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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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It really is a fantastic movie. From the sense of uncertainty felt by both characters at opposite ends of the age spectrum, to the fact they fall in love and don't act on it, to the wonderful shots of Japan, to the several hilarious moments in it, it is superb.

It's the only movie to which I'd give 10/10.

Well said David!

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The Libertine

Despite garnishing praise from some lofty quarters, this film was an utter disappointment and a real drag. Every time a new scene came on, I was fed up by the end. If that's not bad enough, Johnny Vegas is in it. On the plus side, Depp has a reasonably good performance, and there are some amusing bits, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth.


Didn't yoy go on a date for that film? A terrible film on a date is an ingenious idea! The girl (hopefully) gets bored and wants to do other things!

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She hated it as much as me, Paulo, but we went to a pub afterwards and talked for ages, and I'm going on my 3rd date with her on Friday.

She goes to the cinema abour 2 or 3 times a week, so shes seen most of the films about just now!

3 dates aye? How is it going? Do you think she likes you "that way", as in does she want to (in your own words) "help you rip the heed aff it"?

(I don't know if those were your exact words)

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Not my exact words, I would use something far more eloquent, like, She caressed his purple staff until it could take no more, and spurted fourth white bursts of joy over and over again.

I'm really good friends with her friend (thats how I met her by the way) and I was told how she "liked me", and I mean like as in fancy!

Jurassic Park!

When I see you at the game on Saturday, I may have had intercourse by then, I'll keep you posted.


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Guest SaintGareth

Watched the Aviator the other night, i thought it was ok. Not a very realistic depiction of what actually happened, but the flying scenes were really cool.

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The Motorcycle Diaries

Arrggghhhhhh - I want more. :lol:

It was a truly fantastic film both in learning more about the early life of Guevara and the stunning scenery. I have been fascinated by South America since Michael Palin done his Pacific thingy series a few years ago.

The scenes at the copper mine in Chile and the leper colony in Peru were outstanding pieces of movie work.

In terms of road movies, Thelma and Louise it aint. :rolleyes:

Hard work to get into as all subtitled foreign films are (isnt Spanish a quick language :huh: ) but well worth it. 9/10.

My amigo has good taste in films. Dont Look Now tomorrow night. ;)

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Excellent. I thought you would like it.

Last night I watched 'A History Of Violence'

Superb piece of cinema from one of the truly great maverick directors of our time David Cronenberg. I've been a fan of his since 'Scanners'

Slightly more mainstream than his usual work but still a brilliant piece of cinema. Viggo Mortensen looks so different to his LOTR role and is excellent in the lead role as Tom Stall.


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Slightly more mainstream than his usual work but still a brilliant piece of cinema. Viggo Mortensen looks so different to his LOTR role and is excellent in the lead role as Tom Stall.

Mark Kermode says he is the new De Niro and his word id the law as far as movies is concerned in my book. ;)

He is the biggest fan of The Exorcist and made The Exorcism of Emily Rose his movie of the week yesterday although he said it was flawed. That'll do for me. B)

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Mark Kermode says he is the new De Niro and his word id the law as far as movies is concerned in my book. ;)

He is the biggest fan of The Exorcist and made The Exorcism of Emily Rose his movie of the week yesterday although he said it was flawed. That'll do for me. B)

Kermode is indeed the law. Rarely says anything I disagree with.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is tonight's viewing. Take it you want a copy ;)

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