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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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better than goodfellas that's fighting talk matey

Might be fighting talk, but it's true.

EDIT: It's better than The Godfather as well, for that matter.

Edited by SaltyTON
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Hostel 9/10

I can accept some things, some opinions, maybe even some propaganda.

But just f**k off and die.

Meet the Parents (2000)

Was all right, but I found Meet the Fockers to be a more entertaining film.


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It was basically an excuse for a lot of blood, and for Meat Loaf to appear in the most random cameo since I saw Ron Jeremy as a Bible salesman in a shit horror movie!

It was The Witch's Sabbath.

Oh, and shit wasn't word. That would be "bird".

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Kingpin - 7.5/10

I love this film. As daft as they get, but hilarious with it. A great soundtrack too.

Possibly Bill Murray's best performance.

Watched it last night aswell. Tremendous! :D .. The bit when he bowls and his hand sticks in the ball is damn funny! :lol:

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I watched a couple of DVDs over the weekend:

Forrest Gump - had always intentionally avoided this due to irrational hatred of Tom Hanks. He was quite good in it although a bit annoying after a while. It was an enjoyable enough feel good film and actually not quite as schmalzy as I feared, and the clips of him meeting presidents etc reminded me slightly of Woody Allen's "Zelig", which is a masterpiece ;) . 6/10

The Usual Suspects - hadn't seen this for a good few years but it reminded how great it was. The acting performances are all brilliant, the contributions from the likes of Postlethwaite, Baldwin and Del Toro add to the otherwise excellent plot, the script is really good and of course the ending became so influential in a string of "twist in the tail" movies. A rare 10/10

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