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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Halloween: A Rob Zombie Film 8/10.

I know many will question and say the actings shoddy, story isn't great and it's overall just not a very well thought out film, but I enjoy the bloodlust, and I am a fan of the Halloween series anyway.

Rob Zombie puts an awful lot of emphasis on sex, in the first scene with the family the stepdad ogles the daughter, and threatens to "crawl over and skull f**k her".

Still, I enjoyed it. It was nice to see Roger Rockmore from Keenan & Kel get himself murdered aswell.

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Guest saintslad
Pineapple express 6/10

half decent but the laughs were few and far between for a supposed comedy.

I felt disappointed after watching it i was expecting more laughs.

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Halloween: A Rob Zombie Film 8/10.

I know many will question and say the actings shoddy, story isn't great and it's overall just not a very well thought out film, but I enjoy the bloodlust, and I am a fan of the Halloween series anyway.

Rob Zombie puts an awful lot of emphasis on sex, in the first scene with the family the stepdad ogles the daughter, and threatens to "crawl over and skull f**k her".

Still, I enjoyed it. It was nice to see Roger Rockmore from Keenan & Kel get himself murdered aswell.

And if you were a fan of the originals you would have appreciated Michael murdering his naked sister from Halloween 4, Danielle Harris. :wub:

Edited by SaltyTON
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And if you were a fan of the originals you would have appreciated Michael murdering his naked sister from Halloween 4, Danielle Harris. :wub:

I've meant to ask about that....

Is his sister in this one.....his neice (Jamie) from 4&5 ?

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I've meant to ask about that....

Is his sister in this one.....his neice (Jamie) from 4&5 ?

No, Danielle Harris plays Annie Brackett (who was the sheriff daughter in the 1978 version, don't remember if she was the sheriff daughter in the remake or if they rejigged the characters!), the gorgeous brunette he slaughters in the scud towards the end of the remake.

EDIT: For clarity.

She played Jamie in Halloween 4/5 and Annie Bracket in the remake.

Edited by SaltyTON
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Changeling ( 2008 )

This is good. You can't help but feel sorry for the plight of Christine as she gets shit thrown at her by the police. Although there was a couple of things that bothered me, especially when the shit hit the fan, but there's no point getting into that. Really good stuff.


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Guest dougalldogg


Good movie, british "gangster" sort of movie where a weak man takes up boxing and so on so forth.... Well worth a watch if your into those kinda movies.


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Just finished watching Standing In The Shadows Of Motown, part of BBC 4's excellent but far too short Motown night.

It's basically the story of the Funk Brothers, a band who played on virtually all the great motown tracks yet are barely recognisable by name. Hopefully this excellent documentary, a few years old now, got them some belated recognition.

Fascinating stuff, and of course, wonderful music. 7/10

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A film in which I thought the acting was more interesting than the actual story. Good performances all round although for me Frank Langella was expecially strong. Sam Rockwell was really good again - I think he's really underrated. Whenever I saw Michael Sheen I just saw Alan Partridge.


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No, Danielle Harris plays Annie Brackett (who was the sheriff daughter in the 1978 version, don't remember if she was the sheriff daughter in the remake or if they rejigged the characters!), the gorgeous brunette he slaughters in the scud towards the end of the remake.

EDIT: For clarity.

She played Jamie in Halloween 4/5 and Annie Bracket in the remake.

I see ! She is nice I agree. Almost all of his female victims are partially naked, what a shock !

Cool Runnings 8/10

Utterly hilarious nonsense !

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Saw V, watched it last night. 10/10, makes you think as well as disgusted.

Ghost town, last night as well. 10/10, had to watch this so i could sleep, Saw V scared the living shit out of me so i needed a laugh. Ok this is coming from a guy who had nightmares watching Jeepers Creepers a few years ago :(

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Saw V, watched it last night. 10/10, makes you think as well as disgusted.

Ghost town, last night as well. 10/10, had to watch this so i could sleep, Saw V scared the living shit out of me so i needed a laugh. Ok this is coming from a guy who had nightmares watching Jeepers Creepers a few years ago :(

Someone else take this...

BTW Did you give Saw 47.8 billion out of ten????

Saw 5 I gave 8/10, but that will probably change when I get the box set once the series finishes.

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House Of Wax

It was a good film until the CGI wax house started to melt. I liked when the guy was just peeling of his friends skin at the piano. :lol:


I agree with the rating, but the older posters will tear you a new arse for that rating!!

Even though Vincent Price is more one-dimensional than Paris Hilton.... :rolleyes:

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