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Straight up genuine bullshit.

Rhodes made to look like an absolute chump for getting to batter through 30 men, get his redemption,  pick his shot and cede to a guy who hasn't wrestled in 11 years.

Fans don't appear happy either .

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If they'd had The Rock win the Rumble, then aye, Cody is shafted a wee bit but fair enough they can stretch it our longer. This just feels like they've made him an absolute bitch. They've ruined the hype for this monster match, made Rock look like even more of an arsehole, made their top baby face look pathetic and made their top heel look likable. What a disaster.

I suppose they needed to do something to try and steal some headlines back from the bigger situation going on but this wasn't it and I'm someone who wanted Rock vs Roman at Mania.

They've just dropped the ball, yet again.

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They've been so sure-footed on storytelling most of the time that you have to imagine there's something else to this.  But, in terms of the old story of the good guy beating the bad guy, even if they do get there in the end, they've started it out with the good guy falling down a fucking well.  I tried to put out some logical direction they were going based on just this promo, but there's just nothing.  at this point it's just a massive, massive own goal, and one that not even company man Cody Rhodes could sell for the entire segment.  Either his clear squirming discomfort is a subtle part of whatever story they think they're trying to tell, or he just couldn't hold it in any longer, because he looked like he wanted to be anywhere else towards the end.

There's also the more unsavoury note to it that Rock is taking a massive risk with this.  I thought that once the Vince stuff broke, big Dwayne would be massively distancing himself as much as he could from the company publicly.  The dirtsheets seem to be pointing to them using this as a distraction, but I'm really surprised Dwayne Johnson The Brand would jump in at a point where there's a chance this story could grow and swallow more of WWE up.  

And all such a shame given that all the hype will overshadow that they've probably built a story with the potential to be one of the greatest ever told in their women's division with Bayley.  

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Probably also means Drew won't get the title shot against Rollins now as well. 

What a monumentally stupid piece of booking.

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Horrendous booking. I’d like to think there’s a twist coming, but Cody seemed to rule himself out of the Mania match. 

I think people will end up turning on Rock now too.

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3 minutes ago, TheGoon said:

Horrendous booking. I’d like to think there’s a twist coming, but Cody seemed to rule himself out of the Mania match. 

I think people will end up turning on Rock now too.

Unless we get Cody/Roman at EC with Rock helping Cody. 

Main event at WM will get booed to f**k out of the building. 

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7 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Unless we get Cody/Roman at EC with Rock helping Cody. 

Main event at WM will get booed to f**k out of the building. 

It would not feel right doing the Cody switch on something other than Mania, or even SummerSlam to me. I think they’re going with Rollins 

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44 minutes ago, TheGoon said:

It would not feel right doing the Cody switch on something other than Mania, or even SummerSlam to me. I think they’re going with Rollins 

Literally the only sensible choice would be Cody stepping aside for Rock as he's picking his shot at EC.

Why though?

Because he could reason that completing his story wouldn't be winning the title at Mania, it would be walking into Mania as the champion. The flag bearer. He wants to walk into Wrestlemania as the man. He's the man to take Roman's symbol of power over his family away - Rock is the man to deal the fatal blow and wrest grip of his family back from Reigns as that's something Cody can't do.

That's the literal only way this could be salvaged to even make an iota of sense.

Edited by djchapsticks
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Unless this is all a big swerve, then this is very stupid booking.

The Bloodline story is already well past it's sell by date and Cody finally defeating Reigns at Wrestlemania is the obvious way to end it.

Pretty much nobody considers Rollins' title to be a proper world title, so Cody just looks like an idiot for choosing to go after that belt.

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2 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Unless we get Cody/Roman at EC with Rock helping Cody. 

Main event at WM will get booed to f**k out of the building. 

Will it though?  Rock vs Roman is going to be an absolutely over match, built for all those tedious "stop-and-slowly-pan-to-the-crowd" looks and probably with about 5 minutes of actual action if we're lucky, but it is going to be massively over unless they completely f**k the booking.  I don't get the feeling like this will go the way that Batista vs Orton did before Bryan got put in, for example.  I don't think there even would be a modern equivalent of that now, as Reigns is far more over than Orton was back then.  Maybe Orton now going in?  a fine match on paper, but nowhere near as good as Rhodes vs Reigns would be.  

1 hour ago, djchapsticks said:

Literally the only sensible choice would be Cody stepping aside for Rock as he's picking his shot at EC.

Why though?

Because he could reason that completing his story wouldn't be winning the title at Mania, it would be walking into Mania as the champion. The flag bearer. He wants to walk into Wrestlemania as the man. He's the man to take Roman's symbol of power over his family away - Rock is the man to deal the fatal blow and wrest grip of his family back from Reigns as that's something Cody can't do.

That's the literal only way this could be salvaged to even make an iota of sense.

Think that might be where they're going.  The "taking everything from you" line seems to point towards that, and it does track with how you imagined the Bloodline stuff would happen with Reigns finally losing his title, then losing everything else after.  BUT, I assumed that would happen post-WM with the big title moment happening there.  Maybe they genuinely think that because they've picked a big stadium in a new market, that Elimination Chamber can be made into a much bigger deal.  And I guess if Rhodes does finally dethrone Reigns there, that is going to be a huge moment for that show, and it gives Reigns 6 weeks to go proper mental in the build-up to a final match against Rock.  It gives Rhodes not the chance to take the title at WM, but walk in with it and get a big retention.  They can also still say he earned his main event slot at WM from the Royal Rumble, as that's presumably where he'll be (because they'll probably just say there's 8 main events per night or something stupid), but...

...but it's just...a bit w**k, really, isn't it?  It was all right there.  And in less than a week, they've lost a big component of their WM plans in Punk (not their fault), and then in one tight 20 minute segment, they managed to burn down a story that's been, what, 16 or so months in the making?  With a byproduct of making two of their top guys - and a title one of them holds - look like complete gimps.  Impressive.

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