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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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3 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
5 hours ago, scottsdad said:
Tonight: Revenge of the Sith. Then I can finally be done with the prequels. 
I know they have their defenders, but re-watching these has made me realise how utterly dreadful a film maker Lucas had become. The dialogue is just woeful ("Younglings" ffs). The characters have no depth. The stories are convoluted and boring. The effects are good enough but man, I am looking forward to having this latest re-watch done. After this, my youngest will have seen all movies. 

It's probably the best of Episodes 1 to 3 - certainly better than the turd that is AotC.

Hayden Christiansen screaming "I hate you" was his only bit of believable acting

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2 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Hayden Christiansen screaming "I hate you" was his only bit of believable acting

Comedy acting, I assume you mean.

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10 hours ago, MSU said:

058 -- Mississippi Grind (#26 in A24 series) Ben Mendelsohn and Ryan Reynolds star in this (for all intents and purposes) two-hander about a downtrodden gambler (Mendelsohn) who believes he meets his lucky charm (Reynolds) and the two head to New Orleans for a big poker tournament or something, bumping along from wins and losses towards a payday. The performances are more than decent but the story is dull, the characters flat, and there's very little to recommend or suggest that any aspect of it will linger long in the mind. 5/10

This is basically a poor reworking of Robert Altman's California Split from 1974 -- one of my favourite films starring George Segal and my number 1 actor of the 70's Elliott Gould. Give that a shot if you can get a hold of it.

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Revenge of the Sith. 

By some margin the best of the prequel movies. Better action, better pace. The last hour or so dragged a bit as it felt like a bit of a tick box exercise in getting everything in place for A New Hope. 

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50 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

It really isn't.

It is. Considerably.

21 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

My youngest (aged 12) agrees with you. She liked Jar Jar the best.

I prefer Qui Gon Jinn.

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76. Weird Science (1985)* - iPlayer

Wasn’t a massive fan. Started off with an interesting enough premise but I felt myself losing interest in it after about 15 minutes. They just decided to lose themselves with a mad plot come the end which will appeal to some people but it wasn’t really what I wanted from what they set up. The characters also annoyed me early on and never managed to claw it back. It’ll definitely have its audience, though, and is probs a cult film.

77. Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)* - All4

Found this a bit hard to follow first time round but rewatched the opening 30 mins or so which made the rest of it clearer. Really interesting ‘mystery box’ that probably requires a full-scale submersion that I'm incapable of doing. 

78. Open Water (2003)* - DVD

Daft stuff that wanted to get its characters into a situation and roll with it. 

79. Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)* - Cinema

The multiverse film that everyone’s talking about! I like that this has, in my mind, become a protest film to the MCU’s latest release (which I haven’t seen so don’t feel suited to comment on). It’ll probs bomb because Dr Strange needs to be showing all day every day, but this has clearly touched pretty much everyone who’s seen it so that’s something.

The opening kind of reminded me of Parasite, using pretty typical family interactions in quite an unusual home setting to set up everything that’s about to come, and the mundanity of family life to contrast a forthcoming wild ride. I was ready for that wild ride to commence. 

But then it lost me. Once the multiverse kicked in, I lost track of the stakes as I was more invested in them keeping their business open than whatever apocalyptic event I thought was going on, and I struggled to pin down the mechanics which was either because of teething problems for myself or the film. These two issues just brought me right out of it and I stopped caring about the fun going on. I thought I was gone.

Then it clawed me back. Its characters and themes started taking over again from the multiverse of madness and the premise and ideas became one in a way that made complete sense. I legit can’t imagine these themes told outside this concept or this concept without these themes. It’s a really poignant way to look at life and cut so damn deep. The multiverse is also kinda metaphorical as if you strip it away and look at the mainline narrative then you still get a brilliant character study but adding in the multiverse makes it an incredibly imaginative way to portray that character. Not sure I explained that too well but might make sense if you see it. The idea of drawing on different versions of yourself could've been too convenient in a worse film but it's all set out early on in a kinda comedic, kinda depressing way. There’s also a wonderful rock scene which reminded me of another A24 release, A Ghost Story. That makes all the set-pieces, visuals and funky style worthwhile (not that they would've been rubbish in isolation) as there's proper meaning behind some rip-roaring silliness. I actually found it more fun than funny but plenty of people were laughing so personal taste etc. 

I’d be interested to see it again to see if that sticky patch becomes more palatable on a second watch.

80. Mean Girls (2004)* - Sky Cinema

A series of somewhat connected events bookended by a by-the-numbers introduction and conclusion. 

81. The Innocents (2022)* - Cinema

This does something horrible fairly early on which put me on edge for the rest of it as showed what it's capable of and constantly threatened to go back there (which it sometimes did). A good way to make an often low-key horror/thriller more tense. It depicts responding to grief/loss/absence quite well by making things intense, sometimes emosh, sometimes hella scary, but I don't think I ever want to watch it again. 

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8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

It is. Considerably.

I prefer Qui Gon Jinn.

I thought Jar Jar and Liam Neeson were both shit in different ways, but I still prefer The Phantom Menace to the others.

It has Darth Maul (an utterly wasted villain), that big lightsaber duel at the end, and benefits hugely from nobody knowing exactly how poor the three films were going to end up being. There's no Hayden Christiansen and, incredibly, the dialogue would get even worse in the following films.

That said, we're really arguing about which meal tasted the best, the tuna sandwich smeared with shit, or the diarrhoea smoothies.

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Anyhoo, I came across an old DVD of Basic Instinct 2 today and put it on; don't think I'd watched it since it was in the cinemas. Made it about halfway through - even worse than I remembered. Everyone and everything is terrible, and what a bizarre decision to make a sequel to a glamorous California erotic thriller by turning it into a bad episode of a B-grade ITV police drama.

Also, I'm all in favour of older women in sexy roles, but Sharon Stone's about as convincing in this as Mae West in Sextette, and it's kind of vital to the story to believe that she's irresistible. But she does kill Stan Collymore, so it's not all bad.

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22 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I thought Jar Jar and Liam Neeson were both shit in different ways, but I still prefer The Phantom Menace to the others.

It has Darth Maul (an utterly wasted villain), that big lightsaber duel at the end, and benefits hugely from nobody knowing exactly how poor the three films were going to end up being. There's no Hayden Christiansen and, incredibly, the dialogue would get even worse in the following films.

That said, we're really arguing about which meal tasted the best, the tuna sandwich smeared with shit, or the diarrhoea smoothies.

Aye it's not a good film, rather thr least worst of the three.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

I thought Jar Jar and Liam Neeson were both shit in different ways, but I still prefer The Phantom Menace to the others.

It has Darth Maul (an utterly wasted villain), that big lightsaber duel at the end, and benefits hugely from nobody knowing exactly how poor the three films were going to end up being. There's no Hayden Christiansen and, incredibly, the dialogue would get even worse in the following films.

That said, we're really arguing about which meal tasted the best, the tuna sandwich smeared with shit, or the diarrhoea smoothies.

They do bring Maul back in the TV shows Clone Wars & Rebels

Some great stories, just a shame you don’t get to see them on the big screen

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33 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

They do bring Maul back in the TV shows Clone Wars & Rebels

Some great stories, just a shame you don’t get to see them on the big screen

Aye, so I heard. Didn't he have robot spider legs or something?  :rolleyes:

One of the many reasons I've no interest in anything Star Wars anymore is that there are no stakes. Death is a minor inconvenience. Have they reanimated Han Solo yet? In a future series, Alderaan probably warps back into existence as soon as the Death Star leaves the sector.

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28 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Aye, so I heard. Didn't he have robot spider legs or something?  :rolleyes:

One of the many reasons I've no interest in anything Star Wars anymore is that there are no stakes. Death is a minor inconvenience. Have they reanimated Han Solo yet? In a future series, Alderaan probably warps back into existence as soon as the Death Star leaves the sector.

Aye but only for a few episodes 

Id genuinely recommend the last 4 episodes of Clones wars 

It runs parallel with ROTS, you get some Maul, you get some Ashoka, and some Clones 

Its very good 

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