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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Exorcist (1973)

It's probably been about 5 years since I watched this and I still find the Directors cut to be absolutely terrifying! The normal version I don't find scary at all so I don't know what it is. Perhaps the part where she unexpectedly comes down the stairs bent over backwards? Anyway, a truely great horror film that still stands the test of time. The voice when she says "What a wonderful day for an exorcism" freaks me right out!


Paul (2011)

I didn't really fancy this but it was the girlfriends choice so we watched it. I thought it was OK. The CGI wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. I didn't think Seth Rogan's voice fitted the alien at all. But maybe that's because in these CGI films they usually adapt the characters image to resemble the features of the voice actor in some way? This film didn't do that. Had a couple of funny moments though and it was OK for a no-brainer.


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Knee deep in clunge and gore, but overall is pretty poor.

Postives - Jessica Szohr (from Gossip Girl) and a topless Kelly Brook along with a decent amount of gore.

Negatives - Everything else (with the severed penis scene being the worst and most pointless point of the film)

4/10 - Although I think I would have enjoyed it slightly more if I had seen it in 3D.

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Yellowbrickroad (2010)

In 1940 an entire town walked up a trail into the wilderness for no reason, when there bodies were found they were frozen to death or slaughtered. Fast forward to present day and a group of people go up the trail to uncover the mystery. I can't make up my mind if it's good or shite. The beginning starts well and then it begins to sag when they're on the trail, then the end is just odd. Not the worst ending mind you.


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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part II

This was far too short, and missed out some really good bits from the book. I would have liked to have seen more of the Dumbledore back-story in both films (I can't remember exactly when it happens in the book). The action scenes were excellent, and some of the performances from certain people were good whilst others were typically wooden. Like the book, it felt rushed and some of the dialogue didn't translate well from book to film. Some moments were very awkward to watch when they shouldn't have been.

Despite that, it was a decent enough ending to the series. I preferred "Part I" to this, so I'll give it 6.5/10.

I saw this in 3D today as my dad had yet to see the film. Some scenes worked very well but most of it didn't work in 3D. I'm sure 3D will grow on me eventually though.

I also saw Cars 2 at work on Thursday. Not the best Pixar film, and I haven't seen the first one but it's good fun to watch. I'll give it 6/10.

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I haven't been hugely impressed with any of the X-Men films made since X-Men 2 but I thought this one was pretty good. The casting was spot on, Fassbender in particular was brilliant. Decent story, fairly predictable but as a prequel it was always going to be.


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Quite enjoyed this. Casting was excellent, Jesse Eisenberg got to be a bit geeky and Kristen Stewart got to be a moody cow. Almost forgot it was supposed to be set in the 80's but soundtrack was excellent. Nice wee film.


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Inside Man - the twist was too unrealistic - 6 / 10

If I was Denzel Washington I'd buy every copy of that so it didn't tarnish a brilliant filmography. Such a poor film with a big name cast!

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Captain America - 3/10

Just rubbish. The Avengers looks like it is gonna be awsome

Well it couldn't be worse than the mess with Uma "goldfish eyes" Thurman in it... could it?

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