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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Happening ( 2008 )

I'll be damned if this wasn't one of the most boring movies I've watched in a while. There's some brilliant scenes at the start. The stuff at the construction site is good, as is the very first instance in Central Park. Then we come to the meat of things. Mark Wahlberg, his wife and his friend's daughter try and get away, and ... well, there is nothing to it apart from that. Not even a suitable payoff. At the end of the movie, you'd be hard pressed not to feel cheated.


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This started off okay and the wee bit about the film had me intrigued. I thought it might be quite gruesome and dark but no, it was utter shit. A total waste of a decent idea. The sheer stupidity in parts was unbearable. When the brown water came out of the Bathroom tap I pretty much gave up all hope of some originality.


vacancy 7/10 good cheap entertaining fair can't beat a film about wisted mountain folk

I actually quite enjoyed it. A bit unbelievable that he lay there and bled all night and survived but apart from that it was ok.


I mean, who would actually pay for those snuff films??? They were totally gash :lol:

Well, if you were the star I might consider it ;)

Edited by Ayrgirl
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21 ( 2008 )

The good thing about the way it builds is that you can see so many ways that the whole thing can fall down on it's arse. Because of that, this movie manages to keep the interest for pretty much the Kevin Spacey is pretty good, since he never really has to go away from his norm. The climax is unfortunately very predictable after a certain point, but it's still good to watch. If I hear the phrase "Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner" one more time, I might hit the person that says it. It's an entertaining movie.


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Not so much a movie but a TV series.

Flight Of The Concordes.

Absolutely hilarious

Tow musicians and a manager travel from New Zealand to New York to crack a record deal while trying to make a living in the city.

They are real talented musicians who write extremely funny songs which the show is based around. This show will be a massive cult show when it starts showing in the uk.

Strongly recommended.

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The Happening ( 2008 )

I'll be damned if this wasn't one of the most boring movies I've watched in a while. There's some brilliant scenes at the start. The stuff at the construction site is good, as is the very first instance in Central Park. Then we come to the meat of things. Mark Wahlberg, his wife and his friend's daughter try and get away, and ... well, there is nothing to it apart from that. Not even a suitable payoff. At the end of the movie, you'd be hard pressed not to feel cheated.


I don't mind Mark Wahlberg, but good lord is he miscast in that movie. Other things wrong include the several dozen plot holes - including "what makes the wind blow?" - and Zooey Dechanel's (sp?) intensely irritating wife. I'd give it two out of ten.

I watched Kung Fu Panda. I laughed several times. Good stuff. 6/10

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I don't mind Mark Wahlberg, but good lord is he miscast in that movie. Other things wrong include the several dozen plot holes - including "what makes the wind blow?" - and Zooey Dechanel's (sp?) intensely irritating wife.

I think the acting is pretty bad on the whole. Apart from John Leguizamo who is absolutely terrific. I don't mind plot holes as much, so long as they're not wildly bad, and fortunately, the ones in this movie weren't. They were just ridiculous.

On the plus side ...

Old woman headbutting a house.

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Rock n Roller - 9/10. A return to form and the London criminals Guy Ritchie can make enjoyable films about. Lots of funny lines and situations and the potential to carry on with the survivors stories if this one makes enough money. If you like GR films you'll like this (well maybe not swept away but still...)

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If you like GR films you'll like this (well maybe not swept away but still...)

If you like Guy Ritchie films then life is going to be particularly nasty, brutish and short. He's a grotesque human being, who ought not to be allowed to make children's TV.

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If you like Guy Ritchie films then life is going to be particularly nasty, brutish and short. He's a grotesque human being, who ought not to be allowed to make children's TV.

What a strange thing to write :huh:

Come on, spill the story as to why you hate Guy Ritchie then....

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Black Water - 7/10

Really tense, atmospheric film about 3 friends who have their boat overturned by a giant croc while fishing in the Blackwater swamp and have to take refuge in a tree while trying to figure out how to get help while the crocodile stalks them from under the water.

Had heard of it being compared to Open Water but i think this is a much better film and i actually felt for the 3 involved. One scene

where the croc kills the male character and comes back at night to finish him off

is particularly hard to watch.

Would recommend it.

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Death Sentence.

Hugely silly film, but Kevin Bacon is outstanding in it, and that's something you don't see very often. Despite the silliness, if you switch your mind off for a couple of hours, it's a very enjoyable film, if revenge thrillers are your cup of tea. Other than Bacon, the rest of the cast is mostly one-dimensional, particularly the female cop. Plot holes aplenty then, but it's one of those films where you kinda expect that and let them off with it.

Fairly stupid, but enjoyable enough, and it gets an extra mark for a superb extended cameo from John Goodman.


Edited by StewartyMac
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