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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Seen it on Friday I quite enjoyed it tho Simon Pegg's character grated on my nerves alot. Not the best out of the 3 films and the last 5 mins wasnt needed


I thought the last five minutes was great, very smart and tied it up nicely.

I agree it's the worst of the three, seemed a lot less funny (but it had a better, more intelligent story than the other two so that'd explain it).

7/10 is what I thought.

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The characters seemed alot more developed in terms of relationships than the other films as well so part of it always had that serious undercurrent that maybe distracted from the comedy element slightly.

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The characters seemed alot more developed in terms of relationships than the other films as well so part of it always had that serious undercurrent that maybe distracted from the comedy element slightly.

Yeah, Pegg's character was pretty fucked up. Pretty serious shit, not too much light hearted fun.

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I have to say I didn't enjoy The World's End at all. I maybe expected too much from it because Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are two of my favourite films, but the script was nowhere near as funny (although I understand Forehead's point about the different feel of the story) and I thought the finale was dreadful. Without spoiling anything, some of the more serious stuff felt kind of thrown in and didn't work at all for me. I would have liked Basil to get more screentime as well.

A 5/10 for me. Really disappointing.

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Pacific Rim - 5/10. Worst porno ever...But in all seriousness, it was ok. The kind of film I struggle to really enjoy: just mindless action. I can't turn off my mind and enjoy it, so my rating might be slightly bias. The fighting scenes were good, but not overly incredible. Not really an impressive script, doesn't give the cast a chance to shine at all, so obviously no real stand out performances. Apart from Ron Perlman. Ron Perlman is always outstanding. Probably the highlight of the film. The ultimate badass. Charlie Day's prepubescent voice is typically horrible and brings the film down a few ratings. All in all, it was ok.

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Monsters University 8/10 - better than i thought it'd be.

Going to watch Pacific Rim tonight going by a few of the reccos on here, not expecting to have to engage my brain, it's Jurassic Park with robot right?

Edited by Christophe
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Just saw "Now You See Me" - ignore the pretentious critics - an enjoyable non-stop romp from start to finish - even kept my fuasy missus's attention to the end - a rarity. 8/10

Sent from my KIS using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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The World's End ( 2013 )

I can't help agreeing with those who say this isn't very good. Too much focus on shite fight scenes and loud music ( although some of said music was quite good ), and not nearly enough advantage taken of a good main cast, and given that this is a comedy, not nearly enough laughs.


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I went to see World's End last night. I've never seen Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead except in a few clips so I wasn't sure what to expect. It started off pretty weirdly and just as they were getting to what I assumed was the meat of the story, Gary King's mental illness it was interrupted by the blanks. The whole thing became a shambles straight after and instead of having a funny film with a heartfelt story it was just a load of crap.

The ending was just as confusing and just made things even worse. It was very Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and had no comedy to it at all, if anything it was a melancholy ending.

I thought I was going to see a light hearted comedy, then they start a serious storyline but don't have the balls to see it through to the end while simultaneously shitting on the serious parts that were introduced at the start. As I said I'm not fully familiar with the previous movies but this was just very annoying.

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Watched 'Red Rock West' for the umpteenth time the other night. Such a great film, and a tragedy it's not better known.

JT Walsh is such a sad loss to the movie business, I don't think there's been many better pure character actors in Hollywood.

Even Nic Cage is great in this film. And it's got Dennis Hopper. Just superb.

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Went to see Now You See Me earlier this week. I remember seeing the trailer a couple of months ago and thinking that it looked potentially excellent. It didn't quite hit those heights but I found it pretty entertaining nonetheless. It was quite ridiculous at times but you knew you were going to see a film about magic tricks - just embrace it for what it is. Not quite sure what the ending was about, mainly the carousel scene. As I'm increasingly beginning to find with most of his movies, Woody Harrelson was the best thing about it.

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