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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I just wanted to get across that that wasn't the reason why I didn't like it.

So it's not worth wasting my valuable hour and a half of sky+ time then? Good enough, part two of Mesrine can take priority then... 8)

It's not great but then I'm not a massive action fan (probably why I haven't seen a Seagal or Van Damme film /crossover)

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Just finished watching Margin Call. It's pretty fucking amazing. Jeremy Iron(looking like death) and Kevin Spacey are phenomenal in it and have really good chemistry going. Paul Bettany, Zachary Quinto and Stanley Tucci(all films should have a little Stanley Tucci) were great in it. Even a nice cameo from Simon Baker, who was great as always.

It's basically about the banking crisis. I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's about the day leading up to the realisation of the "shitstorm" that happened.


Not seen The Artist or A Separation but it's a tough call for Original Screenplay this year. Both Midnight in Paris and Margin Call are fantastic stories.

Gonna try and watch all the films nominated for Best Picture, Adapted and Original Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress this year. Only done Margin Call, Midnight in Paris, Hugo, Bridesmaids and Tinker Tailor(probably give this another watch) but I've got some serious film watching to do over the next three weeks.

After reading your review I got hold of "Margin Call" and must say "thank you" for your comments. It is truly the best film I have seen in ages. The acting is brilliant all round. I started off hating Kevin Spacey but he turned out to be one of the 'good' guys.:blink:

For those who haven't seen it yet don't expect to understand much of what is going on, just enjoy. Recommended viewing for anti-capitalists.


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After reading your review I got hold of "Margin Call" and must say "thank you" for your comments. It is truly the best film I have seen in ages. The acting is brilliant all round. I started off hating Kevin Spacey but he turned out to be one of the 'good' guys.:blink:

For those who haven't seen it yet don't expect to understand much of what is going on, just enjoy. Recommended viewing for anti-capitalists.


Glad to hear it, yeah, all the main people in it play their parts pretty well(although I didn't really like the junior guy that wasn't Quinto, but I suspect he was supposed to be a bit of a dick)

Yeah, it's a bit confusing, there's a lot of banking, analysis jargon in there but you can mostly tell by the tone what it means(most of it is bad).

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The Grey

Its hard to say that I enjoyed this - but i give it an 8 out of 10. I dont think its the sort of movie you can enjoy. Its bleak as hell and potentially fairly depressing - but exciting as f**k at the same time. I spent most of the latter part of the film bracing myself for a fucking big wolf jumping in and making me crap myself - and the one time I switched off it happened and I shamelessly squealed in public!

The development of relationships of the survivors is superb and to that extent it reminded me a bit of Deliverance - only with wolves instead of hillbillies.

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Inception - 8/10

Engrossing film that was slightly hampered by all the discussion of the ending that raged after its release. I thought the ending made the film better in that completed the character development of Cobb in such a satisfying way and it's a shame, from the discussion amongst my own friends, that not many people focused on that aspect of the movie instead.

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The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (Video 2012)

I like when you get a film that is so shit that it almost makes it worth watching!

We've got a third different actor playing Mathayus (the Scorpion King), and this time he has to save a king's daughter from three creatures brought back from the Book of the Dead. One is WWE wrestler Batista badly playing something that resembles WWF legend (Huss!) the Berzerker, one is MMA fighter Kimbo Slice doing a not bad Kamala and the other is wee Chun Li fairy-like thing.

Some of the dialogue is amusing, but not enough to let it pass. It would have done if John Cena showed up with a parrot doing his best Koko B Ware impression.

4/10 - Ron Perlman and Billy Zane (who has become the white Danny Trejo with 22 films made or contracted in the last year! Look out for him in TV horror "St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun") show up to claim their scale.

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Alexander 0/10. Or minus 10/10. What an awful waste of one of the greatest adventures in history. Oliver Stone should have been barred from ever having anything to do films ever again, and disembowelled just to make sure. Colin Farrell was utterly cringeworthy, Angelina Jolie sounded like Luigi Risotto in the Simpsons. The only thing worth seeing was Rosario Dawson as his wife Roxana. I'd pay to see her in a porn film. When you think of the spectacular scenery they would have seen in the real thing I don't know how they managed to make the cinematography so flat and bland (apart from maybe the battle scene with the elephants). His whole rise to power was brushed away with some freudian bollox about his mum and dad. Maybe they just don't know how to make epics anymore, and tell a story.

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Martha Marcy May Marlene

This film has been getting a lot of praise and, in most ways, justifiably so. It's an excellent film for a first time writer/director and the performances are strong throughout the cast. Elizabeth Olsen looks to be the talented one in the family.

It's a thought provoking story and the comparisons between her life with the cult and life with her family are interesting. For me, the spoiler below lets the film down and I would have preferred it if the story had taken a different path.

When the cult turns nasty and people are killed. Avoiding the violent similarities to Manson would have made the subject matter and the choices people make all the more fascinating.


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Day of the Dead 7/10

Some spoilers (its ancient thoiugh, reckon I'm prob the only one who hasn't seen it.)

Wow, what a fucked up film this is. It's relentless, really no let up at all. All the military folk have just gone completely nuts and are more of a threat than the zombies. The guy in command of the center is tremendous, what a nutjob. Even at the end getting ripped apart, he's screaming 'Chhoookkeeee on eemmmmmm!!!!' Some of the aspects let it down, the whole humanised zombie thing I just didn't get, the soundtrack doesn't fit the film at all. Not an easy watch, or very enjoyable, but as I said it's relentless and even if its unpleasant to watch, a film that can illicit that response from you is a whole lot better than something that's just bland.

Brilliant gore! I miss those types of effects =/

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Vampire's Kiss (1988)

If you think Nicolas Cage is a bad actor now... you should see this absolute crap! He makes David Caruso seem like Al Pacino!

He plays the manager of a literature company, and he gets bitten by a vampire... this makes him think that he is a vampire and goes about acting like a nutter, raping his secretary and killing a girl in a bar.

It's meant to be a comedy, but I think they just said that after they saw just how shit it actually was!

1/10 - this may be the worst film ever and the fact that IMDb says that I would like this if I liked Evil Dead II, Gremlins, Army of Darkness, Insidious and House (all of which I do like!) just makes me angry!

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Day of the Dead 7/10

The scene where Rhodes gets killed by Bub is iconic. Everyone in the theatre stood up and saluted him, it was amazing!

The remake with Mena Suvari and Ving Rhames is pretty cack and so is Contagium (not a sequel but it is called DotD2) but they are watchable in a cack but funny kind of way.

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Kill List

How this film got 5 star reviews I'll never know. The story makes very little sense, they spent too much time on insignificant points, If you're supposed to be "rooting" for the main character then they got that one wrong as I wanted nothing more than to see the wee chubby cockney arrogant w**k die. The violence in it was decent and it could've been a good film if they didn't throw random things into the mix which remained unexplained. And didn't have the most annoying actor ever in it.


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The Phantom Menace in 3D was quite good. If Jar Jar Binks and the rest of the Gungan race weren't in it, then the film would be decent enough. As it is, they ruined it because Lucas wanted a new type of Ewok <_< Still it serves as a reminder that Natalie Portman is an excellent actress.

I don't like 3D but this was quite good in some parts although you can tell that it was transferred to 3D, with some scenes being a bit blurry to start with. The Darth Maul fight scene, the Naboo starfighters and the pod racing are all good aspects of the 3D. It doesn't really enhance the overall viewing experience though.

Next up is Attack of the Clones, by far the worst one of the prequel trilogy - even if Jango Fett is in it.

Edited by yoda
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