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Fantastic raw so far!

Dolph and Punk face turns all but confirmed, Del Rio looking likely to be a Kurt Angle "heel who thinks he's a face"...

How Sheamus is considered a face from his booking is a mystery - cleanly pinned by Sandow with a roll-up while Sheamus was too busy taunting and turning his back on his opponents... and then Brogue Kicks Cody after the match out of spite.

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Lost my shit at "Not Mae Young, dummy" and the "THATS.... WHAT I DO!" afterwards. Love that man.

10/10 RAW so far.

Edit: I thought it might have been a work at first but the longer it went on, the more convinced I became that it was genuine - the boots, Darren Young crying backstage, Henry's tears himself, the speech about his family... Cena being there wasn't even that much of a giveaway that was a setup for the Worlds Strongest Slam because lets face it the WWE will try anything and everything to get him even more over than he already is - genuinely just thought he was there to leech off the Henry retirement goodwill.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Love him or hate him that is a cracking touch from Cena.

I assume giving him the belt? That's arrogant as f**k.

It was fairly obvious Henry was gonna turn on Cena, why else would Cena be out there? Henry delivered it well though, it did seem convincing. I thought they might have done Cena/Henry tonight with Henry beating him and retiring after one last win.

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I assume giving him the belt? That's arrogant as f**k.

It was fairly obvious Henry was gonna turn on Cena, why else would Cena be out there? Henry delivered it well though, it did seem convincing. I thought they might have done Cena/Henry tonight with Henry beating him and retiring after one last win.

Yep giving him the belt, I don't really see things like that as arrogant i think it's a show of respect more than anything

Yeah i'm not gonna lie he had me convinced but they done it well.

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Yep giving him the belt, I don't really see things like that as arrogant i think it's a show of respect more than anything

Yeah i'm not gonna lie he had me convinced but they done it well.

A belt he's never held? Dickmove.

Lesnar/Punk? f**k. YES.

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