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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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A Prophet (Un Prophete)


French Gangster/prison movie.

I really liked this film. Great characters and a good plot. Got the usual mob style plot but done a wee bit different with it being almost all set in prison.

It's 2 and a half hours long and I was devestated when it finished!

I have it right up there with Goodfellas.

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A surprisingly high rating for that, imo. I've only given it a watch once so perhaps I'm missing something.

See I hated it for the first hour or so, as the Bureau pissed me off A LOT! But when I thought about it, that's what they were meant to do... so the film achieved its aim.

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Red State

I really don't rate Kevin Smith as a filmmaker, or as a personality. Decided to check this out to see if he really had turned some kind of corner. It was reasonable to a degree up until near the halfway point, even though I didn't like the direction or the editing. After that, it became monotonous and felt way longer than the 87 minutes it is. There's nothing of any great interest here and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


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Pumpkinhead (1988)

Well that was pretty guff, I fought so hard not to switch this crap off... thankfully it was saved partially but Lance Henriksen's ridiculous overacting, and his epic fail of walking into a pitchfork and impaling himself.


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Gus Van Sant's masterpiece that scooped the double at Cannes in 2003, and after FINALLY getting round to watching it I can say: deservedly so.

Masterful cinematography, some of the finest steadicam work I've ever seen in film. The narrative and plot is nothing short of genius. For a 75 minute film with many important characters it is very in-depth. Nothing's not in the film for a reason, it keeps us in the palm of the director's hand the whole way.

If you haven't seen it it should be top of your "To Watch" list. A must-see for any film fan.


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Source Code

Enjoyable, if plot hole filled nonsense. 7/10

7/10 if the filmed had ended ten minutes earlier than it did, that is. Unfortunately, the last ten minutes make the rest of the film nonsensical and seem to be purely tacked on for a happy ending. Just awful


Edited by KnightswoodBear
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Finally got around to watching this. The first half was pretty damned good and I liked the way the plot was developing. The gore was extreme but it worked with the drama of it all. And then the big twist came. I'm never really a fan of that kind of development and I found everything after that to be a bore. By the time it got to the end all I was thinking about was what a wasted opportunity the whole thing had been. I know a lot of people on here liked it but I can only regard it as half a film.


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Gus Van Sant's masterpiece that scooped the double at Cannes in 2003, and after FINALLY getting round to watching it I can say: deservedly so.

Masterful cinematography, some of the finest steadicam work I've ever seen in film. The narrative and plot is nothing short of genius. For a 75 minute film with many important characters it is very in-depth. Nothing's not in the film for a reason, it keeps us in the palm of the director's hand the whole way.

If you haven't seen it it should be top of your "To Watch" list. A must-see for any film fan.


Thats the beauty of film, that 2 people can see the same film and have exactly the opposite point of view. I saw this years ago after looking forward to it for ages. I though it was bloody awful. None of the characters had any endearing traits whatsoever, and if it werent for the fact it was based on a true story (it was wasnt it?) I actually didnt care that any of them died. I was bored from start to finish. Thinking back, id probably give it 2/10 and thats being generous.

Edited by Dariusz
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Finally got around to watching this. The first half was pretty damned good and I liked the way the plot was developing. The gore was extreme but it worked with the drama of it all. And then the big twist came. I'm never really a fan of that kind of development and I found everything after that to be a bore. By the time it got to the end all I was thinking about was what a wasted opportunity the whole thing had been. I know a lot of people on here liked it but I can only regard it as half a film.


I agree, the first half was quite good , but the second half was , well, a bit rubbish. "Bleak" is the word that best describes the film i think.

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Thats the beauty of film, that 2 people can see the same film and have exactly the opposite point of view. I saw this years ago after looking forward to it for ages. I though it was bloody awful. None of the characters had any endearing traits whatsoever, and if it werent for the fact it was based on a true story (it was wasnt it?) I actually didnt care that any of them died. I was bored from start to finish. Thinking back, id probably give it 2/10 and thats being generous.


Actually after the credits we see the disclaimer that "Any likeness to real life characters/events is purely coincedental", although I presumed it was in homage to the real-life incident.

Character- and plot-wise I believe that nothing is meant to be sympathetic or extraordinary; it is an ordinary day with ordinary people. You could think about it philosophically: Are these bad people? Do their lives mean less than those of others?

In any case, 5 minute tracking shots and overlapping/interchanging narrative is my idea of cinema heaven. I believe Elephant could inspire the next generation of filmmakers to change the form.

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I enjoyed Elephant. I didn't like the fact they (or was it just one of them) watched Nazi stuff on the TV and the bit in the shower. I thought the first one was too obvious and the shower was unnecessary and not really in keeping with the tone of the rest of it.

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Shallow Hal (2001)

Fucking hell, this was just dire. Utterly painful to watch.

Terrible acting and no new jokes that I found even partially comedic... the only thing remotely funny got destroyed (the Tony Robbins elevator scene) by playing Scene It? in which it's one of the movie clip rounds!


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Source Code

Enjoyable, if plot hole filled nonsense. 7/10

7/10 if the filmed had ended ten minutes earlier than it did, that is. Unfortunately, the last ten minutes make the rest of the film nonsensical and seem to be purely tacked on for a happy ending. Just awful


I was disappointed by it. I expected more after Moon, but maybe that's why I was disappointed. The twist at the end just doesn't work and even half way through I was wishing they would die in the train crash repeatedly for the rest of time just for my amusement. One of those films that probably sounds great in a pitch but is a bit pants once you get down to the job of writing it.

Agreed, and still a million miles more entertaining than what Inception was.

No, no, no... Inception, while hardly being the mindfuck some simpletons thought it was, was a significantly better film in many ways.

Ooh, and earlier, someone gave Winters Bone a 4. Pretty harsh scoring for what is a very decent movie.

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Shallow Hal (2001)

Fucking hell, this was just dire. Utterly painful to watch.

Don't think I could bring myself to watch it, it just sounds and looks awful. Someone gave me a download of Hall Pass and I managed all of about 20 minutes before screaming at the laptop and immediately deleting the file. I put Shallow Hal in that category.

btw, did you know that Hall Pass cost $36 million to make? :o Fucking incredible.

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Tequila Sunrise

Quite liked it. Mel Gibson and Kurt Russell are either side of the drugs laws(Gibson a drug dealer and Russell a narc') Fighting over Michelle Pfeiffer. Gibson says that he's gonna slap Pfeiffer halfway through it, funniest line I've heard in a while given his recent behavior.

A solid 5/10

Meet Joe Black

I dug this. Brad Pitt is really good in this. He plays this guy at the start and then the Angel of Death takes over the body, so at the start he's all happy but then he becomes really emotionless and it's well acted. The chick who played Brandi from Mallrats is in it as well, as a love interest for Pitt so there's a few awkward scenes since the Angel of Death has no idea how to act around her and stuff. Anthony Hopkins is her father.


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