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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I actually found the human centipede more comical than scary, although I did watch it straight after viewing A Serbian Film. Which is actually quite well made, just a shame it's a fucking monstrosity

I skimmed through A Serbian Film and wasn't as disgusted as I thought I would be. I have to agree with you about The Human Centipede and indeed most of these "shocking" films, they are more funny than they are scary. Whilst some people are watching the sickest scenes with disgust, I just find them hillarious.

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I skimmed through A Serbian Film and wasn't as disgusted as I thought I would be. I have to agree with you about The Human Centipede and indeed most of these "shocking" films, they are more funny than they are scary. Whilst some people are watching the sickest scenes with disgust, I just find them hillarious.

I found Serbian Film quite disturbing but maybe not as bad as it's built up to be. Still not sure why it was made though. I've heard the directors point of view but he didn't seem convincing and didn't seem to believe his own explanation. Feck knows

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Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)

The first of several sequels to the classic Planet of the Apes. At the end of the first film, Taylor discovers he is on Earth (everybody knows that much) and a rescue mission is sent after him. It crashes onto the planet after travelling through a hole in the space-time continuum but it's 2000 years or so in the future.

Now we're underneath New York, in the subway system, post nuclear apocalypse. Super intelligent humans v apes in an all out war - with Taylor, Nova and the rescuer (Brent) stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The special effects are truly awful, and the dialogue is beyond ridiculous at times... but a bunch of humans ripping off their faces whilst singing All Creatures Great and Small to an atomic bomb made me cry laughing!


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Question for all those who've seen Cabin in the Woods;

Favourite monster that could've been used in the cabin?

I'd have to go killer robot. The dragonbat was cool but that killer robot would be ace. The unicorn was a great death scene as was the merman(blood through the blowhole was hilarious)

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Question for all those who've seen Cabin in the Woods;

Favourite monster that could've been used in the cabin?

I'd have to go killer robot. The dragonbat was cool but that killer robot would be ace. The unicorn was a great death scene as was the merman(blood through the blowhole was hilarious)

You couldn't have used any of them, as they would have needed more than one and it wouldn't have made sense as it would have been a minute long massacre as you saw in the Cube rip-off place.

It was amusing as a spoof, but an absolutely terrible horror!

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You couldn't have used any of them, as they would have needed more than one and it wouldn't have made sense as it would have been a minute long massacre as you saw in the Cube rip-off place.

It was amusing as a spoof, but an absolutely terrible horror!

What's that place? What about horror movies like Friday the 13th, Halloween etc that only have one?

Here's a shot from the movie


Loads of those could've worked. If it's just one then it's a slow pick off. If it's a group like zombies/goblins/scarecrow folk then it'll be the same as the redneck torture family.

I liked the look of the cenobite-style monsters but I suppose it would just be more of a Hellraiser film if they were used. The angry molesting tree would have been interesting! It would have been amazing if they filmed a few versions of the film with different outcomes in the cellar and other monsters.

I thought that it'd be cool for the DVD extras or something if they showed how each was called. I'd buy the DVD for those bonus seasons.

Have to agree with Standfree above. I took it as a horror but it's got Whedon's usual wit. But the ending;

the Ancient ones are supposed to be like the general public. If they don't get what they want then they destroy shit. Whedon has already admitted that Hadley and Sitterson are very similar to Whedon and Goddard. Whoever kept phoning them in the film are obviously like Hollywood execs, pressing them to succeed and please the Ancient ones/the general public.

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The Asphyx (1973)

English horror set in Victorian times.

An English gentleman who has an interest in photographing people at the moment of death to capture a smudge around the head, accidently witnesses the death of his son whilst filming him with his new fangled moving pictures camera. This, he discovers, shows a sort of spirit (the Asphyx of the title) entering not leaving, as he assumed, the body.

Cue his search to capture one in his search for immortality.

Pretty decent effort that I had not came across before, fair plot with a solid cast.


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There's apparently a book that goes along with the film explaining everything.

The "Kevin" monster caught my eye during the film. Apparently it's some gas-station attendant geek person who's a complete maniac. I agree with you on the DVD, I'd definitely buy it if there was some extras on it about all the monsters and stuff. See Deadites are on the whiteboard too :D

Yeah, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so I can slow down certain parts to see it clearly.

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What's that place? What about horror movies like Friday the 13th, Halloween etc that only have one?

Here's a shot from the movie


Loads of those could've worked. If it's just one then it's a slow pick off. If it's a group like zombies/goblins/scarecrow folk then it'll be the same as the redneck torture family.

The ones you mentioned were all fast moving, unlike Myers and Vorhees.

Of the solo characters only Werewolf, Alien Beast, Hell Lord, Giant Snake, The Bride, Snowman and the Unicorn would have been able to be an entire film by themselves. However given that all bar the unicorn have had a pretty mainstream film done about them, to stick in the Cube aspect would have just been worse than awful. At least the rednecks were reasonably easily defeatable.

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The ones you mentioned were all fast moving, unlike Myers and Vorhees.

Of the solo characters only Werewolf, Alien Beast, Hell Lord, Giant Snake, The Bride, Snowman and the Unicorn would have been able to be an entire film by themselves. However given that all bar the unicorn have had a pretty mainstream film done about them, to stick in the Cube aspect would have just been worse than awful. At least the rednecks were reasonably easily defeatable.

I didn't say what would've been the best movie antagonist, I asked what was your favourite monster.

Why couldn't the multiple teams have worked, like the redneck torture family? From the board I posted, I can see mutants, wraiths, zombies, clowns, witches, sexy witches, demons, deadites, scarecrow folk, vampires, goblins, dolls, doctors, twins.

Also singular monsters that are slow moving would probably be Kevin, Mummy, the Bride, Snowman, sugarplum fairy, huron, yeti, jack o'lantern.

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Damsels in Distress

Terrible. I've no idea what it was trying to be at all. It wasn't funny, it didn't have a story, it wasn't clever and the performances in it were very wooden.

0/10. The first film I've nearly walked out on.


Much more like it! I thoroughly enjoyed it. 9/10

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Smokin' Aces 7.5/10

First time I've watched this, I picked t up from a charity shop for around £2 and I believe it's money well spent. It had a very good cast with a good few recognisable faces and others that I had seen but had to check IMDB!

Good twist at the end and I genuinely never saw it coming, although there is that much going on in the film that I was doing well just to keep up, maybe that's why I didn't score it higher. Overall I thought it was well worth the time and money and would recommend it.

Another bonus is that Alicia Keyes is in it and is smokin' hot! 8)

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Went to see The Avengers last night with the missus but it was sold out, the only film available was called Gone. This film is truly horrendous from start to finish, I was actually bored sitting there watching it and some of the story is comical.

DO NOT go and see this.


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Ok went to see cabin in the woods this afternoon.

First off really enjoyed it and would give it a 7/10.

I didn't know anything about it going in and hadn't even seen a trailer for it. I knew there was a 'twist' as saw some people mention on here I think somewhere. My question is what was the twist? I may have missed something but I don't think so, I kept waited for a twist that didn't come. Or is the twist that there is no twist?

I don't watch a lot of 'horror' films as in general they ain't my cup of tea. Perhaps regular horror fans can tell me if this is classed as a horror? I didn't think it was scary at all but I don't think that was the intention? I think it meant to be more funny in a sort of Zombieland type of film.

Thought it was a decent enough watch anyway

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In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007)

Normally with an Uwe Boll film, you expect a couple of things. Mindless nonsense, and about £80m pissed up the wall on special effects.

Sadly in this he tried to make a film with a story to it, and spent the money on a ridiculously expensive cast compared with his usual cronies.

The following are far too high profile for a Boll production...

  • Jason Statham
  • John Rhys Davies
  • Matthew Lillard
  • Ron Perlman
  • Ray Liotta
  • Burt Reynolds


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