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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched three of the Mummy/Scorpion King films since Christmas...

The Mummy (1999)

I could remember most of this form having seen it before, but it's actually a lot better than I remembered. Hannah and Fraser are a great comedy double act, and if you don't take the film to seriously then it's a very good action/adventure film.

They don't piss about, and get straight to the point of the film and the action keeps coming for over 2 hours of entertainment.

The only real let down is Rachel Weisz who seemed ridiculously wooden in it, although that may just have been her trying to hard to make Evy seem like a boring librarian which she should have grown out of by the end of the film (but didn't)...


The Mummy Returns (2001)

Ridiculously predictable, but for the pygmies making me burst out laughing it has to at least get pass marks!

Strangely Weisz became able to act in this one, but was replaced in the crap actress stakes by Patricia Velasquez who is truly horrendous!

The Scorpion King was one of the stupidest things I've seen, would have fitted in better in a SyFy channel exclusive!


The Scorpion King (2002)

The third part of my Mummy: Legends box set... and totally not what I expected! The Rock doesn't turn into a ridiculous CGI Scorpion freak at any point in this, like he did in The Mummy Returns; he got stabbed with a scorpion venom coated arrow, but that was the end of it... then Michael Clarke Duncan called him the Scorpion King at the end, and that was it!

I like how little this has to do with the Mummy films, despite the obvious use of The Rock's character in a film made a year previously!


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Watched three of the Mummy/Scorpion King films since Christmas...

The Mummy (1999)

I could remember most of this form having seen it before, but it's actually a lot better than I remembered. Hannah and Fraser are a great comedy double act, and if you don't take the film to seriously then it's a very good action/adventure film.

They don't piss about, and get straight to the point of the film and the action keeps coming for over 2 hours of entertainment.

The only real let down is Rachel Weisz who seemed ridiculously wooden in it, although that may just have been her trying to hard to make Evy seem like a boring librarian which she should have grown out of by the end of the film (but didn't)...


The Mummy Returns (2001)

Ridiculously predictable, but for the pygmies making me burst out laughing it has to at least get pass marks!

Strangely Weisz became able to act in this one, but was replaced in the crap actress stakes by Patricia Velasquez who is truly horrendous!

The Scorpion King was one of the stupidest things I've seen, would have fitted in better in a SyFy channel exclusive!


The Scorpion King (2002)

The third part of my Mummy: Legends box set... and totally not what I expected! The Rock doesn't turn into a ridiculous CGI Scorpion freak at any point in this, like he did in The Mummy Returns; he got stabbed with a scorpion venom coated arrow, but that was the end of it... then Michael Clarke Duncan called him the Scorpion King at the end, and that was it!

I like how little this has to do with the Mummy films, despite the obvious use of The Rock's character in a film made a year previously!


A better battle would be who is hotter out of Weisz and Velasquez.

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My Own Private Idaho - 8/10

Pretty trippy at times but a great story, a good few years ahead of it's time. You really connect with the characters which I think is a salute to the acting talent of the late River Phoenix. A lot of people dont like Keanu Reeves but I personally dont mind him and think he plays his part well in this.

The Fighter - 10/10

I challenge anyone to say a bad word about this film. The acting talent on show is as close to perfect as you can get in modern cinema, the story is amazing, especially considering it's all true. You really feel a connection with Micky throughout the film and feel yourself fighting the bouts alongside him not unlike the first 4 Rocky films. The relationship with Micky and Charlene is portrayed superbly aswell and, for me at least, this is the best boxing film out there.

Good Will Hunting - 10/10

Great film, excellent acting on show from Mr Williams, Mr Damon and Mr Skarsgard, wonderful story (shows how much better a writer Ben Affleck is than an actor) and as usual, genius directing from Gus Van Sant. If anyone hasnt seen this modern classic I suggest you do so as soon as possible.

Insomnia - 6/10

Dont let my rating give the wrong impression, this is a good film with a solid plot and is well worth a watch. The 6 out of 10 was merely to express my disappointment given the cast on show (Al Pacino and Robin Williams star) and the fact the incredible Chris Nolan directs, it doesnt come anywhere near the standard his other works.

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I've never understood that criticism of Insomnia. It was a remake and the director doesn't really have much scope to change the film - other than the setting to Alaska rather than Norway - so it's not going to be a "Nolan" film. It's a solid 7/10 film until the bit before the ending.

Williams is decent when he goes for serious roles. He plays a creep very well.

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I've never understood that criticism of Insomnia. It was a remake and the director doesn't really have much scope to change the film - other than the setting to Alaska rather than Norway - so it's not going to be a "Nolan" film. It's a solid 7/10 film until the bit before the ending.

Williams is decent when he goes for serious roles. He plays a creep very well.

I'd say it was Nolan's fourth best film out of his seven so far. Hopefully he doesn't go too overboard with The Dark Knight Rises!

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Season of the Witch - 5/10.

It was alright, nothing more. Kept me engaged enough that I didn't get distracted however nothing overly special about it. Thought ending was a bit pants.

The Town - 7/10

I wasn't expecting much but this was very good. Afflek is decent as is Renner. Decent bank robbery type film

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I watched this film years ago but I couldn't really remember how it ended. Fair to say Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges put in fantastic performances as usual. For those of you who haven't seen it, Kevin Spacey claims to be from a planet called K-PAX and is put into an asylum where he is analysed by Jeff Bridges. Throughout the film you are left guessing if Spacey is indeed telling the truth as he goes through various tests convinvingly. A really good watch.


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The French Connection

Watched this the other night. It was very enjoyable although I'm surprised how little plot there was to this film. Having said that the tailing and chase scenes were terrific. And the fact it didn't have a catch all the bad guys/if it wasn't for you darn kids type of end was a definite bonus.


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The Fighter - 10/10

I challenge anyone to say a bad word about this film. The acting talent on show is as close to perfect as you can get in modern cinema, the story is amazing, especially considering it's all true. You really feel a connection with Micky throughout the film and feel yourself fighting the bouts alongside him not unlike the first 4 Rocky films. The relationship with Micky and Charlene is portrayed superbly aswell and, for me at least, this is the best boxing film out there.

a great film, totally agree with everything you said, thought bale played his character immensely

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Just finished watching TT3D: Closer to the Edge which I got for Christmas from the folks. I'm heading over for the 2012 TT and they thought this would be something I would like....it was getting ordered if I didn't get it tbh so that saved a few bob

It's a documentary following a couple of riders from the 2010 Isle of Man TT races and explores what the race is all about. The film was originally put out as a 3D movie and as such the footage is stunning, it cemented the reason why I wan to head over with the camera to try and get some images myself. I don't think you don't need to be a bike enthusiast to enjoy this film, the story it tells is gripping and the star of the film Guy Martin is such an engaging character. It's rare for a film to leave me speechless at the end of it, at the end of this my jaw was on the ground.

There are a few weak parts to it, some of the footage is out of place and the narration from Jared Leto while good, the American tone seemed to be out of place in what is a very British race.

Overall a great documentary and a recommendation to all. 9/10

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I've never understood that criticism of Insomnia. It was a remake and the director doesn't really have much scope to change the film - other than the setting to Alaska rather than Norway - so it's not going to be a "Nolan" film. It's a solid 7/10 film until the bit before the ending.

Williams is decent when he goes for serious roles. He plays a creep very well.

Oh its definitely a good film, the rating was more to do with my expectations of it than a lack of quality. Fair enough about it not really being 'his' film, but a change of direction can make so much difference (The X-Men films are the ones that spring to mind, same actors for most, replaced in first class by actors of equal talent for the mostpart).

I'd say it was Nolan's fourth best film out of his seven so far. Hopefully he doesn't go too overboard with The Dark Knight Rises!

Very harsh, which ones of Memento, The Prestige, Batman Begins, Dark Knight and Inception would you drop below it? (Haven't seen Following so I dont know what that's like)

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Oh its definitely a good film, the rating was more to do with my expectations of it than a lack of quality. Fair enough about it not really being 'his' film, but a change of direction can make so much difference (The X-Men films are the ones that spring to mind, same actors for most, replaced in first class by actors of equal talent for the mostpart).

Very harsh, which ones of Memento, The Prestige, Batman Begins, Dark Knight and Inception would you drop below it? (Haven't seen Following so I dont know what that's like)

Wait, what? Everything changed from the original X-Men(X-Men, X2, Last Stand) to First Class(assuming that's what you were comparing and not X2 to Last Stand(come to think of it, Singer left after 2 so maybe you were talking about these two). If you were talking about 2 and Last Stand then I don't think the quality wavered that much.

If you're comparing those three and First Class then I don't think you can compare. It's not just the director who changed, the whole writing team changed and all the actors.

I'd say that the actors in the original run was better than First Class also.

I also haven't seen Following, I'd rate his films;

Batman Begins

The Dark Knight



The Prestige


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The Damned United.


I liked it, even if I had my reservations about the real people it slandered. In reality it was far less anti Clough than I imagined, the people who really got it in the neck were Don Revie and Billy Bremner.

I thought Charlie Sheen was excellent and he looks a lot like Clough too, the actor playing Peter Taylor was less inspired and it never really got into the philosophy of why Clough was successful.

But a good film and I'd recommend it.

Much like my last post I also recently seek Brothers Keeper a documentary on Current -7/10. I did miss the first 18 minutes to be fair and it was a compelling story shot in grainy rustique conditions. The rating is a bit harsh but lack of subtitles is extremely prohibitive given you have no idea what most people are saying.

The brothers in question - well the ones who were still living - were the main characters but were all but useless in interviews given there lack of education meant they didn't know what was going on and could hardly say anything. It was almost what it didn't say that was more shocking and provocative.

At the centre of it was did one of the brothers (Dilbert) kill his oldest brother - the supposed leader of the pack. There was never a satisfactory answer as to whether he did or not, or whether it was a mercy killing given the oldest brothers health problems, an extremely disturbing sexual motive or even natural causes. What was without doubt was the completely inappropriate actions of the police with regards to getting Dilbert to sign a confession. One conversation with him, or even looking at him, would imply he needs counsel yet they got him to waive his rights and sign a confession despite not being able to read.

The community who had shunned the entire family rallying around Dilbert in his hour of need was distressing in itself. They even admitted holding a dance for Dilbert and beforehand nobody would dance with him in a million years.

Everything about this story will leave you feeling disgusted - but I would still recommend watching a very depressing film.

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