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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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My Week With Marilyn

Went to see this with the burd as it was her turn to choose, and to be honest, I quiet liked it. It's not a chick flick like I first thought. Michelle Williams plays a very hot Marilyn Monroe. But I think it's been exaggerated somewhat from what probably happened in real life.


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The Mafu Cage (1978)

A crazy woman (the ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooged) that keeps a monkey (or a Mafu), she beats it to death in a rage then keeps guy that reminded me of Neil MacFarlane in chains.

Utter nonsense that wasn't even "so shit it's funny".

I kept hoping that Glenn Matthews (not everyone will get that) would show up, but he never did. :(


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It's on Sky Anytime just now 'ESPN Films: The Two Escobars. Brilliant film 9/10

How weird, was just coming on to mention that. Didn't watch it on TV, so bit of a coincidence! Cracking documentary, although it was a bit weird how sort of concluded that Escobar (Pablo) was a bit of a decent bloke after covering his terrorist attacks in the first segment. Think it was done to continue the parallel his story to that of Andres, but the effort to match the two stories felt a bit contrived. Amazing story though.

On Youtube in 11 parts if anyone without Sky Anytime wants to see it.


Apocalypse Now

Would have been my answer to the 'Citizen Kane question', ie what is the one major classic film you've never seen. Absolutely amazing. Goes without saying that Coppola is the absolute master of visual and aural film-making. In terms of depicting the process of going insane this goes up there with films like Taxi Driver and The Shining. Apart from maybe the Godfather and Once Upon A Time in America, I must admit there isn't many films I can stay gripped to for more than 3 hours but this was one of them.


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The Fighter - thought this was quite good. Not sure how Melissa Leo won an Oscar though(especially as Hailie Steinfield was in the same category), didn't think she was that good. Bale and Wahlberg were good though, Bale was well worth his Oscar. I'm not a boxing fan at all so boxing films don't usually grip me too well(didn't like Raging Bull) but this was good enough. 7/10

Superman - Good enough. I like Gene Hackman, but he doesn't suit Lex Luthor, he's too "goofy". Luthor is only credible as a foe to Superman because Luthor's a fucking genius. 6/10

Superman 2 - This was alright, some of the flying scenes with the three Kryptonians were hilariously bad, don't age well at all. I quite liked Terence Stamp as General Zod though, haven't read any Superman comics with him but he performed quite well. Again, Hackman was in this but again, he came off too goofy. 6.5/10

What I will say is that Christopher Reeves did really well as Superman/Clark Kent. Especially as Clark Kent, the reason the alter ego works is because Kent is so clumsy and whatnot that you'd never expect him to be Superman, Reeves played this so well.

Superman Returns - This was really good. Surprising given it's a Bryan Singer film. Kevin Spacey was amazing, a much better Lex Luthor than Hackman. Routh was alright as Kent, not as good as Reeves. I'm presuming that this film is supposed to be set after the previous Superman films(Lois Lane now has a kid) but the actress who plays Lane(Kate Bosworth) was 23 when this film was released, she looks too young be playing Lane who needs to be quite older. Her kid looks at least 6(I'm terrible with judging age) so she needs to look at least 30-35 with the previous films, they'd be set over a couple of years, at least. This is just me being a bit nitpicky, it's still a really good film though. 8/10

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Undeniably my favourite Christmas film, Murray is at his best in this, some of the lines are pure genius and quotable.


You know what they say about people who treat other people bad on the way up? Yeah, you get to treat 'em bad on the way back down too. It's great, you get two chances to rough 'em up
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Cars 2 (2011)

That was fun, it's nowhere near the classic that the first one was, but Disney sequels never are. It's good none-the-less, and having Mater (who is one of my favourite cartoon characters of all time) feature for the majority of the film helps it greatly.

Worth a rent/download.


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Horrible Bosses

I thought this would be shit but it was actually pretty good. Predivtable but a solid cast and Kevin Spacey is great as usual.



Undeniably my favourite Christmas film, Murray is at his best in this, some of the lines are pure genius and quotable.


Definitely gonna watch this in the next two weeks. I remember going to see it for my 7th birthday, some of the bits were quite fucked up for a 7 year old.:lol:

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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Horrible Bosses

I thought this would be shit but it was actually pretty good. Predivtable but a solid cast and Kevin Spacey is great as usual.


Definitely gonna watch this in the next two weeks. I remember going to see it for my 7th birthday, some of the bits were quite fucked up for a 7 year old.:lol:

I've just watched "Horrible Bosses" and I agree with your rating. The bosses, Spacey and Farrell are marvelously evil and you just want to do them in. The three victims, who decide to do the evil deed themselves just go from disaster to disaster and Jamie Foxx is great as "Motherfuckah", the murder consultant who turns out to have done time for video piracy. But come on, guys! What normal kind of man would want to kill Jennifer Aniston rather than screw her???


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Went to see this this afternoon. And I don't really know what to make of it. It wasn't what I expected. It's a bit slow getting started but by the end I was enjoying it. Even tho he was only in it for a matter of seconds, I didn't think Jude Law as Hugo's father was well cast. Even though it was a small time on screen, Hugo's relationship with his dad is an ongoing theme but I don't think Law seems "fatherly" enough for it. Maybe he wasn't old enough.

Anyway, by the end of it, I did enjoy it.


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Trying to hard.

Whatched Apocolyspe now for the first time last night and I must say that it was one of the best films I have ever seen. Simply sublime.

Try the redux version , the story is more linear. Far better than the original IMO.


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Killer Elite (2011)

Hitman thriller based on a Ranulph Fiennes book about the SAS involvement in the Oman war. Jason Statham plays his usual part, with some help from Robert de Niro and some hindrance from Clive Owen.

It's fun, but with a very shit and un-fulfilling ending.


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The Thing (2011) - Decent yarn, I haven't seen the 1982 film but have heard it doesn't really compare that well. It's not a remake, it's a prequel set directly before the events of 1982. The characterisation is poor but it's really a plot-driven film and not given to developing the characters. The tension is built well, I liked the way they used the fact that the characters are split between Norwegian and American to build tensino among the group. I also thought they used class well to divide the group, there were subtle ways that the lead scientists spoke and acted towards the pilots and technicians that ratcheted up the tension.

The Thing itself is grotesque but I tend to have a problem with all these CGI special effects, they look like CGI special effects. To their credit, the Thing is half-puppet and animatronics. I read that some of the people who worked on District 9 worked on Th Thing, I don't think The Thing was as well done as the 'prawns' in District 9.

Overall, it was fairly enjoyable, I'd give it 6/10. One point was that right at the end they use the theme from the 1982 film, which is far superior to the music through the new version.

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