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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Bourne Identity

Surprisingly, I've never seen this all the way through. I picked up the trilogy for £8 in HMV last week so I'll finish it this week.

It is a good action thriller. Matt Damon, in a similar way to Daniel Craig in the two Bond films, can play the lead character in an action film in a fairly convincing manner. The dialogue is pretty dodgy at times, and too much happens in such a short space of time, however it is an enjoyable film and the story isn't forgotten about in favour of MOAR action. Brian Cox is fairly sinister in it, despite his limited screen time. Matt Damon is quite good, and Chris Cooper gets a thumbs up from me. Franka Potente is, if I'm honest, incredibly irritating and she's the only downside from the cast.

If it was a stand alone film then I would be disappointed by it. It isn't though, and I like how it appears to set us up for the second film.


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Evil Things ( 2010 )

I've been on a bit of a "found footage" kick recently and came across this. Quite simply, it isn't very good. It's got a pretty sinister feel early thanks to the van following the poor lot, but it takes ages for anything to actually happen, there is absolutely zero payoff to the whole thing, and the mass hysteria at times is a bit much to take. Basically, this isn't very good.


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Shutter Island

Been putting watching this off for a while and decided tonight was the time to watch it.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Good cast, story etc.

DiCaprio was superb

Overall 8/10

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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

As a big fan of the written stories and having loved Jeremy Brett's Holmes, I really didn't like the first film at all. This, however, I got a lot more out of having set my expectations accordingly. It had just enough quality about it to keep me happy and it was certainly entertaining. I'll agree that the slow motion was overdone, and I actually quite liked the ending.

I wonder if they'll cover how he escaped the fall in the opening of the sequel (which was inevitable the way they left it)?

I'm not overly taken with either actor's portrayal of the characters, but hey ho. 6.5/10

Also saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Again, went along with low expectations and get more laughs out of it than I expected. 6/10.

And finally today I watched The Lady.

The film follows Aung Sang Suu Kyi and her struggle to fight for democracy in her native Burma while the military government do everything they can to make her life unimaginably miserable.

The focus of the film is much more on how events in Burma impact upon the family unit rather than the political and human rights situation. I found it very moving but I'm not sure if hits quite the right notes. Very watchable and for anyone with a vague interest in Suu Kyi's story it is worth seeing.


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Elephant - 9/10

Chilling is the only way I can describe this film, not what I expected at all. You sit through the whole film in a state of suspense waiting for what you obviously know is about to happen but when it does it seems as shocking as it would be if you had no idea how it ended.

It seems very short because of the somewhat abrupt ending and a slight lack of focus on some of the characters. However the positives totally offset those little negatives and I would say that anyone who hasnt seen it yet should do so at the first opportunity.

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The Bourne Supremacy

This is better than Identity IMO. Less appears to be more in this compared to the previous film. It isn't as packed with action compared to the last one, but it is more tense and this part of the story is better.

Brian Cox is excellent, and Matt Damon has more depth than the last time we saw Jason Bourne. Joan Allen's character is good and despite appearing very idealistic, she appears very realistic rather than far-fetched.

I really how the film makes the audience "aware" of how Bourne feels by just springing things on you and then explaining them - sometimes much later in the film.


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Our Idiot Brother

This had mixed reviews and the last couple of Paul Rudd films I have seen (Dinner for Schmucks & How do you know) were a major let down. I thought this was actually very good, all things considered.

Plenty of eye candy in Zooey Deschanel, Elisabeth Banks and Rashida Jones and Rudd carries off the role with the same light hearted humour he did in I Love You Man. All in all a decent mid-week film.

Steve Coogan plays the dick exceptionally well.


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What a absolutely stupid statement.

Everybody knows that the Identity is by far the best one.

Wonder when someone will agree with you... not happened so far...

Ultimatum > Identity > Supremacy

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The Green Hornet (2011)

Seth Rogen and a wee Chinese pop star become gangland vigilantes, with the unknowing help of the world's least talented actress Cameron Diaz.

It's fun, it's basically Michael Bay meets Batman for want of a better description!

5/10 - nothing you could dislike, except Rogen. Harmless cartoon-like action film.

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Blast from the past. About a couple who descend into a purpose built shelter in 1962 because they think nuclear war is about to break out. Their son is born down there and emerges into the world at 35 years old in 1995 when the shelter opens. Pretty funny in bits 6/10

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