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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Phantasm III - 7/10

This series of films gets more obscure as they go on, let's bring back Michael Baldwin to replace the annoying James LeGros (annoying lawyer in Ally McBeal).

Let's bring back a guy who died in the first film as his spirit guide, let's bring back Reggie even though he looked deid in the second one.

Ah f**k it, I hope the last one has Gene Pitney singing "Something's gotten hold of my heart", whilst holding a beating human heart whilst dancing on the grave of Marc Almond, even though he's not even dead. :lol:

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Phantasm OblIVion - 8/10

Deserves it for the use of old unused footage from the original spliced into the 1998 film to great effect.

And also taking over Wilshire Boulevard in LA without permission deserves a mention as well!! :D

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Guest chrispbacon

Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom. 4/10. Working my way through the trilogy and this is definitely the weakest of the lot. Forgot how shite it was actually

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Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom. 4/10. Working my way through the trilogy and this is definitely the weakest of the lot. Forgot how shite it was actually

Never seen it, I thought the other two were pretty decent considering my hatred for all things Spielberg.

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The Horror Show (House III) - 8/10

I have to give it 7 because that's what I gave JAck Frost, and this has the exact same plot except without the snowman.

However an extra point has to be dished out as Dedee Pfeiffer gets her tits out (she plays a 17 year old... hmmm, she was 25 when this was made, but we'll let her away with it as she's hot!)

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Typical quote:

Irene P. Waters (Upon discovering a bottle of JD and a massive dildo): Stay away from me, Hank! I know what you have planned, OK? I saw your so-called "supplies."

Hank Evans: Oh... that! I wasn't gonna just... ram it home, you know. I was gonna... lube it up and ease it in there, inch by inch, like a gentleman.

Irene P. Waters: I was talking about the shovel and the lime.


I f'kin love that film, JC is the dogs :D;)

Over the weekend I watched Flightplan and Saw 2.

Flightplan was watchable albeit we managed to work out who the baddies were within 20 minutes :rolleyes: I'll give it a 6/10.

Saw 2 however was superb :D Gruesome and a quality story and twist at the end. Muchos enjoyed that bad boy so i'll give it 9/10 B)

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I watched Super Size Me the other night. I'd never seen it before but I think it should have had the tagline 'No Shit Spurlock'. So eating nothing to burgers, chips and cola is bad for you? Who would've thunk it!? :rolleyes: Some of the film was interesting - the way that he alsmost became addicted to fast food, the marketing to children, the way the company tried to abdicate itself from blame for these things. However, I remember watching the dramatisation of the McLibel trial about eight years ago on Channel Four which made all these points in a much more adult way and without the daft sensationalism. One bit that really pissed me off was the famous vomit scene. I'm sorry but that's bollocks, the guy actually expects us to think that he puked completely naturally after eating a cheeseburger and chips? I think that if he wasn't being filmed there's not a chance he'd have vomitted.

I also watched his new show 30 Days the othe rweek, where he got a guy to sign up to a mad exercise and drug programme to reclaim his youth. This involved the guy taking Human Growth Hormone and testosterone as well as numerous other supplaments and unergoing a rigorous training regime. Of course, his liver started showing abnormal functions, his sperm count dropped and he became mor eaggressive. I know next to nothing about drugs and drug design but I do know that taking these drugs has all these effects - why is it presented as though it's a major breakthrough? Oh and his wife got jealous of the good-looking fitness instructor they gave him. :rolleyes:

Again, the show made a couple of good points about the trade in illegal drugs, espeically between the US and Mexico. Surely any sane person is going to realise that if you pump your body full of this stuff it'll have an affect on your liver or your reproductive organs or somehting else? It's common knowledge. There's nothing on these programmes that you couldn't work out for yourself or find out by reading a couple of websites or leaflets.

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One bit that really pissed me off was the famous vomit scene. I'm sorry but that's bollocks, the guy actually expects us to think that he puked completely naturally after eating a cheeseburger and chips? I think that if he wasn't being filmed there's not a chance he'd have vomitted.

You're probably right but remember that he'd been living on a Gillian McKeith/hamster food diet before starting his fast food binge!

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You're probably right but remember that he'd been living on a Gillian McKeith/hamster food diet before starting his fast food binge!

Aye, cooked by his vegan chef girlfriend, the epitome of smugness <_< I'd love to chop down a Big Mac and fries if she was watching :lol: My point was showing him puking up was a misrepresentation.

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I watched Super Size Me the other night. I'd never seen it before but I think it should have had the tagline 'No Shit Spurlock'. So eating nothing to burgers, chips and cola is bad for you? Who would've thunk it!? :rolleyes: Some of the film was interesting - the way that he alsmost became addicted to fast food, the marketing to children, the way the company tried to abdicate itself from blame for these things. However, I remember watching the dramatisation of the McLibel trial about eight years ago on Channel Four which made all these points in a much more adult way and without the daft sensationalism. One bit that really pissed me off was the famous vomit scene. I'm sorry but that's bollocks, the guy actually expects us to think that he puked completely naturally after eating a cheeseburger and chips? I think that if he wasn't being filmed there's not a chance he'd have vomitted.

I thought that way before I saw the film, that it was obvious that it would be bad for him, so what's the point? However the detail was interesting to me, going into the actual extent of the problem that faces America in particular, and most of the "developed" world in general. I don't recall the exact figure, but the number of Americans who will develop diabetes in the next decade was disturbing, and the change in attitude of the doctor was incredible. He started out predicting various changes in health that wouldn't be that serious, yet two weeks in the message was "stop this now or you will DIE".

Obviously the whole thing has to, erm, be taken with a pinch of salt (sorry :P ), but I actually felt it didn't quite stoop to the level of emotive propaganda that Michael Moore for example uses.

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I thought that way before I saw the film, that it was obvious that it would be bad for him, so what's the point? However the detail was interesting to me, going into the actual extent of the problem that faces America in particular, and most of the "developed" world in general. I don't recall the exact figure, but the number of Americans who will develop diabetes in the next decade was disturbing, and the change in attitude of the doctor was incredible. He started out predicting various changes in health that wouldn't be that serious, yet two weeks in the message was "stop this now or you will DIE".

Obviously the whole thing has to, erm, be taken with a pinch of salt (sorry :P ), but I actually felt it didn't quite stoop to the level of emotive propaganda that Michael Moore for example uses.

1 in 5 adults already have diabetes in the US :o It will only get worse.

I've actually stopped drinking as much Irn Bru and Coke since watching that. I wasn't surprised at him vomiting either. He was a vegan eating a double Quarterpounder with cheese. Thats half a pound of processed meat, along with the supersize fries, cheese, bun and a litre of coke to wash it down. I'd be sick.

Agree about the Michael Moore/Farenheight 9/11 thing.

I'd give Supersize Me 7/10.

Next up is Sin City, if I can drag myself away from the new Tomb Raider game.

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Watched King Kong on Saturday night. Thought it was an excellent version. I loved the way they gave Kong more humanlike characteristics, especially when he was laughing when pushing over the girl in the forrest. (also a kind of f**k you to the anti-evolutionists :lol:) Cinematography and graphics were all brilliant and the storyline was good too overall 9.5/10

Was forced to watch pride and prejudice last night (the new one with keira knightley) She was gorgeous allowing me to give it 4/10 :)

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I watched "Simply Irresistable" last night, a film featuring the acting 'talent' of sarah Michelle Gellar.

Simply Shite more like. It was dreadful, the story quite literally made no sense; You know the episode of the Simpsons where Homer 'accidentally' leaves his screenplay on Alex baldwins pillow ? Well, it was like that. It was a love story featuring a magic crab !

Quite possibly the worst film I ever watched. I can't believe i sat through it all. Totally bizarre, but not in a good way. Just terrible.

1/10 (the 1 is for the performance of the magic crab who outshone the rest of the cast)

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I watched "Simply Irresistable" last night, a film featuring the acting 'talent' of sarah Michelle Gellar.

Simply Shite more like. It was dreadful, the story quite literally made no sense; You know the episode of the Simpsons where Homer 'accidentally' leaves his screenplay on Alex baldwins pillow ? Well, it was like that. It was a love story featuring a magic crab !

Quite possibly the worst film I ever watched. I can't believe i sat through it all. Totally bizarre, but not in a good way. Just terrible.

1/10 (the 1 is for the performance of the magic crab who outshone the rest of the cast)

I see your 'Simply Irresistable' and raise you 'The Village'

complete and utter tosh, nonsense and poppycock.


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