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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Help Im a Fish

Finally got round to watching it last night, after buying the dvd 3 years ago, and it was bloody fantastic! Definately not Disney, there is blood, and people (well, fish) die in it. Such an amazing cartoon film though, loved it!


I'm going to watch Juno later on, i'll come back on tomorrow night with a score and some comments! :rolleyes:

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The Hitcher ( 2007 )

You know, this is actually alright. Have never had the privelage of seeing the original. I'd imagine Hauer is MUCH better than Bean. Infact, a lot of the acting in the movie is a bit bush league. And the choice of music at points is bizarre to say the least. The main thing that this movie has going for it is plausibility. Untill a point towards the end which would be spoilers if I posted it.

It's a good fun ride while it's on, and has a scene which I adore. Watched it four times before deciding to continue to watch the movie.


You really need to watch the original mate, Hauer is awesome. The film itself is pretty average, but Hauer's performance makes it worth going out and buying it right now!

Salty's correct, the original Hitcher pisses all over the 2007 version. Whoever cast Rutger Hauer as John whatsisname got it spot on. He's perfect for the role.

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I think the movie is shite compaired to some normal episodes.

the film is great although some epidodes might be better

I've watched the simpsons for 10 years, so i know what im talking about :)

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That would be a spoiler wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

Let's just say the ending in the DC makes a lot more sense and is in keeping with the rest of the movie.

Spoiler tags!

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Also don't watch the non-Director's Cut...the ending is weak.

Put in spoiler tags what happens because in the DC

He ends up in the office writing back for when he was a baby then goes is in his mums womb and kills himself

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No Country For Old Men

Well acted, well directed, excellent screenplay (as you'd expect from the Coens) but ultimately what was the point trying to be made?

Well, the "innocent" finds drugs/money/both and is hunted down by the real "owners" storyline has been done so many times before.

The "pure evil" character who is beyond redemption has been done before.

Javier Bardem plays the baddie superbly and with no little humour at times and I suppose, to answer my question, it's a character study in how everyone else deals with him.

Not the Coens' best by a long way and still not enough to make me forgive them for the Ladykillers but enjoyable.


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Put in spoiler tags what happens because in the DC

He ends up in the office writing back for when he was a baby then goes is in his mums womb and kills himself

that's what happens in the DC...the question was "what happens in it?" which was in response to me saying "don't watch the non-DC...the ending is weak"

In the non-DC he sees the Andrea as an adult in the street and although he knows who she is, she is oblivious to who he is because he ultimately made it that way...a self-sacrifice if you like

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that's what happens in the DC...the question was "what happens in it?" which was in response to me saying "don't watch the non-DC...the ending is weak"

In the non-DC he sees the Andrea as an adult in the street and although he knows who she is, she is oblivious to who he is because he ultimately made it that way...a self-sacrifice if you like

Shite ending then eh :lol: .

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Blood and Chocolate

Ridiculous title for a movie. I don't care why it got the name. It's dumb and probably put people off watching it all on it's own. The climax takes too long. It's not a bad movie, but it's terrible uninteresting, which is a shame as the two main villains have a lot of menace behind them, and the main other guy is pretty interesting. More could have been done with the plot. As it stands, it's a decent movie.


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If you're going to have lots of subplots, be sure not to completely overshadow them. In this movie, there is one plot, and everything else is an afterthought. The one plot being the battles that go on throughout the movie. Of course, these battles are spectacular, so there is no complaint from me on that. This could have scored higher with 20 minutes cut and less sub plot.


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The Truman Show

An amazing movie capped off by probably the one great performance that Jim Carrey will ever do. His performance was perfect, as was everything else about this inspiring piece of film making. The climax in particular is a treat.


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