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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Walk the Line (2005)

I wasn't sure about this one, as whilst I like Johnny Cash's music it was always going to be a very difficult role for Phoenix to play.

Both he, and Witherspoon, did very well and even Robert Patrick almost managed to show a human side by the end.

Well worth a watch, even if you have never heard any Johnny Cash, bar Ring of Fire.


I thought it was rubbish, if I'm totally honest, but then I hired it from Blockbuster on the back of the hype at the time. I was gutted. 1/10.

The Crow - I'd forgot all about this film for a few years and put it on last night. Its pretty darn good if you don't think too much about it and the soundtrack was also quite enjoyable. 7.5/10

A cracking film, definitely. I got told once that I look like "that girl in The Crow". I asked which one, and he said "That one that gets raped and murdered". Thankfully, he did add that I looked like her before the raping and murdering, but I still think he was talking crap. Anyway, as for the film, I think your 7.5/10 is a fair rating.

I finally got around to watching Saw V today. Worried that it was going to confuse me as much as 4 did by having two actors that looked a bit similar so I wouldn't know who was who, I actually really enjoyed it. I was expecting the "twist" that I'd read about to be a bit more "twisty" than it was, but that doesn't mean I was disappointed by it. If you like gratuitous gore, the Saw films are definitely worth a watch. I laughed when that meathook got whacked through that boy's head in I Know What You Did Last Summer, but eat Saw episode so far has had a bit that's made me squirm in my seat a little.


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Nowhere Boy

John Lennons early life from 15 to the early quarrymen and birth of The Beatles.mostly dealing with his relationship with his mother,who gave him up and his Aunt who brought him up.one very middle class and staid,the other a free spirit.

Might be of more interest to Lennon fans orBeatles fans. 6/10

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Hot Tub Time Machine - 7/10

Funny film, but sooo much more could have been done with the premise. 7 may be generous, but Lyndsy Fonseca defs bumps the mark up.

Also suffered from over hype, especially through tonnes of Facebook statuses claiming it to be 'the bestest movie everz lolz !!' etc dry.gif

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

I was going in to this optimistically, expecting a new imagining of a classic.

Then the opening credits started, "producer - Michael Bay" - me and mate just looked at each other and went "oh shit - why didn't we know this?"

I fucking hate Michael Bay. :angry:

It wasn't a re-imagining at all, it was the exact same film, but turned into a totally predictable comedy, with shit acting, horrific editing and more holes than Titanic.

Even the deaths were completely clichéd, and not gory in the slightest!

The cinema was completely full, which I've never seen at Cineworld in Glasgow, especially not in a films second week. And people stood and fucking applauded at the end. Just f**k right off!



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How was Jackie Earle Haley's performance? I have become a big fan since his brilliant portrayal of Rorschach in 'Watchmen'.

Haley was decent, and he looks like a paedophile so he suited the role perfectly.

Shame the make up for Freddie was shite!

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

I was going in to this optimistically, expecting a new imagining of a classic.

Then the opening credits started, "producer - Michael Bay" - me and mate just looked at each other and went "oh shit - why didn't we know this?"

I fucking hate Michael Bay. :angry:

It wasn't a re-imagining at all, it was the exact same film, but turned into a totally predictable comedy, with shit acting, horrific editing and more holes than Titanic.

Even the deaths were completely clichéd, and not gory in the slightest!

The cinema was completely full, which I've never seen at Cineworld in Glasgow, especially not in a films second week. And people stood and fucking applauded at the end. Just f**k right off!



If I remember correctly you turned to me and said "why didn't you know about this???" And why did people jump every two bloody minutes!! I hate Michael Bay :angry: and those that applaud at the end of films. Twats.

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If I remember correctly you turned to me and said "why didn't you know about this???" And why did people jump every two bloody minutes!! I hate Michael Bay :angry: and those that applaud at the end of films. Twats.

Someone screamed as well. :lol:

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Went to see 4 Lions last night. Fucking hilarious, my throat's still sore this morning after laughing so much. The amount of :lol: moments in it is unreal - the actor that played Baz in it was tremendous. Only bad thing about it was that I couldn't understand the accents at some points and missed a couple of the jokes because of it. Still, it gets a 9/10 from me.

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Watched 'Coach Carter' last night for the first time. I didn' think would like it as i have no great interest in basketball but i was certainly wrong, as i was one of the best films i have seen in ages. Samuel L Jackson is superb, as are the actors playing the young sports stars. And based on a true story, what more do you wantbiggrin.gif .

Great feel good film 9.5/10

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Four Lions 7.5/10

Subtitles for Yorkshire accents required for this film. Your right it's a hoot, very funny. I see it was made by Film 4 so we should see it on the telly later on the year.

This, and I would agree with the review. As with all things Chris Morris, you watch it with a mixture of hilarity and deep discomfort. There are a lot of genuine laugh-out-loud bits.

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Elite Squad - 7/10

The first half is quite slow, but from the BOPE Training Camp onwards, it's terrific. The hunting down of the main drug dealer and the emergence of Matias as a real BOPE member makes for great viewing.

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