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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On 08/09/2021 at 08:47, Shandon Par said:

Betty Blue

A nice film about painting and decorating that turns a bit dark when someone pulls their eye out.


Sent an uptight and very Christian relative the soundtrack for that, which I thought was beautifully simple, not realising that the opening scene of fairly hardcore sexual grunting wasn't edited out. Loved the film, must be 30 years ago now.

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Enemy - This is the third time i've watched this and I've pretty much given up trying to make it fit any single explanation, the problem of the doubles is unresolvable but extremely interesting. There are quite a lot of theories online that it's about a descent into totalitarianism and the way it's filmed with exclusively modernist/brutalist buildings and empty public spaces does give off that impression.



The first time I watched this was at my parents and about halfway through my Dad strolled into the living room and announced "I've seen this it turns out his girlfriend is a spider" then started reading the paper. I gave him a sceptical "Aye, ok", made a mental note to look into old folks homes and continued watching. When the final scene happened I got a "Told you, load of nonsense" from him and I think was more shocked than I would have been if he didn't give away the final scene. I didn't ask what inspired him to watch the entire movie (and not fall asleep) but i'm guessing it was the nudity at the beginning.


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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Sent an uptight and very Christian relative the soundtrack for that, which I thought was beautifully simple, not realising that the opening scene of fairly hardcore sexual grunting wasn't edited out. Loved the film, must be 30 years ago now.

Yeah, it’s a bit older than that, maybe 35? Saw it as a kid and only really paid attention to Beatrice Dalle wearing not much but it’s a really top film.

She once broke into a mortuary whilst on an acid-fuelled bender and ate the ear off a corpse.

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Aye it is. Mann always delivers a great soundtrack. Last of The Mohicans and Heat are all time great scores as well.
Dune - It's easy to see why this was considered a turkey as I found it difficult to follow despite having a rough idea of the plot of the Dune series and loving David Lynch. f**k knows what an average cinema goer in 1984 would have made of it. The plot is the basic hero quest with daft complications about worms and spice drugs but all the grotesque Lynch touches and the set design make it a good watch. The big fat Baron flying around and generally being disgusting was the highlight.

I know in the current landscape there’s no chance of them doing the Baron justice given Herbert basically writes him as a monstrously fat gay paedophile
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World War Z (2013) dir. Marc Forster

Rewatched as my flatmate has been keen to give it another go for a while. This is just a series of set pieces (some of which are pretty good!) stitched together with an uninteresting plotline. This would've been great as an anthology series, right? Just do 10 episodes focusing on different parts of the globe and you have a great series. 

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8 hours ago, NotThePars said:


I know in the current landscape there’s no chance of them doing the Baron justice given Herbert basically writes him as a monstrously fat gay paedophile


Funnily enough when i saw this poster in the cinema my first thought was "who's meant to be the baddie? He's supposed to be a fat ugly b*****d" 


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23 hours ago, Detournement said:

When Communism happens we are bringing back ugly actors and lived in faces. 

Pubeless wonders like Chamalet oot, Buscemi in.


Hate this new trend of taking skinny good looking actors and putting them in tons of prosthetics as well. 

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8 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Deep Blue Sea (1999) dir. Renny Harlin

Someone watched Aliens and thought "what if the Alien was a shark?"

Pretty daft but fun. 


I think that's been Renny Harlin's career motto TBF.

Looks like he's making films for the Chinese market these days. Hopefully they're still just as silly.

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Respect 6/10. A decent wee watch, another musical biopic. Didn’t know much about Aretha Franklin going into this left knowing a bit more but with all these types of films I’ll need to do a bit of research on the subject to see how much was made up. Maybe a tad too long at just under 2 and a half hours.

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Finally got round to watching Joker. 


10/10. This is absolutely everything I wanted from this film, a tremendously well detailed back story leading up to a moment nobody would ever forget. 

What makes this so good is that you can sympathise at times with the guy. Dealt with an absolute shan hand in life. 

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One Deadly Summer (1983, French) on Amazon Prime

Fantastic. Starts off and you think it’s cheeky, eye candy fluff where a beautiful girl moves to a small town and scandalises all the locals with her behaviour and outfits. Then it starts to reveal itself as something more in keeping with the title. Unreliable narrators  start to move the film and toot sympathies around. Elements of Straw Dogs, Basic Instinct, Betty Blue.

Just a really clever film noir set in the blazing French sun and featuring one of the most beautiful leading ladies you’ll ever see delivering an incredible performance as the film goes on.

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Annihilation (2018) dir. Alex Garland

Parts of this are a bit cloying (all the relationship stuff) even if it does have some sort of payoff but lads this movie has vibes for days. It is basically a remake of Stalker with more of a focus on climate change or whatever but it’s just ambiguous enough to be a really enjoyable watch. Reading the Wiki and apparently Garland and a few others fought hard to leave it as vague and open to interpretation as it reads as well as resisting any attempts to make Natalie Portman’s character more sympathetic.

Great use of Moderat at the end as well. And that scene with the bear. Freakish.


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I was a bit disappointed with Annihilation, I like vague normally and its a decent movie but I didnt feel it rose above that. It starts of well but from half way mark it just sort of fades. Still worth a watch though and others like Pars may be right.

Edited by BigDoddyKane
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