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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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snap, although I have had the misfortune of seeing that movie, and brand single handedly spoiled it. the mockney c**t really is abysmal

That movie is completely shite anyway.

Russell Brand is a great standup, it seems as though you're letting your (completely wrong) assessment of his character cloud your judgment.

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Pacific Rim

It's giant robots hitting giant monsters. What's not to like?

A solid 8/10, loses a couple of points for generic action movie cliches but very enjoyable.

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I've caught bits and pieces of it over the last few days. I don't think I gave Dylan McDermott enough credit when I first saw in the cinemas, he's absolutely tremendous in it.

Aye, he was the highlight for me. Pretty sure I swooned over him on here after I watched it.

Monsters University ( 2013 )

Pixar can do the charming movies with their eyes closed these days and this is no exception. There is a decent base laid for it thanks to the terrific Monsters Inc., but it's cracking stuff here with some belting new characters ( Mike and Sully's new fraternity being the real highlights ) and some amazing jokes. The snail one you always see in the trailers just continues to be funny every time I see it. The Scare Games are probably the real heart of the movie though, as well as the relationship between our two heroes. Great stuff.


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Audition - 6/10

Pretty enjoyable on the most part but didn't quite see why it has such a cult following. Probably most intense torture scene I've ever witnessed. Decent enough watch but not the greatest example of Asian cinema.

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Just for a laugh I watched Catwoman yesterday, I had heard had bad it was and that Halle Berry had actually one an award for worst actress as well... you could see why

The film for the first 20/25mins actually isnt too bad until she becomes Catwoman and I laughed more during the film then I had done with some comedies


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Monsters University - Fucking hilarious, genuinely think I laughed at it more than the children who were there. The stoner is tremendous, his joke about his extra toe had me in stitches

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Monsters University - 9/10. Pixar never fail to disappoint. Absolutely brilliant.

The Watch - 4/10. Really disappointed with this. Given the cast, I expected this to be brilliant. It was pish. Funny at times, but as a whole, quite shite. I feel they didn't exploit Richard Ayoade's character enough. Nothing memorable from him. Ben Stiller was just fine. Vince Vaughn played his usual part in making any film rancid by being a tedious, 1-dimensional. shite self. Jonah Hill was the only genuinely funny one in it.

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Monsters University - Fucking hilarious, genuinely think I laughed at it more than the children who were there. The stoner is tremendous, his joke about his extra toe had me in stitches

That entire fraternity were an absolute joy.

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Watched Pacific Rim at the weekend, no love story, exposition mostly all done at the start. Was pretty solid and the fight sequences very well done


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Watched "The World's End" last night.

Utterly disappointed, was mediocre at best. 3/10.

Seen it on Friday I quite enjoyed it tho Simon Pegg's character grated on my nerves alot. Not the best out of the 3 films and the last 5 mins wasnt needed


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