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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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And streaming of it is included in the package so you don't have to use up a rental.

Was the first movie I watched on there. As I said at the time I watched it, there's certainly a cracking plot in there somewhere. They just didn't use it.

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Didn't really fancy this. The wife did though so therefore I had to watch it anyway and I was pleasantly surprised not to be bored out of my tits. I'm not watching it again though but a solid 7/10

The Descendants:

Slow, one paced, Oscar platform for Clooney. Could have been much better, 6/10

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Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes (TV 2006)

Wee vengeance demon horror that was the third in the series. It's a strange series in that each film gets better rather than worse... I'm glad I stuck with them, as although this wasn't great it at least was passable after a couple of really crappy films!

This time it has Lance Henriksen and Doug Bradley reunited after appearing together in my favourite of the Hellraiser films.

5/10 - passable film which was basically the same as the rest but done better.

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I don't really know much about baseball, but you don't need to to enjoy this film. I thought Brad PItt was absolutely fantastic. Right up there with Di Caprio as my favourite actors. First time I've seen Jonah HIll in a non-comedy film and he was quite good. All in all it was a great film which deserves the recognition it's getting at the Oscars.


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I'm afraid it turns out J. Edgar is rather pish...

Di Caprio impressed me (as always!) and the multiple split-time narrative made it a little more interesting but it boils down to pure mince.

Good job, Clint, every one of the cast and crew does well, most so some excellent cinematography and lighting from one of my favourites, Tom Stern, but the material just lets it down: the life of one of the greatest men of the 20th century is almost a non-story!

6/10, and I just can't express my disappointment!

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American Psycho

As a (very) dark comedy it is excellent. As a "thriller" it isn't good. I echo some comments from the critics: it is shot rather well.

I like the ambiguous nature of the film. It leaves it open to interpretation, and discussion. We either have the stab at the yuppie society (and Wall Street in general) or the frightening display of one man's disturbed psychopathic imagination. Or both combined.

Bale is fantastic as Patrick Bateman, and he really makes the role his own (as he seems to do in a few of his films). Bateman might be one of my favourite on screen characters after watching this film.

As a dark comedy 8/10

As a "thriller" it's more 6/10 territory.

I also had the misfortune to see Killing Zoe today. Dreadful film. Awful acting combined with a story that has potential but is poorly executed by a director who doesn't seem to have a clear idea of which direction the film should take. 4/10

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I'd recommend anyone who has seen American Psycho to read the book. Whatever you do keep away from American Psycho 2 though, it's a horrible film and in no way related to the source material other than the name.

I'd agree with that. The book is 100x more extreme than the film though. Some of the murders are sick as f**k! Without giving too much away the acid one and one at the zoo spring to mind.

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The Awakening

I'd heard nothing but bad about this recent British ghost story and it's certainly lousy. The first 20 minutes or so are a not very good creepy story but it all starts to go downhill once the plot attempts to develop. It gets steadily worse until the ludicrous back story comes out making the last third of the film a tiresome watch. Good cast and an evocative location are all this film has going for it.


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While American Psycho 2 is awful, it's worth watching for a glorious performance from Mila Kunis. I don't think I've ever seen such an incredible performance in such a shit movie.

25th Hour

Forgot the year and can't be arsed checking. This is a good wee movie though about Edward Norton who's going to jail, and his mates give him one last good night. All of the lead characters are believable and likeable characters, and nothing happens in the actual plot which makes you think "f**k sake", but at the same time, Spike Lee can't help with the ridiculous overdramatic stuff, and when Norton's reflection is talking to him, and the Twin Towers bit, it comes to the fore. It takes away a bit from a real good movie for me.


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Since the demise of megaupload I've taken the month free on Netflix. Watched Donnie Brasco last night for the first time in years. I honestly think it's one of, if not the best, performance of Pacino's life.

It is a tremendous performance, and Donnie Brasco is my favourite gangster film. I saw Donnie Brasco before i saw Goodfellas, Casino etc and it's always just stayed with me as my favourite. Even Michael Madsen's good in it fuck sake!

"What's...forget about it?"

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Since the demise of megaupload I've taken the month free on Netflix. Watched Donnie Brasco last night for the first time in years. I honestly think it's one of, if not the best, performance of Pacino's life.

There's still torrent sites ph34r.gif

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It is a tremendous performance, and Donnie Brasco is my favourite gangster film. I saw Donnie Brasco before i saw Goodfellas, Casino etc and it's always just stayed with me as my favourite. Even Michael Madsen's good in it fuck sake!

"What's...forget about it?"

The final scene where he's off to get done in is just perfection in my opinion. Absolutely heartbreaking.

There's still torrent sites ph34r.gif

Ach, I know. The beauty of megaupload was with a program like XBMC or something, it was the equivalent of torrents without the need to download them in the first place.

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At Close Range (1986) - Definately one I would have put in the underrated films thread. Great piece of work. Teenage love story set against another story of a young Sean Penn becoming reacquainted with his criminal (and generally complete c**t) of a dad, Chrisstopher Walken. Apart from being a bit 80's in places it's shot brilliantly and is just an all round great film IMO.


The story behind this scene is great too:

Walken had given Penn some advice about being unpredictable and 'affecting the other actor'


They'd rehearsed the scene and Penn was getting all methody, really crying and getting worked up. Just before they took the first take, he runs off set shouting "GIMME THE OTHER FUCKING GUN" and runs back on firing blanks about the set. So that fear in Walkens eyes, isn't just great acting. He's absolutely shiting himself laugh.gif
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A Monster In Paris - animated horror/romance about a giant flea allegedly terrorising Paris. Afraid I didn't warm to it at all, in fact I nearly fell asleep, but the youngsters enjoyed it, or so they said, so I'll give it 5/10, but I don't think it is a children's film for Mums and Dads, unlike most of the other childrens movies I've seen lately.

However, we did get in on the £4.00 Friday offer, so it wasn't all bad! :)

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