickly they get back in touch with the boat, as they’re back in radio range. They explain what they’re doing and the captain tells them that they have to stop at 20 metres for 5 minutes to decompress. They do so, and after 2 minutes the first flare goes out. They light a second and it shows three huge sharks were just about the snaffle them but are scared off (this is a great shot incidentally). The flare dies and they drop the last one, so they have to make a break for it. At the time I thought that the 5 minutes went by quickly, but shrugged it off. They reach the surface but are about 15 metres away from the boat. They swim for it but one of them gets bitten on the leg by a shark and is pulled down. She manages to escape though, and they make it to the boat. Just as they are being pulled up a shark grabs her by the waist. She mashes the shark’s eye and it gives her up, and they are both pulled to safety. As they are lying on the deck, bleeding badly but alive, the sister who was trapped starts laughing with joy that they’ve made it. She looks at the wound on her hand and starts to black out…



..then BLAM! Swerve! She hallucinated it all. She’s still in the cage, still trapped. After she swapped her air supply for the new one she got Nitrogen Narcosis, just as the captain warned. The 5 minutes decompression went by quickly because it didn’t happen. She’s saved by the coastguard team but her sister is dead. She screams in sheer anguish and pain of the loss of her sister as they ascend.


Fin. Pun not intended.


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On 01/11/2019 at 14:42, Ron Aldo said:

Terminator Dark Fate. 5/10.

Wasn't particularly good but the first 2 are amongst my favourite films of all time so I'm inclined not to be too harsh.

First two weren't particular favourites of mine but both were vastly superior to this dross. Another very poor sequel/reboot and I won't be back for more of this one.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

Only went to see it as it was the only thing on at a time that suited last night.  Perfectly serviceable sequel.  Funny enough and Woody Harrelson is, as usual, the best thing in it.

There's a great blink and you'll miss it Wesley Snipes joke too.


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The Peanut Butter Falcon

Young Downs Syndrome man escapes the old folks home he's being 'cared' at to pursue his dream of becoming a wrestler.

Meets a down on his luck Shia LeBeouf who's on the run from some dodgy Louisiana fishermen.

Great road (water) movie which raises the spirits.


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