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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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If we wanted to see him being a shit father then it wud of been called THE DEADBEAT DAD, no THE WRESTLER.

It doesn't matter what it's called. The impact of wrestling is felt all of the way through, even if we don't see it all of the time though. So that's why it's called The Wrestler. We can chalk that one down as another point missed though.

Fair enough the love story was alright to pad it out but a dunno what it was all about at the end..,she didnae even stay to watch the fight.some girlfreind.

If you don't understand why she didn't stay to watch the fight, then you not only missed the point, but made no effort to even get the point in the first place.

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It doesn't matter what it's called. The impact of wrestling is felt all of the way through, even if we don't see it all of the time though. So that's why it's called The Wrestler. We can chalk that one down as another point missed though.

If you don't understand why she didn't stay to watch the fight, then you not only missed the point, but made no effort to even get the point in the first place.

Nah mate, youve missed the point trying to be all smart about a film about wrestling tbf.

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The film isn't about wrestling though. It's about the wrestler. You might find that's why it's called The Wrestler. Nevermind that though, and lets remember that Darren Aronofsky says the exact same thing about it. You have missed the point entirely. You've missed the reasons why the movie was so critically acclaimed and widely loved by almost everyone who has watched it.

You really shouldn't have to be smart to understand what The Wrestler about. Infact, it would probably take someone really fucking stupid not to get the point.

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The film isn't about wrestling though. It's about the wrestler. You might find that's why it's called The Wrestler. Nevermind that though, and lets remember that Darren Aronofsky says the exact same thing about it. You have missed the point entirely. You've missed the reasons why the movie was so critically acclaimed and widely loved by almost everyone who has watched it.

You really shouldn't have to be smart to understand what The Wrestler about. Infact, it would probably take someone really fucking stupid not to get the point.

So whats the point that a dont get? Man likes wrestling , gets old and shit but fans still uv him,stops wrestling cos of his heart but life turns shit so does one last wrestle co its what he does despite the fact he could of got a ride if he didnt (and he maybe wouldnt of died).

Didnt really actually show too much about the caracter tbh. seemed like a goodguy butthen whywas he such a dick in places.

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So whats the point that a dont get? Man likes wrestling , gets old and shit but fans still uv him,stops wrestling cos of his heart but life turns shit so does one last wrestle co its what he does despite the fact he could of got a ride if he didnt (and he maybe wouldnt of died).

You clearly DO get the point, which makes me wonder why exactly you think that the character stuff was so out of place and there wasn't enough wrestling. The mind boggles.

Didnt really actually show too much about the caracter tbh. seemed like a goodguy butthen whywas he such a dick in places.

Everyone is capable of being a dick when push comes to shove, and The Ram was shoved. Big time.

As for his girlfriend walking out, you really have to be stupid not to get that. Especially considering what she said to him before the match.

Come on.

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You clearly DO get the point, which makes me wonder why exactly you think that the character stuff was so out of place and there wasn't enough wrestling. The mind boggles.

Everyone is capable of being a dick when push comes to shove, and The Ram was shoved. Big time.

As for his girlfriend walking out, you really have to be stupid not to get that. Especially considering what she said to him before the match.

Come on.

Just seemd a lot of stuff about nothing At least with some morewrestling scenes theres some action,Mickey Roorke was TOO messed up too. The Rock should of played him.

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Like Gladiator crossed with Spartacus with a dash of the Running Man for the Playstation generation...except that it's pish.


I could never have guessed it would be pish.


I'd read about this a while back and assumed it would be crap. Finally saw it tonight and for about the first 20 minutes or so was pleasantly surprised at my mistaken assumption. By the end of it I'm disappointed to say it was shit though not as shit as I had pre-presumed.


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I saw this film without really knowing anything about it. The first thing I noticed is how poor the visual effects were. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and the smug guy from Juno team up to attempt to bring an out of shape action hero back into public favour.

For the first half hour, I thought it could be a genuinely off the wall movie with heart and soul. Then the second half hour I realised it wasn't but it would be passable entertainment. Then the final half hour is just people fighting for no apparent reason.

4/10 There's a cracking movie in there somewhere.

I thought the idea of a sort of wayward superhero was brilliant. I enjoyed the first half aswell, got worse as it got on I think. 7/10

Batman (You know, the one with Jack Nicholson as the Joker). Its weird going from Heath Ledger's depiction of the Joker to this more comical version, but I still love it. A bit more light hearted than the Dark Knight, but I still enjoy watching it. 8/10

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the assassination of jessy james....

got to say 1 of the most boring things i have ever seen. said i was into movies to this boy at my work and he gives me a film about wrestling and a western and a horrror i think. not very pleased! I thought it would be gun fights and action but it was just a bunch of losers standing about mumbling.one good scene in a bedroom but that was it.

thought it would never end


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Missing the point, are we not ?
No, I don't think I missed the point at all.

You have proven my point here. You DO need to see that. Because that's the fucking point.


You really shouldn't have to be smart to understand what The Wrestler about. Infact, it would probably take someone really fucking stupid not to get the point.
You clearly DO get the point, which makes me wonder why exactly you think that the character stuff was so out of place and there wasn't enough wrestling. The mind boggles.

Come on.

Didn't have you down as someone who would get wound up by an alias, Dom.

FWIW, I agree with the other points you made regarding the film but you must have been really bored last night to have wasted your energy on JJ!

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the assassination of jessy james....

got to say 1 of the most boring things i have ever seen. said i was into movies to this boy at my work and he gives me a film about wrestling and a western and a horrror i think. not very pleased! I thought it would be gun fights and action but it was just a bunch of losers standing about mumbling.one good scene in a bedroom but that was it.

thought it would never end


Monster's Ball

I have to say this boy at work has the worse taste. Wisnae even a horror!!!Didnt get this film. really boring like the last two and i was watching it with my maw and it was realy embarassing when halle berry is riding that skinney guy. A pretended that a had a call on ma mobby and went out!!.this film had no story and was depresing and boring and the name of it is just stupid in my opinion.

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Monster's Ball

I have to say this boy at work has the worse taste. Wisnae even a horror!!!Didnt get this film. really boring like the last two and i was watching it with my maw and it was realy embarassing when halle berry is riding that skinney guy. A pretended that a had a call on ma mobby and went out!!.this film had no story and was depresing and boring and the name of it is just stupid in my opinion.

This years Academy Award for best Supporting Idiot goes to............Jake Jones for Pie and Bovril.

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the assassination of jessy james....

got to say 1 of the most boring things i have ever seen. said i was into movies to this boy at my work and he gives me a film about wrestling and a western and a horrror i think. not very pleased! I thought it would be gun fights and action but it was just a bunch of losers standing about mumbling.one good scene in a bedroom but that was it.

thought it would never end


It was vastly over-rated, but it still a good film.

Monster's Ball

I have to say this boy at work has the worse taste. Wisnae even a horror!!!Didnt get this film. really boring like the last two and i was watching it with my maw and it was realy embarassing when halle berry is riding that skinney guy. A pretended that a had a call on ma mobby and went out!!.this film had no story and was depresing and boring and the name of it is just stupid in my opinion.

I have a question, and I'm not being insensitive, but do the wardens know that you have escaped?

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Monster's Ball

I have to say this boy at work has the worse taste. Wisnae even a horror!!!Didnt get this film. really boring like the last two and i was watching it with my maw and it was realy embarassing when halle berry is riding that skinney guy. A pretended that a had a call on ma mobby and went out!!.this film had no story and was depresing and boring and the name of it is just stupid in my opinion.

Just to give you fair warning, for a comedy, Saving Private Ryan is pish!

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Just to give you fair warning, for a comedy, Saving Private Ryan is pish!

Munich is also a ridiculous film about football.

Completely misses out the airplane crash where the Manchester United players perish.

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9 Songs.

I'm not one for turning off porn or music but what was this getting at? I only watched the first 40 minutes or so as I neither fancied a jerk or liked the bands it was showing.

I assume it somehow has a point at the end of it or something?

I'll leave it unscored with me not seeing it all.....

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9 Songs.

I'm not one for turning off porn or music but what was this getting at? I only watched the first 40 minutes or so as I neither fancied a jerk or liked the bands it was showing.

I assume it somehow has a point at the end of it or something?

I'll leave it unscored with me not seeing it all.....

Let me give it a zero on your behalf. It's 69 minues long (yes, 69) and it feels like it lasts for a day and a half. Total uninvolving shite.

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Wanted ( 2008 )

Come into this one expecting a serious movie, and you're going to be sorely disappointed. I honestly don't know how people got so wound up by a movie which was so unashamedly unrealistic ( even having wee digs at the fact throughout ). The fun factor was through the roof here. Not left much time to think which is always a positive as what is left is a dumb popcorn movie, and a very entertaining one at that. Some twists and turns, LOADS of cars and explosions, and Angelina Jolie's arse. What more do you want from an action flick ? Of course, grading the movie does sort of require points taken of for unrealism and the likes, and the plot is a bit shifty at times even when you DO take into account that it's a load of old bollocks. Still worth a look though.


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