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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Stanford Prison Experiment (5/10)

Based on the real story of the infamous Stanford University prison experiment, where volunteers were put in a mock jail, half as prisoners, half as guards.

Doesn't particularly translate well to the screen, and not as interesting as reading the full details of the experiment. Still a fairly decent watch.

What is a documentary or did they try and turn it into a drama? It would be fucking awful as a drama unless they really freed the reigns on how brutal the guards were depicted on screen.

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Stanford Prison Experiment (5/10)

Based on the real story of the infamous Stanford University prison experiment, where volunteers were put in a mock jail, half as prisoners, half as guards.

Doesn't particularly translate well to the screen, and not as interesting as reading the full details of the experiment. Still a fairly decent watch.

Have a watch of Das Experiment. Its basically a German version of the same thing. It was a good watch.
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spud131, on 23 Nov 2015 - 13:19, said:

Have a watch of Das Experiment. Its basically a German version of the same thing. It was a good watch.

There's an English language remake of that movie.

Personally, I think the new version that banana watched is a belting movie. I thought that considering I'd basically seen much of it before in the aforementioned movie, it did a great job of pulling me in. Some great tension despite knowing much of the story, and it was well cast.

Thought it was brilliant.

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There's Something About Mary

Still my favourite Farrelly brothers film, still as funny now as it was when I first saw it in the cinema years ago. It has some brilliantly funny scenes in it, and if you like comedies but haven't seen it then I would heartily recommend that you should.


In my top 10 funny films list. Along with Kingpin, after those 2 I felt they'd lost some of their edge.


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Steve Jobs - 7/10.

I like Sorkin, so it's to be expected that I (quite) liked this. The ending has come in for criticism elsewhere, and, on reflection, I still can't quite work out whether I think it worked or not. On a purely individual level, I thought Fassbender was superb. Overall, I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from watching.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel: 8/10. My girlfriend hated it but I thought it was well-paced and good fun. So f**k her.

Boyhood: 5.5/10. Didn't get emotionally invested at any point. The boy reminds me of my mate's brother who is an arsehole.

Casino: 8.5/10. I think this is the first Sharon Stone film I've seen - she was very good. Would've preferred De Niro to come out of the car and deal with Pesci at the end though. Great film.

Robocop: 8/10. I'd only seen this about 15 years ago so couldn't remember anything about it. Great fun. Although he gets shot about a hundred times and then takes one to the head - and they still try to revive him.

Edited by Slacker
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The Dressmaker

Don't let the title put you off, this is really good and very quirky. It's like watching Once Upon A Time In The West meets Steptoe & Son meets The League Of Gentlemen.

Set in Australia in 1951 it starts off with Kate Winslett, just like Charles Bronson in OUATITW, arriving in a small town seeking revenge after being banished 25 years earlier. The only thing is instead of a gun she's got a Singer sewing machine and a golf club. She needs her mother, who's like a female Albert Steptoe, help her get to the truth why she was banished and along the way there's a couple of twists and a whole collection of weird and wonderful characters who wouldn't be out of place on League Of Gentlemen.

Thoroughly enjoyable 8/10

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