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True but adding in moves like that and the hurricanrana just give a match something extra. The piledriver moment made me think Punk was going to beat Cena, it's that sort of thing.

Then they should do that without including a move which was banned for good reason. Stupid move for both Punk and Cena. Nothing can hide that.

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Pretty acceptable Raw, started brilliantly and ended brilliantly. Still think Swagger should be pushing for the US Title with his current gimmick, but some good segments with them both tonight. I'd rather see Daniel Bryan pushing for the WHC as I still think he's one of WWE's beet assets.

Looking forward to next week's Raw

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Punk vs Cena was excellent. I'm sure most of us thought it was pretty obvious that Cena was going to win, so it's a tribute to both of them that they managed to put on such a good match. That's his win over Punk cemented, he'll now go on to beat the Rock and go on a long title run. I reckon he'll see out the year at least as champion, barring injury.

Ziggler & Cody Rhodes continue to job. Ziggler jobbing to Ryback makes a bit of sense I suppose, but I don't like to see Cody losing to R-Truth.

The opening segment started it off well, still a bit disappointed we're leading to two big main event style matches that we seen not that long ago and neither really left me looking for more. I'd like to see the Triple H-Lesnar match with a stipulation though and I'd like to see Lesnar go over again but I don't think that'll happen.

I think the Undertaker will return next week, anyone think there were subtle hints from Punk about a match with him? Calling himself God and immortal. I think Punk will come out next week complaining that he's not in a big match at Wrestlemania and the Dead Man will have something to say about that.

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Well, I've watched the match. I stand by my thoughts on those two for even doing it, but that Piledriver got a huge reaction. Everyone thought Cena was dead. Michael Cole sold the moment with class as well. The match was incredible. So many brilliant counters and moments and just stunning from start to finish.

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Well, I've watched the match. I stand by my thoughts on those two for even doing it, but that Piledriver got a huge reaction. Everyone thought Cena was dead. Michael Cole sold the moment with class as well. The match was incredible. So many brilliant counters and moments and just stunning from start to finish.

I've read one one of the wrestling websites that Vince McMahon was very unhappy with the piledriver but won't take action because of the two wrestlers involved. I remember Shawn Michaels doing a couple over the years since it was banned, I think on the Undertaker and/or John Cena. Was he given free reign to do what he wanted as a trusted performer?

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Well, I've watched the match. I stand by my thoughts on those two for even doing it, but that Piledriver got a huge reaction. Everyone thought Cena was dead. Michael Cole sold the moment with class as well. The match was incredible. So many brilliant counters and moments and just stunning from start to finish.

I'm surprised the commentary team actually called the move!

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Well, I've watched the match. I stand by my thoughts on those two for even doing it, but that Piledriver got a huge reaction. Everyone thought Cena was dead. Michael Cole sold the moment with class as well. The match was incredible. So many brilliant counters and moments and just stunning from start to finish.


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Botchicanrana, we've already established cena can't do it, he should move on to something less likely to break his neck.

Crackin match from those two tho. Also lol at Cole calling the crossface an stf.

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No wonder. It is a stupidly risky move for your main star to take only weeks before Wrestlemania.

Then they should do that without including a move which was banned for good reason. Stupid move for both Punk and Cena. Nothing can hide that.

How come? Obviously it's a very dangerous move, but it used to be commonplace and it looks great - especially if it's only pulled out once in a blue moon. And why can the Undertaker do it and nobody else?

I realise that there are many moves, e.g. shooting star press, that if "tried at home", can kill you, but if the WWE were to eliminate all dangerous moves, we'd just end up with two guys giving each other Ric Flair chops until one of them had to submit to apply some Germolene.

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I'd assume The Undertaker not sitting with it makes it safer. You do that jumping sitdown and it adds a bit of danger to it.

A piledriver is a vertical head drop, so obviously a much more different beast to other moves which you'd call "dangerous".

EDIT: There's also no real way to reduce risk without making the move look REALLY silly.

Edited by DomDom
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Wrestling is dangerous. That's why it should only be performed by trained individuals.

I realise Stone Cold got his neck broken. I know that amateurs have been legitimately paralysed with this move.

But at the same time, if both participants agree to it and they know what they're doing, I don't really see the problem.

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How come? Obviously it's a very dangerous move, but it used to be commonplace and it looks great - especially if it's only pulled out once in a blue moon. And why can the Undertaker do it and nobody else?

It's dangerous because the neck is clamped by the legs when it gets dropped. There's a lot less room for mistakes on that one. Whereas the tombstone piledriver doesn't have that at all (hell, when he did it to Rey Mysterio, Rey wouldn't even hit the mat!) I would've thought there's a lot more control in the tombstone as you're falling onto your knees (the guy doing it) rather than falling back like the traditional version.

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