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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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at work on last day we were that quiet wtached 2 movies meet dave+new indian jones one

And they were???

Good, bad, indifferent.

Okay, most people know that IJ4 was keech, but what about the other one?

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Let The Right One In ( 2008 )

Anyone who likes vampire movies really has to watch this movie. It's absolutely amazing. I can't say too much as it'd take away from it, but everything is so well done. The performances, especially the bullied kid, are the sorts of performancs which would get awards if they were in the right kind of movie.


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And they were???

Good, bad, indifferent.

Okay, most people know that IJ4 was keech, but what about the other one?

indiana jones was average not a patch on the others meet dave was good,pretty far fetched but hey its only a film,recognised lots of places from my trip to new york

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Really love this film, I saw bits of it on the TV ages ago and have since made it my life's mission to track it down and buy a copy. Thankfully I found it and the second one on play for a fiver so it was bought as a Christmas present to me.

Basically this is American Pie but based in the 50's with similar characters but a slightly different story line.

The shower scene was fantastic as was the bit in the office immediately after the afore mentioned scene.

8/10 because I think they could have squeezed more laughs in there.

Fierce Creatures

I might be slightly bias with this one as I laughed like hell when one of the characters was trying to throttle someone for the crime of trying to stomp on his pet tarantula.

This is a story about a small-time zoo that's been bought over by a multi millionaire that wants it to earn him more money than it does currently. The staff and middle management go through a number of bizarre ideas trying to draw in more crowds.

I really liked the idea of this film and don't think I've ever really seen another like it. There aren't really that many "fall out your seat" laughing moments but it's still a nice a wee story with a few mild laughs thrown in.


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going to take pelters for this one - Mama Mia, and I quite enjoyed it, just for Pierce's singing alone lol!

actually its one of those SO awful it becomes faintly good types. 6/10

Deep Impact. What an utterly terrible film, much is just a morgan freeman monologue. It should be watchable what with Morgan Freeman and Robert Duvall in it but its just....gah! even freeman cant save it. Full of gross science errors too. 4/10

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actually its one of those SO awful it becomes faintly good types. 6/10

Deep Impact. What an utterly terrible film, much is just a morgan freeman monologue. It should be watchable what with Morgan Freeman and Robert Duvall in it but its just....gah! even freeman cant save it. Full of gross science errors too. 4/10

DO NOT watch The Core or Event Horizon then!

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uncle buck 7/10 not candy's best work but i like it so f**k ye

diary of the dead 4/10 such a disapointment basically a by the numbers teen horror film with a social commentary thrown in that is at least five years to late sorry george time to leave the zombies alone. this however still does not taint the excellence of his earlier work

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diary of the dead 4/10 such a disapointment basically a by the numbers teen horror film with a social commentary thrown in that is at least five years to late sorry george time to leave the zombies alone. this however still does not taint the excellence of his earlier work

For a more enjoyable, lower budget British version, try The Zombie Diaries by Michael Bartlett/Kevin Gates.

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A Hollywood movie with science errors ? Man, who would have thought ?

Watched a couple of movies today on Sky Movies.

The Walker ( 2007 )

Not really much to shout about here. Woody Harrelson is pretty bad in this when he's playing Mr. Easy Going but when he starts to get annoyed by everything, he turns in a decent performance. Couldn't buy into him before that though. The movie itself is so non descript it almost doesn't warrant a rating, but I kept myself awake enough to be able to judge it.


Family fun of the day comes from ...

Nancy Drew ( 2007 )

It was at least a lot more fun than what came before it, even if some of the characters were incredibly annoying. That little fat kid got on my wick.


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Got around to seeing Gonzo - The Life and Times of Hunter S. Thompson.

The Doc was a hero of mine, so I found this documentary fascinating, especially the interviews with George McGovern and Jimmy Carter, both of whom held him in high regard. Not much by way of critical insight or new footage, but nontheless did an excellent writer justice. 7/10

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