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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Slowly beginning to make my way through Al Pacino flims; he really is a cracking actor. I've only saw Donnie Brasco, The Godfather, Scarface and Heat that I can think of, and he has been superb in each of those certainly.

He definetely used to be a fantastic actor, but he's decided that he can get away with doing the shouty thing from Scent of a Woman in all his films now.

And don't, whatever you do, watch Righteous Kill because it's got De Niro and Pacino in it together again. It's a truly awful film.

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Righteous kill is indeed terrible. It's like they spent the entire budget on getting those two together and paid a couple quid for a script.

Aparently it was originaly scripted for the two younger cops to be the leads, but someone decided that they could shoehorn the two old duffers into it and make a shed load of money off the back of "THEY WUR IN HEAT THEGETHER!!!!!!!!!" advertising. Which I fell for. :(

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Watched Stake land tonight, really enjoyed it. A bit different from your usual vampire films and a good horror.


Wrath of the Titans, what an absolute disaster of a film, Aslan and Raif were good as always but it lumbers along with no real idea where it's going. Big Sam takes about two seconds to be persuaded to abandon the promise that he made to his wife on her death bed, characters appear and disappear and your left wondering who the hell they were and apart from opening a magic door or something similar what their purpose in the film was.

1/10 it gets one just to acknowledge that it



Agree with the above two scores, I watched Stake Land a few weeks back and its a decent watch there has been plenty of films about vampires at the moment and I wasnt expecting much from it. Its a bit more realistic, well for a vampire film, and it has a post-apocalyptic feel which reminded me of the Fallout games a bit. It does fall down towards the end where it abandons what it has been building on to go down the route of "super" vampire which did ruin it a bit IMO. 7/10

Wrath of the Titans is just utter shite from start to finish, the first one was watchable if nothing special but this is garbage. You would think with all the stories and characters available in Greek mythology that they could come up with a decent story with a few decent battles/fights in it. Instead it throws about a dozen different characters into the film and starts off with the usual story of the Titans escaping from their prison, the same story as the recent Immortals film which at least had a couple of decent fights, but by the time the Titans are released there is only about 10 mins of the film left and Hades who has been on the side of the Titans switches sides with no real reason giving as to why. The minotaur and Bubo the golden owl from the original also make random appearances. 1/10.

I also watched Margin Call recently, a film about a bank which realises just on the eve of the credit crunch that things are a bit to hit the shitter. Was surprised at the number of recognisible faces in this film and almost all of them put in a decent performance. 7/10.

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Lincoln Lawyer 8/10

Matthew McConaughey is a defence lawyer who is asked to defend Ryan Phillippe who is a real estate rich kid in LA. Legal buffs could probably pick holes and there were certain predictable elements but plenty of twist and turns also. Really enjoyed it after being disappointed with Super 8.

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Aye. I was impressed with McConaughey in this. Never seen him in a serious role before. Although he is in one of my guilty pleasure films and he is good in that also. How to lose a guy in 10 days :D

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Watched Drive last night after glowing reviews on here. Thought it was poor, maybe I was expecting too much. Gosling was playing the quiet mysterious character, but all it made me think was that he was bored out his ass through it all. 4/10

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Watched Drive last night after glowing reviews on here. Thought it was poor, maybe I was expecting too much. Gosling was playing the quiet mysterious character, but all it made me think was that he was bored out his ass through it all. 4/10

This ^

Never got the hype either.

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Watched Battleship today and was pleasantly suprised, thought it was brilliant!

Im not a huge fan on action films so wasnt expecting much but thought this had the exact mix if action, humour, originality etc

Special mentions to cast of who i didnt really know any of them. Brooklyn Dekker who is gorgeous and has amazing bouncy boobs throughout. Some retired baseball player who plays a retired army vet, rihanna is suprisingly good and some guy who looks like an albino mentally disabled Matt Damon.

Not sure how critically received the film is but I thought it was a great watch


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After the discussion in the general nonsense sub- forum about hooligan movies. I watched away days again. When I watched it the first time I was quite disappointed with it but I was watching it with my ex who moaned the whole way through it saying it was shit.

This time I thought it was a great movie and the second best hooligan film after I.D. The relationship between Carty and Elvis is interesting with Carty wanting to be accepted into the firm and Elvis hiding his lust for Carty through the film.


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Hobo With A Shotgun. Tremendous fun. Following the Grindhouse and Machete form with being ridiculous. Wasn't a fan of the Abbey actress and her speech was pretty rank but Rutger Hauer was phenomenal as the Hobo. 7/10

Cabin in the Woods. Really good. Not your standard horror flick, there was a lot of nonsense thrown in which give it a light-hearted side which was nice. It was pretty good up until the third act when they started revealing shit, then it got a bit shite.

When all the lifts opened and the monster came out, that was awesome. Would've loved to have seen the robot or massive bat be the actual monster stalking the group.


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The Towering Inferno ( 1974 )

I don't imagine there's many who haven't seen or heard of this, but for the uninitiated, this is a disaster epic from the 1970s. Bunch of people trapped on the top floor of a 140 floor building. Fire breaks out on level 81. Things get harder as the night goes on. So yeah, not the most original of plots you're likely to come across, but an excellent cast ( who are excellently cast in their roles as well ) helps us as we meet a LOT of characters in the early going. Most of which play their own small part over the course of the 150 minutes of the movie. Richard Chamberlain stands out as the electrician who was ordered to cut corners and therefore caused the madness. We don't see nearly enough of him. There's a lot of nasty moments as well to add to it. The running time might be a bit long, but I can think of worse ways to spend my time.


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