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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched 3 films in the last 3 days (clearly exam revision time), one at the cinema and two on doovde.

Dogma - 5/10

Obviously this is one of these comedies which has a big underlying message, which I'm fine with, but my problem was that it wasn't funny enough in my opinion. Kevin Smith could've just talked for 5 minutes about the problems with organised religion and saved the effort. Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Rock and Jason Lee were all decent and it had it's amusing moments so that bumps it up to a 5.

Hot Tub Time Machine - 6/10

Not too bad, not as funny as I thought it would be though. Obviously wasn't expecting anything else but a daft comedy, so was a tad disappointed that there was long spells of the film where I didn't laugh. Had some very funny moments though (like when the guy's shouting abuse down the phone at his 9 year old future wife). One question though, warning spoiler ahead. The guy is meant to be 20 in 2010, he goes back 24 years to 1986, and he witnesses his parents conceiving him, how does that work?

Road To Perdition - 9/10

Great film, best I've seen in a good while. Tom Hanks is brilliant as ever, I can't put my finger on it but something about this film reminds me of The Shawshank Redemption. I would highly reccomend.

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Four Lions 10/10,

A comedy about terrorists. I believe only two people could have made this film, Chris Morris, and Frankie Boyle. If Boyle came up with the idea it would be absolutely awful, with the only attempt at humour being the blatant search for controversy. Thankfully, it was a Chris Morris film.

I thought it was incredibly well written, with a lot of laugh out loud moments (which never happens to me) and a few scenes that really make you sit back and think. For example, the scene where one of the guys is talking to his 5 year old son about becoming a martyr, and towards the end of the film when he goes to his wife, who is being questioned by the police, and tells her his "team is ready" and they are heading for the top floor detract from the comedy a bit, but you really need that in a film like this.

Chris Morris, despite being nowhere near his best, is still miles away from anyone else at the moment. In my opinion no one can touch him. The closest two guys for my money would be Armando Iannucci and Larry David, but they are both some distance behind.

I watched the film less than 12 hours ago and I'm already searching for a stream online.

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Four Lions 10/10,

A comedy about terrorists. I believe only two people could have made this film, Chris Morris, and Frankie Boyle. If Boyle came up with the idea it would be absolutely awful, with the only attempt at humour being the blatant search for controversy. Thankfully, it was a Chris Morris film.

Your not wrong. If Boyle made this film it would be set in Glasgow and involve some local, played by Boyle, kicking the shit out of the terrorist and explictly stating the point that everybody in Glasgow is hard as nails, Glasgow is the stabbing capital of Europe and some more exaggerated tosh about Glasgow. There would no doubt be a few pedofile and Maddie McCann 'gags' thrown in for good measure... etc. etc. etc. etc.

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Happy Go Lucky

Cheery, harmless comedy. Well unless you are Scott Marsann. IMO it is a gem of a film but it is perhaps hindered by the sheer amount of success it received with people building their expectations for it. If you go into this film believing it to be shit, it probably will be. It is one of those films where you have to be in the perfect mood to understand and develop it's perfect qualities.



I love every single one of Kevin Smith's films which may say more about me than it does him as a director. This one received very bad reviews but like most of Smith's films built up a cult following from the DVD release. Great little film and normally, I'd take points off for it being rather visually basic but I suppose that is just Smith's style. No real laugh out loud moments but Smith's dialogue always keeps you hooked.


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A Complete History of My Sexual Failures.

Terrible, terrible film. It's supposed to be a documentary but in reality it is a mockumentary which is fair enough. However, everything that is supposed to be funny in the film would only be funny if it was real, it's not and it's almost as if the film reminds you of that fact as the actors are always slightly over the top. Just a bit disappointing and while this description of the film will most likely make you confused, if you watch the film you'll understand.


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Hansel & Gretel (2007)

Korean horror fantasy, which Fangoria rated alongside Pan's Labyrinth, a fair shout as it's up there, but not quite in the same league!

Low budget but very tastefully done, although having the guy that did the production design guy from Oldboy is always going to help! It had the same budget as well, so if you've seen Oldboy you'll know how good he can make a film look for £4m!

Gives a really disturbing feeling to what was already a fairly horrific tale by the Brothers Grimm (was anything they did ever suitable for children?)

Despite a very slow start, once it gets going it really gets deep into your psyche!

Well worth a watch, £7 in HMV. :)


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Nightmare on Elm Street 2 : Freddy's Revenge ( 1985 )

What a lot of shit this movie turned out to be. Some of the stuff made absolutely no sense and shouldn't have happened and other stuff went on with no explanation. Normally this is fine by me in such a movie, but it didn't go along with the way things happened in the movies both following and preceeding this. Just a load of fucking nonsense. It DOES gain a point from the "Help yourself fucker !" line though.


Nightmare on Elm Street 3 : Dream Warriors ( 1987 )

Ignoring the uber-shite title, this is not bad and a back to the basics approach. Some of the stuff is stupid, like the first group therapy scene and the sudden "gift" that seems to be going about. But they kept the Freddy stuff purely within the realms of where it should have been, and while he was cracking daft one liners at this point, he was brutally sinister enough to make it work.


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Nightmare on Elm Street 2 : Freddy's Revenge ( 1985 )

What a lot of shit this movie turned out to be. Some of the stuff made absolutely no sense and shouldn't have happened and other stuff went on with no explanation. Normally this is fine by me in such a movie, but it didn't go along with the way things happened in the movies both following and preceeding this. Just a load of fucking nonsense. It DOES gain a point from the "Help yourself fucker !" line though.


If you thought that was shit do not go and see the horrific remake!

I agree with you though about Dream Warriors, definitely the best of the rest (obviously ANoES is the best)!

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'Das Boot in a tank' as some people have called it. The entire film is set inside an Israeli tank and all we see of the outside world is through the viewfinder in the tank. Starting on the first day of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon it doesn't take long for things to get very heavy. I was expectiing some traumatic scenes but I was actually quite shocked by some fo the stuff in the first twenty minutes or so. This is not a date movie. My enjoyment was lessened by some of the more heavy handed messages in the film. Especially when a certain image was repeated for a second time just to make sure you got it. Worth seeing.


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Omega Man 4/10

I Am Legend is much better than this one.


I Am Legend was terrible, just a bad remake of The Omega Man with 28 Days Later ripped off interspersed! I saw that first as well before seeing The Last Man on Earth (about the same) and The Omega Man (so much better!).

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12 Angry Men


I don't even know what to say about this. I don't even know why I liked it so much. It doesn't have many redeeming features; shot almost entirely in one room, shot in black and white, storyline isn't wholy interesting, it it over 50 years old. But for some reason, I found it magical. I was hocked for the whole viewing time, bizzare. I highly reccomend you give it a go.

One of my favourite ever movies.

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This is England - Shane Meadows. 9/10

Watched it for the second time tonight and it really is a fantastically made film. Says a lot about modern Britain and how patriotism has changed in the 21st century. Portrays how racism has developed in Britain as well, says a lot about how groups like the NF and the BNP appeal to the disillusioned of society.

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Who shot the Sheriff? - Alan Miles 9/10

Not a movie but think its still worth putting on here. Great comprehensive documentary of how the "Rock Against Racism" movement developed in the 70s in response to the growth of the National Front and sparked by Eric Clapton's infamous "I agree with Enoch" speech. Brilliant music, brilliant interviews, just an overall well made interesting documentary. Edited by YOGI IS GOD
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