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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Godfather (1972)

I enjoyed this, but would have a lot more if I cared about any of the characters.

Sadly, I couldn't give a shit what happened to any of them after 2 and a half hours.

Still a very good film despite this.


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Flashbacks of a Fool ( 2008 )

The name of the movie is pretty apt. There's a guy, and he's been awfully foolish, and has flashbacks when he finds his friend has died. It's a hell of a story, it has to be said. Could have done with a couple of flashbacks being taken away though. Can't say much more without ruining the jist of the movie. All I will say is that even though the character is a bit of a knob, he's played with utter class by Daniel Craig and Harry Eden who both steal the show as the current, and younger Joe. Thanks to those two performances, there's definately sympathy with the plight of this man into the life that he now leads.


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Shallow Grave (1995)

Another early Danny Boyle film that, while good, doesn't live up to 28 Days Later. Good and better than Trainspotting (which my flatmate was watching earlier in Spanish, which is why I watched it)


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Comparing any movie to 28 Days Later is harsh, considering just how good that particular movie is.

Shallow Grave is pretty good, but I haven't seen it in a good while. 7/10 sounds just about right to me though.

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Righteous Kill

Of course, it's an acting masterclass, and it holds your attention, although the ending is rather predictable. Obviously the studio spent all their money on De Niro and Pacino, leaving not much for anything else. It would make a fine episode of CSI, but stretched out to 90 minutes it struggles to keep going. 5/10

PS Robert De Niro does that very annoying thing when he gets really angry it looks like he's going to cry. A lot.

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Lucky Number Slevin - a respecable 7/10

Much better than I thought it would be. I also was able to watch Hartnett without looking to smash his smug face in. Kingsley and Freeman looked like they were enjoying themselves.

Bruce Willis was also good, as was Lui (always solid).

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Midnight Meat Train - 8/10 one of the better horrors I have seen recently (not a porno despite the title) Vinnie Jones is suitably psychopathic. Some gore in this film for sure. Based on the Clive Barker short story.

Taken - 6/10 Enjoyable film that never pretends to be anything other than a revenge romp with Liam Neeson killing pretty much anyone who annoys him

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Eastern Promises - 7.5/10

Really enjoyable, and violent, film starring Viggo Mortensen as a driver/make-him-disappearer for the Russian Mob in London.

Some cracking scenes in this and maybe i'm just naive but i didn't see it coming

that he would be an undercover cop

due to the severity of some of the things he did.

Great performances from most of the cast although i did want to give Naomi Watts a slap a few times.

Would certainly recommend it.

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Felon ( 2008 )

Not bad. Not bad at all. It all pays off in an anti-climatic fashion though, and it does hurt the final product a bit. Val Kilmer has been a highlight of almost everything I've seen him in and this one is no different. Why is he not still doing big things ? Ach, no matter. As long as he's still putting out performances like this, why would it matter ?


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12 Angry Men ( 1957 )

I don't really have to say anything about this. Anyone who has ever seen it knows exactly how good it is. To call it good is actually disgraceful. This is a movie that goes way beyond that. I'm not going to say much. If you haven't seen this yet, and you're a movie fan, you're doing yourself a great injustice.


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One Missed Call - 2008

Unless you're a big fan of The Ring and The Grudge i'd give this one a miss. It's got the Japanese 'jerky ghosts' in it but the plot is atrocious.

One to watch on your own, very loud and with all the lights out and you may get a whisker frightened. May.


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Midnight Meat Train - 8/10 one of the better horrors I have seen recently (not a porno despite the title) Vinnie Jones is suitably psychopathic. Some gore in this film for sure. Based on the Clive Barker short story.

Interesting. I read that story (along with the rest of The Books of Blood) years ago and thought it was one of the best but had a crap ending. Just checked it out on imdb and looks like the film might be the same though it's a bit different. Clive Barker's a little too obsessed with monsters over general creepiness for my liking.

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Righteous Kill

going to see 88 minutes the night :D

If there's still time, you can save yourself a turgid night by doing some long division instead. 88 minutes is a stinker of the highest order. Quite what Al Pacino thought he was doing is beyond me. Ghastly movie.

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Brideshead Revisited

Went to this with quite low expectations, mainly on account of the fact that it's a novel that I love and it had taken a bit of a critical kicking for the way it's been adapted, but was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.

It's certainly deeply flawed and suffers from the inevitable consequences of trying to condense a farly complex novel into a two and a half hour film, but this is a criticism that is invariably levelled at adaptations like this. There were certainly some huge liberties taken with the original story that stuck in the craw a bit, and the characterisation of Sebastian just didn't seem right at all. In the novel there's a certain ambiguity regarding his sexuality, whereas here it's made ridiculously explicit. I've rarely seen a fruitier man, he's quite simply screaming.

However if you can put aside the unfavourable comparisons to the novel, and by all accounts the 1981 TV adaptation which I'm too young to remember, it is a fairly decent film in it's own right. Looks gorgeous too.

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