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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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No need to be a smarmy dick about it like. So I meant Alien Ressurection's or is concerned. Great. Was that really worth picking up on. I mentioned this before but ive seen some of your reviews for some of the most pointless, throw away guff in existence. Then you come away with this bud, you tell me where the irony is?

First off, I ain't your bud.

Second off, you made it worse in that post... bud I wasn't pulling you up on anything except spelling of a film title (admittedly I read it too quickly and you were referring to something belonging to it, so 's would have been correct - I wouldn't have mentioned that!), it's one of my pet hates people spelling proper nouns incorrectly (like names of people, books, films, football clubs, etc). It's simple enough to check these things!

Thirdly, I don't do bandwagons.

Back to the films...

The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009)

It was most certainly better than the second one, and was actually quite entertaining. Except for one major factor, the plotholes were ridiculous... I won't go into them as I'm sure somebody will want to see this as it was a reasonably fun 90 minutes.

A clever idea, making him solve crime, but it over-complicated itself and turned itself into an overlapping mess in the end!

Thought the guy from the O.C. did a decent job as the lead character.

5/10 - would have gone higher, but the clusterfuck of stories towards the end took away from an interesting idea!

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First off, I ain't your bud.

Second off, you made it worse in that post... bud I wasn't pulling you up on anything except spelling of a film title (admittedly I read it too quickly and you were referring to something belonging to it, so 's would have been correct - I wouldn't have mentioned that!), it's one of my pet hates people spelling proper nouns incorrectly (like names of people, books, films, football clubs, etc). It's simple enough to check these things!

Thirdly, I don't do bandwagons.

Or, seeing as you made a mistake, apologies.

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Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Well, that was interesting. It's not as bad as I had thought it was going to be, but it wasn't great. There were some bits which got exciting but nothing really gripped me. I thought the plot and the idea of the film was quite good, it just wasn't executed well enough. There were a lot of characters I disliked too. The 'perfect alien' was pretty cool though - reminded me of the demon from Doom (the game). I thought it was going to be worse than that. I'll sit on the fence though.


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Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Well, that was interesting. It's not as bad as I had thought it was going to be, but it wasn't great. There were some bits which got exciting but nothing really gripped me. I thought the plot and the idea of the film was quite good, it just wasn't executed well enough. There were a lot of characters I disliked too. The 'perfect alien' was pretty cool though - reminded me of the demon from Doom (the game). I thought it was going to be worse than that. I'll sit on the fence though.


:o But it's Jeunet! :angry: :angry:

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Finally got round to seeing True Grit last night. Like all Coen brothers films it will get better with repeated viewings, but couldnt help feeling slightly underwhelmed. The performances are undoubtedly all top notch, it looks ridiculously good and theres the usual Coen black humour. But it just didnt seem to reach the heights of some of their other work, possibly because it was unusually straightforward for them. Still pisses all over 99% of films released from a great height though. 8/10

Edited by stewie from paris
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The Losers (2010)

Idris Elba, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana & Jeffrey Dean Morgan

So many similarities to the new A-Team film, but in my opinion this was better. Less ridiculous, a few more twists and just a better made film. Still not an outstanding film, but worth a watch. 6.5/10

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This film was not at all like I expected it to be, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I expected lots of laughs (what with the description of comedy) on the box, but it wasn't a comedy at all, more a drama with funny lines thrown in here and there. I watched this film at a perfect time to appreciate it as I've got my own women dilemna going on (not two tidy burds both after me sadly though). I just thought it was very well made with very relatable and interesting characters, a very good wee film. Also I would do unspeakable things to both the girls in his life, Em and Lisa P.


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Finally got round to seeing True Grit last night. Like all Coen brothers films it will get better with repeated viewings, but couldnt help feeling slightly underwhelmed. The performances are undoubtedly all top notch, it looks ridiculously good and theres the usual Coen black humour. But it just didnt seem to reach the heights of some of their other work, possibly because it was unusually straightforward for them. Still pisses all over 99% of films released from a great height though. 8/10

I'm trying my best to resist watching it until there's an HD copy floating about, but it's tough. I'm off work tomorrow, so I'll probably cave in.

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Hit and Run (Video 2009)

A pile of nonsense, but gets something for having some ridiculous horror clichés and some completely random gibberish throughout...

Mary hits some guy with her car, notices he's stuck there in morning and kills him before burying him in the woods.

Anyway somehow he comes back to live and goes on a rampage seeking revenge on his 'killer'... f**k knows how, but he does!

This was director Enda McCallion's first ever film, and hopefully his last.


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The Zombie Diaries

Clearly the people who wrote this catastrophe had read "World War Z" and decided to make an awful rip off based in the u.k. Sadly, they must have been too busy seeing if one of their mates had a video camera they could borrow and casting what I assume is their mates to be in it aswell, instead of actually writing a storyline for it. I didn't care if any of the characters survived and what little story it had was very repetitive. One of the only decent things about it was some of the zombie make-up, others looked like they were dressed up for halloween. Another decent part was when they had to leave one of their friends behind to be consumed by zombies after they crashed their car, as she had passed out and they couldn't carry her. Thought that was quite original, although they may have stolen that from somewhere else too.


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Batman: The Dark Night

Brilliant film. The Joker is an outstanding character and is played excellently by Heath Ledger.

Only flaw is that Maggie Gyllenhaal was no where near as hot as Katie Holmes was.


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Just gave up on Guy Ritchies Sherlock Holmes, with about 20 minutes left. The mindless action, storylines about magic dry.gif and struggle to give a monkeys about any of the characters the main problem. I could see its appeal, it just wasnt for me. 3/10

Strange, I thought it was an excellent film.

If you'd stuck with it you'd have found out it's nothing to do with magic at all and everything is explained! :lol:

I went to see I Am Number Four tonight. It was quite enjoyable - nothing special, but decent enough, and stars the loverly Dianna Agron :wub:

I'd give it a 7/10, she (and the other girl in the film) get it an extra point.

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Hit and Run (Video 2009)

A pile of nonsense, but gets something for having some ridiculous horror clichés and some completely random gibberish throughout...

Mary hits some guy with her car, notices he's stuck there in morning and kills him before burying him in the woods.

Anyway somehow he comes back to live and goes on a rampage seeking revenge on his 'killer'... f**k knows how, but he does!

This was director Enda McCallion's first ever film, and hopefully his last.


I bought that from Missing last week, haven't watched it yet, I hope it's not as shite as you say!

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Black Death (2010)

You can't help but like Sean Bean, even though he puts on a ridiculously over-the-top accent which veers between Yorkshire and Irish depending on what he's saying, in every film!

Hell he even made Death Race 2 watchable, great actors have that ability to make something out of nothing!

I quite like Christopher Smith's films (although I've not seen Triangle yet), and this was another decent effort... so even if Triangle is shit - 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

It doesn't concentrate quite as much on the Bubonic plague aspect as I would have liked - which basically gave us an early form of Public Health, which is obviously my interest! Obviously typhoid brought it more the fore, but the plague it could be argued created the first EHOs, in a manner of speaking!


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