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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Undead or Alive: A Zombedy (2007)

Sticking by my usual rule of no more than 7/10 for a spoof, but this was pretty damn funny!

The director and writer (Glasgow Phillips) was a writer for South Park (around season 6) and Father of the Pride, so you know it's gonna pretty funny!

The star of the film played Mike Delfino in Desperate Housewives, means nothing to me but he was in it for 159 episodes so he must be relatively famous, I guess!

We've got zombie, a cowboy, an indian and a "dentist" - hell you've got a joke right there!

Good fun, although I spent the whole time trying to work out where I knew the zombie sheriff's deputy from - turns out he was in the Uwe Boll "classic" Postal, now it makes sense!


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Mesrine: Killer Instinct - 6/10

Had heard some great reports on this, and as I need to keep my level of French up thought that I'd give it a watch.

Bit disappointing, didn't really strike me as anything more than an average gangster film. Not bad, but not great either.

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The Other Guys


Very poor and very few laughs considering it's cast.

Aside from Will Ferrell in Elf, none of that cast are exactly known for being funny. Coogan's awful, Johnson is more goofy than funny, Jackson can be, but isn't known for it - and the less said about any member of the Wayans family the better!

It cost $100m, did it look like it or was it all spent on salaries? Ferrell, Johnson and Jackson wouldn't come cheap!

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True Grit (new one)

Ooooft- this was good! Now I have only ever seen the original once and that was when I was a kid so I can't really say how it compares, but this was decent and felt like a good old style western. Jeff Bridges is brilliant in the lead role as is the little girl who puts in a great performance. Matt Damon is very good in a role in which I imagine is unfamiliar with him but suprised at how well he pulled his character off. The whole thing is beautifully filmed and the score is excellent. It is neary 2 hours long but not once did it feel like it was dragging. It only drops a mark as I thought they could have used Josh Brolin more than they did as he is a fantastic actor.


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Aside from Will Ferrell in Elf, none of that cast are exactly known for being funny. Coogan's awful, Johnson is more goofy than funny, Jackson can be, but isn't known for it - and the less said about any member of the Wayans family the better!

It cost $100m, did it look like it or was it all spent on salaries? Ferrell, Johnson and Jackson wouldn't come cheap!

Any reason why you put "in Elf", he's funny in pretty much all his films!

Dwayne Johnson can be funny, he was when he was doing promos in WWF/E.

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Any reason why you put "in Elf", he's funny in pretty much all his films!

Dwayne Johnson can be funny, he was when he was doing promos in WWF/E.

When I see him in another good film I'll reassess the comment. Until then I stand by it.

The Rock was one character, in an arena with 20000+ people most of whom would probably laugh if he told a "Why did the chicken... joke" whilst raping their mother.

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When I see him in another good film I'll reassess the comment. Until then I stand by it.

The Rock was one character, in an arena with 20000+ people most of whom would probably laugh if he told a "Why did the chicken... joke" whilst raping their mother.

Anchorman, Old School, Semi Pro, Blades of Glory, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Wedding Crashers, Talladega Nights and the aforementioned Elf. Obviously not including The Other Guys because that was the film in question. He's funny in all of those films.

Yeah but he still did many funny things, like in a empty arena match with Mankind, they were in an office and he picked up the phone said "it's for you" to Mankind and hit him with it.

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Anchorman, Old School, Semi Pro, Blades of Glory, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Wedding Crashers, Talladega Nights and the aforementioned Elf. Obviously not including The Other Guys because that was the film in question. He's funny in all of those films.

Yeah but he still did many funny things, like in a empty arena match with Mankind, they were in an office and he picked up the phone said "it's for you" to Mankind and hit him with it.

Weve been here before me thinks. Im amazed Will Ferrell still gets work. His brainless and in your face humour just has no appeal to me. Agree about Elf though a performance with a bit of subtlety :D

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Weve been here before me thinks. Im amazed Will Ferrell still gets work. His brainless and in your face humour just has no appeal to me. Agree about Elf though a performance with a bit of subtlety :D

Blades of Glory - Will Ferrell playing Jim Morrison on ice, what's not to love?

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Jackie Chan's Who am i? - Cracking film with shite dubbing and awful acting but as all early JC films are its a belting good laugh if your in the right mood laugh.gif

The Mummy has just come on though and that's become an must watch for me, even though its around the 7th time ive seen it huh.gif

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Last of the Living (2008)

Amusing comedy horror, sort of a cross between Shaun of the Dead and The Omega Man, but set in ChCh. Helped by recognising places to get a feel of where you were in the film.

Nothing original about it at all, but fun enough to pass the time!


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127 Hours (2010 (according to IMDb. I thought it was released this year)

I thought this was really good. Recorded well and was fast-paced. I like the use of flash-backs, although I got lost once or twice. Great soundtrack though - anything with Plastic Bertrand and Sigur Rós can't be bad!

Edit; The blatant foreshadowing annoyed me though, and the intense product placement at times.


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127 Hours (2010 (according to IMDb. I thought it was released this year)

I thought this was really good. Recorded well and was fast-paced. I like the use of flash-backs, although I got lost once or twice. Great soundtrack though - anything with Plastic Bertrand and Sigur Rós can't be bad!

Edit; The blatant foreshadowing annoyed me though, and the intense product placement at times.


First shown at a festival in the States in September 2010.

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Kick-Ass - 9/10

A fantastic movie that is much more violent and sweary than you would think. Including an 11 year old girl using colourful language such as c**t and m**********r before brutally murdering many people. It was written by a bloke from Coatbridge so I guess he based Hit Girl on his real life experiences!

Even Nicholas Cage is good in this one.

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The Kingdom 69%

I thought this film was going to be slow throughout, but from the highway scene onwards this film was imo shit-hot.

Children of Men 75%

This was pretty decent. The longer duration shots involved in this were brilliantly executed and I can only imagine the time and effort that went into them.

Born on the fourth of July 70%

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