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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Drag Me to Hell ( 2009 )

A lot of good fun really. A lot of hilariously over the top stuff here which, to be honest, is exactly what I wanted from this. There seemed to be times when it didn't know if it wanted to be a more commercial movie or a throwback to the style of Evil Dead. The ending is absolutely terrific as well.


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although there is a kind of link , since Karl Urban was in Doom and Chronicles of Riddick.... (and to think he also has Lord of The Rings on his CV...)

He was also in Ghost Ship, which was a God send as it was basically the awful Event Horizon, except done the way it should have been made!

And the Bourne Supremacy and Star Trek. He's done well for himself for a guy that is pretty damn limited as an actor!

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Guest dougalldogg

District 9

The main characters accent sounded really fake and got quite annoying at time but it wasnt an incredibly bad movie, its not my sort anyway but its probs worth a watch.


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Guest dougalldogg


For some reason I liked the concept of this movie it was quite inteligently thought through, who the hell comes up with this kinda stuff I dont know but I quite enjoyed it, a lot of action and definately worth the time and money spent on it but it was never gona be a classic.


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For some reason I liked the concept of this movie it was quite inteligently thought through, who the hell comes up with this kinda stuff I dont know but I quite enjoyed it, a lot of action and definately worth the time and money spent on it but it was never gona be a classic.


The guy that wrote Crank, he's not right in the head but his films are good fun!

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Isn't it, basically Jason Statham has to keep his heart-rate above a certain level or it'd stop? Switch the brain off and enjoy the madness kind of stuff.

Believe it or not a mate of mine was giving me a description of this film last night after I spotted it amongst his dvds. He said "It's about a man who has to keep his heart rate above a certain level so he chews wires and shit"


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Believe it or not a mate of mine was giving me a description of this film last night after I spotted it amongst his dvds. He said "It's about a man who has to keep his heart rate above a certain level so he chews wires and shit"


Basically, yes. He gets some sort of implant from a rival or something mental like that.

The guy must've watched Speed and thought, how can I replicate this but make it 10x more mental.

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John Tucker Must Die

A high school jock is the subject of a witchunt from an angry bint squad, who try to destroy his reputation as revenge for him cheating on them. This results in lots of unfunny comedy antics, predictable romances and valuable cheesy life lessons being learned along the way.

Honestly this is the worst film I have ever seen, for 90 minutes I actually hated all women everywhere because this film was made for them. Garbage.


Please tell me you were TORTURED in to watching this, with red hot pokers inserted in to every orifice.

If not, please return your testicles to whence they came.

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16 Blocks

About 20 minutes in a started to get DeJa Vu and about 40 minutes in i realised i had already seen this film. None the less it was a pretty decent BBC1 watch. Not the action packed film i expected but solid enough. I was suprised by Bruce Willis' character turnaround, didnt see that one coming.


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...what you see of what Bickle sees isn't so bad as to get the reaction from Bickle that we ended up seeing....

Is there not a pimp who tells Bickle that he can come on a 12 year old prostitute's face? That's quite bad.

I was watching it with a few girls who found it hilarious of course. To be fair, they all watched Saw the night before. As it happens I'd rather fight my way out of barbed wire like the boy in Saw then watch that load of shite again.

I hope you at least got your hole.

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Is there not a pimp who tells Bickle that he can come on a 12 year old prostitute's face? That's quite bad.

There's bad, and then there's "go on a shooting spree" bad. I'm not sure there was really enough there. The fact that De Niro made it seem as such is a testament to the performance.

Anyhoo, thanks to Salty ...

Pieces ( 1982 )

Not quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. The plot is pretty straightforward. Guy with a chainsaw is murdering a bunch of girls and we all want to know whodunit. It's pretty ridiculous at times and the gore just makes you want to laugh at times. The first murder is one of the funniest thing I've seen in a while. The head in the cupboard manages to top it about 30 seconds later. There is no way this is going above the half way point, but I'm going to stick with right below it because it's fun at times.


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Ghost Rider. 1/2 out of 10

Feckin diabolique, cage is on my death list next year. If the lord had any mercy he would rid us of him now before a third national treasure or ghost rider two ever hits the screens.

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The Hurt Locker - 9/10

What a tense edge of the seat film. I almost passed out forgetting to breathe at times. You are waiting throughout the film for I.E.D's to blow the soldiers up at any time. Gripping, well worth hunting out this film, strange that there was only a limited release.

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