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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Was going to go and see Death Sentence with my sister tonight, but she didn't really fancy it. Ended up going to see the Simpsons Movie. I thought it was alright, nothing special but I enjoyed the storyline. Wouldn't watch it again, would probably ruin it.

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The Departed

Someone described it to me as Scorcese by numbers. Well, I enjoyed it, by it was far from vintage Scorcese.

I'd have loved to have known more of the back story about some of the characters, Wahlberg's in particular. Scorcese used to be good at that, why not in this movie?

I did however think DiCaprio put in a very good performance. His presence in the movie put me off it in the first place.

Now, Jack Nicholson. He plays Jack Nicholson very well these days. Time he retired if you ask me.

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Superbad - 8.5/10

The funniest film since Anchorman, very crude humour tho, not one to watch with the parents but utterly hilarious!!

Seconded. This film is one of the funniest made for many a year. Excellent dialogue.

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Guest Hampden Ton
I watched Alien V Predator tonight. An absolute abortion of a film - 1/10

Why does Hollywood insist on ruining my favourite films? :(

Be warned: AvP2 is out later this year.....

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On Friday night I got hom at around midnight and started watching a film with Gwyneth Paltrow starring as some sort of air hostess. I couldn't tell if it was serious or it was supposed to be taking the piss (I suspect the latter). Very bad film - 3/10.

Does anyone know the name of it?

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Because you like shit films.

Exorcist only has an hour of footage that is necessary the rest is shite filler.

The stuff you like in The Exorcist has an impact because of the material you class as filler. It's essential for the sudden shock tactics to work effectively. That's not to say it's actual filler, there is actual story telling going on ;)

The Departed

Someone described it to me as Scorcese by numbers. Well, I enjoyed it, by it was far from vintage Scorcese.

I did however think DiCaprio put in a very good performance. His presence in the movie put me off it in the first place.

Now, Jack Nicholson. He plays Jack Nicholson very well these days. Time he retired if you ask me.

Agreed 100%

I'd have loved to have known more of the back story about some of the characters, Wahlberg's in particular. Scorcese used to be good at that, why not in this movie?

There are plan afoot for a Sean Dignam movie, possibly a prequel but probably a sequel. He was a foul-mouthed mofo in this movie B)

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Guest Hampden Ton

Double Header last night:

Transformers 6.5/10

Not a great movie, but not a totally bad one either. After a good start, it dipped whilst the Transformers were absent from the screen, but the battle scenes in at the end were good. Overall, a decent enough stab at a live action version of the cartoon classic. The special FX were very good and I loved the mini-transformer converted out of a mobile phone that unleashes machine gun fire! Quality! Oh, and special mention has to go to Megan Fox as the awesome eye-candy. ;)

The Bourne Ultimatum 8/10

A sequel movie that unlike most others this year (Die Hard 4.0 excepted - still the best movie of 2007 in my book), does deliver. A worthy successor to the previous films that once it gets going, doesn't stop! I read many reviews that highlighted how good the car chase at the end was, and they weren't wrong. A plus point for me was David Strathairn pulling the CIA strings - one of the best actors around today.

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Downloaded Breakfast With Hunter S Thompson. Unrelinquishingly sympathetic documentary of the great Doc around the time they were making the movie version of Fear and Loathing... if you are a fan, absolutely essential viewing. If you aren't, well you are wrong, but a good documentary nonetheless. 10/10

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A sequel movie that unlike most others this year (Die Hard 4.0 excepted - still the best movie of 2007 in my book), does deliver. A worthy successor to the previous films that once it gets going, doesn't stop! I read many reviews that highlighted how good the car chase at the end was, and they weren't wrong. A plus point for me was David Strathairn pulling the CIA strings - one of the best actors around today.

1) Not quite the best movie of 2007 for me. That goes to The Lives Of Others. It's still a brilliant movie though and I'd rate it very highly. Die Hard 4.0 was decent enough.

2) The nonstop action made the movie far more lively than the other two for me. The first two had at least a bit of time at the start for you to get your head around. This one didn't. It hit the ground running and didn't look back.

3) David Strathairn ... underused actor of the highest quality. The man is terrific to watch whenever you happen to see him. His performance in Ultimatum is actually one of his best IMO.

I watched The Wicker Man today. The one from the 70s.

As far as horror movies go, this one is the best you can find. The 70s was filled with great horrors with brilliant endings but this one beat them all. The ending is the one moment of TRUE horror but the build up and suspense to that point is magnificent. Also features two excellent performances in the shape of Edward Woodward as Sgt. Howie and Christopher Lee as Lord Summerisle. Lee is the one who gets a lot of credit, but Woodward matches him every step of the way.

If you've only seen the remake and disliked it, don't let that put you off. If you did like the remake, then give this version a bash.

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I watched The Wicker Man today. The one from the 70s.

As far as horror movies go, this one is the best you can find. The 70s was filled with great horrors with brilliant endings but this one beat them all. The ending is the one moment of TRUE horror but the build up and suspense to that point is magnificent. Also features two excellent performances in the shape of Edward Woodward as Sgt. Howie and Christopher Lee as Lord Summerisle. Lee is the one who gets a lot of credit, but Woodward matches him every step of the way.

If you've only seen the remake and disliked it, don't let that put you off. If you did like the remake, then give this version a bash.

Nope, sorry, it was shite. It's a Marmite.

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