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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Hangover

Superb film! :lol:



Transformers 2

Pretty much does what it says on the tin .

Mindless Hollywood Blockbuster.

Couldnt make out what was happening in the fight scenes, and the movie seemed to drag on for an age.


Tad harsh.


Watched Anchorman in a double period of Business today. Belter of a film.


Awesome film. :)

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Transformers 2 7/10

Not as good as i expected as the trailers were awesome. Still a very entertaining movie, but they have removed almost all the comedy of the first film im place of more fight scenes. Most likey this was done because fans bitched there wasnt enough in the first one. The plot is simple and easy to follow, big bad guy robot wants to destroy earth, needs Shia Labeouf to find the key to do so. One thing that im glad didnt change is that Bumble Bee is still the star of the film, not optimus. If your a fan of the first film and a general action movie fan then im sure you will enjoy.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9/10

I was very surprised by this movie, i expected very little from it. You would think it was going to be one of those "Independant" franchise movies that is just lacking what made the franchise a franchise, I was very wrong. Jackman and schireiber are excellent as the brothers Logan and Creed, they play off each other very well and have some great dialoge. The plot flows very well and the action in the film is more tame than i had expected, i was expecting all out Micheal Bay with lots of explosions and cheesy action.

If your a fan of the character or film series then i highly recomend!

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The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting (2003) (V)

20 years on and C. Thomas Howell returns after a long break of making pure and utter shite, to play the same character again who doesn't seem to learn that you don't return to the scene of past mistakes!

Strangely after playing second fiddle to Hauer in the original, he becomes the star of this mess with Gary Busey's gormless son Jake being dreadful in this!

So predictable, and so bad. Not so bad it's good. Just shite.


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Alone in the Dark (2005)

Oo, oo, oo, what the hell are you doing? Horror isn't your genre, please stick to comedy, it's what you do best!

The casting was ludicrous, Christian Slater as, well anything, is a bad idea. Tara Reid as a anthropology doctorate, let's just get serious for a second!

The best things about this mess were the battle scene (a Boll speciality) and the playing of Youssou N'Dour's 'Seven Seconds' when Reid and Slater have sex, I wonder if he agreed to that? :lol:

The soundtrack was quite good, and appropriate in its use.

For that reason, and the nod to Men in Black/the Matrix at the end I'll give this as close to the pass mark as I can give it.


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Babylon AD ( 2008 )

This is a heap of shit. That is all.


1,364 people on IMDb have given it 10/10, I have to wonder what goes through these people's minds, if anything!

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Alone in the Dark (2005)

Oo, oo, oo, what the hell are you doing? Horror isn't your genre, please stick to comedy, it's what you do best!

The casting was ludicrous, Christian Slater as, well anything, is a bad idea. Tara Reid as a anthropology doctorate, let's just get serious for a second!

The best things about this mess were the battle scene (a Boll speciality) and the playing of Youssou N'Dour's 'Seven Seconds' when Reid and Slater have sex, I wonder if he agreed to that? :lol:

The soundtrack was quite good, and appropriate in its use.

For that reason, and the nod to Men in Black/the Matrix at the end I'll give this as close to the pass mark as I can give it.


On again at 9PM on channel 319, if you have some masochistic urge to watch it... :lol:

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I think there have been about three films I have turned off in disgust and last night was one of them.

Kenny - A story about a guy who cleans bogs for a living. Absolute shite. 1/10

I caught a bit of that on TV last year ( I think) and it looked like it would be worth a watch.

Is it an Aussie or Kiwi type movie?

I like weird movies though. :P

Edited by MattBairn
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Took my son to see Terminator Salvation this afternoon. Quite entertaining - two hours of explosions and some good special effects - but it might have helped if I'd seen any of the earlier ones.

By Jesus, it's loud though. Film finished four hours ago and my ears are still dinging. I'm used to a bit of peace and quiet on Saturday afternoons.

6 out of 10.

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