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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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This one always sparks a bit of debate. I find the first film is much better. The second one is too much of a shoot-em-up to my mind, though it is very enjoyable.

I agree with that. I also like the third one. I do, however, try my best to pretend that Resurrection never actually existed.

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Watched it on Sunday night for the 2nd time, I think its brillaint, one of Will Smiths best films

I'm a huge Will Smith fan. Even if he's in a poor movie, he still stands out like a sore thumb because he has every bit of charisma in him.

Then you have Seven Pounds. The only movie he's ever done which sucked every single little bit of likeability he has out of him and make him boring. Any movie maker who manages to make Will Smith boring should be put down.

Gone Baby Gone ( 2007 )

No danger of boring characters here, or a boring plot or anything boring at all. Casey Affleck is one of the most under-rated actors going at the moment. He is definately well supported by the likes of Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris. The ending also asks more questions of the viewer, and they're definately interesting questions to think about. Very good movie, well made.


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Memento ( 2000 )

The ending just isn't very good. It's a nice twist, and everything that comes before it is good and it's superbly put together as we get to experience things in a way that we can understand what the lead character is going through. It doesn't make the ending any more satisfying though, and that drags this down a few notches.


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If you can, get a hold of the Directors Cut of 3, and don't bother with 4

the box set that i have has both versions of the director's cut and the theatrical verison of each of the four films. There was never any doubt in my mind that the director's cut in each of them. Watched the third last night. 7/10. Not a bad watch at all, and i think it would have ended the series well. I dont even think i want to know how the fourth one goes now.

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Changeling 8/10

I did not enjoy watching this at all due to the depressing/disturbing nature of the film.

I thought Changeling was absolutely epic. Yes it was horrible heart-wrenching at times, but it is honestly one of the best films I've ever watched.

The Interpreter

Watched this last night. Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn both give good performances. A good thinking film. Enjoyable without being fantastic.

7.5/10 Not epic, not shite. Definitely watchable and I'd recommend it.

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Never Back Down 4/10

In one word. Pish. At times they tried to make it a bit edgy and gritty which just made it worse. The fact it has Amber Heard in it means it scores an extra point or two. I had to laugh when they said a mix between Fight Club and the O.C. Surely Fight Club isn't as bad as this.

The 'bad' dude in it was actually in The O'C aswell.

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Never Back Down 4/10

In one word. Pish. At times they tried to make it a bit edgy and gritty which just made it worse. The fact it has Amber Heard in it means it scores an extra point or two. I had to laugh when they said a mix between Fight Club and the O.C. Surely Fight Club isn't as bad as this.

I can see a lot of muppets liking this.

The Firm 7.5/10

Really enjoyed it. Easy to follow but wasn't too predictable. The ending fitted

and obviously it all worked out just perfectly

but that did not detect from an overall good film. I'm not a big fan of Tom Cruise but thought he was excellent and supported by a decent cast.

:huh: I thought Never Back Down was class.


I watched The Changling the other day too. pretty boring just Angelina jollie greeting all the time. she's looking rough as anything these days too


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Alien is an easy 9/10 for me, but so is Aliens. Cameron did the right thing by not trying to outdo the original and going in a totally different direction.

3 is hugely underated imho.

Alien was a six, so old looking it's unbelievable with possibly the worst ending in cinematic history.

Aliens on the other hand is a 10/10, and vastly outdoes the original.

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alien 4 5/10

it just seemed a little stupid to me. it's not the same ripley and they blow up half the earth. The real bit that scored plus points was when they were underwater, which i thought was really well done(apart from the fact that they could all hold their breath for five minutes).

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Mil gritos tiene la noche (1982)

AKA Pieces...

Started as a fairly clichéd 1980s slasher movie, there was a few little twists although the murderer turned out to be who I thought it was from the beginning despite there being far more likely candidates.

The acting was terrible but it was quite watchable... until the end when the sewn together bodyparts taken by the killer to form a woman that looked similar to the one in his nudey jigsaw puzzle falls out of the cupboard, fair enough you think....

Then after lying on the floor dead for a while just as the cops all leave the room, it sits up and sticks it nails right in to the main characters balls for some reason! WTF?!?!?

3/10 - would have been a four until the last action which made no sense whatsoever.

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I was wondering when you were going to get round to that !

So why was it called Pieces then ? Because bodies were in Pieces or something ?

Then after lying on the floor dead for a while just as the cops all leave the room, it sits up and sticks it nails right in to the main characters balls for some reason!



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Billy Madison - 9/10

What a film, Sandler pulls off another comedy genius. However, the question that still begs is ... which is better? Shampoo ... or conditioner ? ;)

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I was wondering when you were going to get round to that !

So why was it called Pieces then ? Because bodies were in Pieces or something ?



I assume it was because of the jigsaw, as him taking the parts and stitching them together wasn't known until the end of the film.

If you want it PM me your address and I'll send you it once I've seen the film on the other side of the disc.

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I assume it was because of the jigsaw, as him taking the parts and stitching them together wasn't known until the end of the film.

If you want it PM me your address and I'll send you it once I've seen the film on the other side of the disc.

That's fairly tempting. Remind me of the offer when you've rated the other one.

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