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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Martian

Basically cast away but Matt Damon stuck alone on Mars. I liked this film.
That was a film i had no interest in watching but it was on the telly one night, hooked me in, and i too really liked it.
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Craven was a vicious sadist in his early work; The Hills Have Eyes is similarly nasty. He'd had the edges rubbed off by the time he got to A Nightmare On Elm Street.
Some of the actors from Las House on the Left have unpleasant stories about working with him, unfortunately.
I did read about the lass that was forced to wet herself campaigning against those types of movies.
Think I'll leave Hills have Eyes til tomorrow night
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1 hour ago, scoobles said:

I did read about the lass that was forced to wet herself campaigning against those types of movies.
Think I'll leave Hills have Eyes til tomorrow night

HillsHave Eyes II is a bafflingly terrible film, in case you decide to watch that too.

in honour of your film choice, I decided to watch the Last House on the Left remake again tonight. Very watered down version of the original, but competent enough. BigFatTabbyBoy did not get to join me for this one!

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The superb North by Northwest (1959)

Easily the best of Hitchcock's "wrong man" thrillers, Cary Grant is excellent as the advertising man who is mistaken for a CIA operative. James Mason is convincing as a baddiie and Martin Landau plays his camp henchman (which was a risky portrayal choice at the time). Eva Marie Saint is the love interest.

It chanks along at a tremendous pace due to Hitchcock's direction, the crop-duster and Mount Rushmore scenes are brilliantly done and Bernard Hermann's score is superb as always.

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Death Of Stalin

This is meant to be a comedy? Utter garbage from start to finish. 1/10 for Paddy Considine. Worst film i've subjected myself to for years!! 

ETA..........Not sure if it's Michael Palin influence but some scenes are ripped off from Life Of Brian.

Edited by jimmy boo
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1 hour ago, jimmy boo said:

Death Of Stalin

This is meant to be a comedy? Utter garbage from start to finish. 1/10 for Paddy Considine. Worst film i've subjected myself to for years!! 

ETA..........Not sure if it's Michael Palin influence but some scenes are ripped off from Life Of Brian.

Ooft. Not sure if anyone has expressed a shiter opinion ever.

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Death Of Stalin
This is meant to be a comedy? Utter garbage from start to finish. 1/10 for Paddy Considine. Worst film i've subjected myself to for years!! 
ETA..........Not sure if it's Michael Palin influence but some scenes are ripped off from Life Of Brian.
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Midsommar - a group of American students travel to Sweden to visit the remote community their friend grew up in, and study their ritual celebration that's about to be performed for the first time in 90 years.

Yeah, it's basically The Wicker Man in Sweden. The wIKEA Man, if you will. The plot goes pretty much how you'd expect, with few surprises, but it has a beautiful dreamlike quality that makes it worth watching once. I can't imagine it would be very interesting to watch through again, though. Looks like a crapton of work went into making it, by the way.

BigFatTabbyBoy was absent for this one too. I'm guessing it would have bored the tits off him.

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Once upon a time in Hollywood. 

Wasn't sure in the beginning but sure as eggs is eggs, Tarantino delivers. 

Even Mrs tdb enjoyed it. 

Bloody hell!!!!! :o


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Death Of Stalin
This is meant to be a comedy? Utter garbage from start to finish. 1/10 for Paddy Considine. Worst film i've subjected myself to for years!! 
ETA..........Not sure if it's Michael Palin influence but some scenes are ripped off from Life Of Brian.

I don’t think you know what satire is.
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I quite like the Beatles so enjoyed the music throughout the film. It’s a daft story but it was fine to watch.

Equaliser 2
Enjoyed the 1st one when Denzel went about killing folk in a B&Q. Sequel wasn’t up to much tho, same amount of violence and Denzel was decent in it.

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Look Who's Back
German language comedy film where Hitler appears in modern times on the site of his former bunker and is dismayed at the state he finds his country in. He is found by recently sacked TV reporter who sees him as an opportunity to make a name for himself. The reporter takes Hitler around Germany where he is actually filmed ad libbing with real members of the public who don't realise he is an actor and think he is a comedian or impressionist.  Some of these interactions are quite eye opening both in support and opposition of Hitler. Funny take on 'that' scene from Downfall also. I liked it a lot.........8/10.
ETA.......It's on Netflix.
Really enjoyed this even though 2 of the actor infuriated me and I dont quite know why (The TV show host and the baldy exec at the TV broadcasters)
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Ray Liotta, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Stiles & Hal Holbrook all in it yet it still manages to be the dullest revenge story ever. Basically the plot is Ray Liotta is a feared hardman in a small town that even the Sheriff won't deal with. He harasses Julia Stile's character, she goes to Anthony Hopkins for help who then spends the day looking for him and then kills him. The end. That's it. Bad guy does bad guy stuff then gets killed by an old man. No tension, no drama, nothing.

There's many good revenge tales that are easy watching and provide some entertainment, this doesn't. So much potential with the actors involved and the plot from the book wasted.


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Look Who's Back
German language comedy film where Hitler appears in modern times on the site of his former bunker and is dismayed at the state he finds his country in. He is found by recently sacked TV reporter who sees him as an opportunity to make a name for himself. The reporter takes Hitler around Germany where he is actually filmed ad libbing with real members of the public who don't realise he is an actor and think he is a comedian or impressionist.  Some of these interactions are quite eye opening both in support and opposition of Hitler. Funny take on 'that' scene from Downfall also. I liked it a lot.........8/10.
ETA.......It's on Netflix.
Watched this tonight and was really disappointed with it to be honest. It's a great premise but don't think they really got the most out of it.
Didn't like how it went between proper footage and (mostly fake) hidden camera type of footage.
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Predator (1987)

An outstanding film which goes underrated in my opinion. Goes from an absolute belter of an 80s balls out action film with some of the best (albeit cheesy) one liners to a horror survival almost seamlessly. 

I love the cast in this. Arnie, Carl Weathers, Bill Duke and Jesse Ventura work surprisingly well in the jungle considering youd struggle to get a helicopter to lift off with them in it.

Also The Predator is still hands down one of the best looking ugly mother fuckers you'll see. And the film, to its credit, dosent drip feed you exposition about exactly why it's there or where it's from etc. All you really get to know is if it bleeds, we can kill it.


Something you can be guaranteed to stick on and be entertained by. I'd give it 10  but its inspired so many awful sequels (especially the most recent one by Shane Black) that promised so much I'm knocking a point off for the false hope.


Edited by mishtergrolsch
ETA the gif
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Cannibal Holocaust - a celebrated documentary film crew set off to study primitive Amazonian tribes, and don't come back. An anthropologist is sent to find out what happened to them, which opens a whole can o' worms.

For those who don't know, this is the film that's credited with inventing the found footage genre, later popularised by The Blair Witch Project. Hadn't seen it in a while, and picked up a copy on Blu-Ray a while ago, so figured I'd give it another spin. Watched the version with the animal cruelty edited out for the first time, as I wasn't in the mood for that shit. Aside from a scene where (originally) a pig is killed, you wouldn't notice it was missing, and it gives the film a different feel. I'd never noticed exactly how much sexual violence is in this film before; Deodato really set out to push as many buttons as possible. I also hadn't noticed quite how few fucks the film crew's backers give about anything until the very end; makes you wonder why they had a change of heart at all, unless they were worried about being sued by the families if they tried to make money from the footage. Just a bunch of fucking savages all round.

A lot of the film's flaws stood out more for me this time round, and I just found the whole thing depressing. Maybe I'm getting old. BigFatTabbyBoy wasn't invited to join me for this one.

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