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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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I fear we may never know the extent of the debts . Masterton has lied through his teeth for months now and others at the club are no better. I don't think it is a viable short term fix but long term solution may be to sell of EEP and move to smaller stadium if masterton would relinquish his control of EEP. That way he could still see some return on his investments however being at a major loss. Unfortunately I think the club as a whole dead in the water . So so sad

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£200k a month to run the club? How the hell is that sustainable even if they pull through this latest development where is that money going to come from? Fans can only provide so much backing in this climate they have their bills to pay and shouldnt be held to emotional blackmail to make sure their club doesnt vanish. The responsibility of the well being of the club is on the head of the board and owners, they fans shouldnt be expected to bail them out everytime they run over budget

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Wish Dunfermline Football Club all the very best in there present situation been there during the Hugh Scott Years when We nearly lost our Club also!! All the very best To all The Players & Staff Managment also!! But most Important all the Supporters hope You Win Your Fight!!

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I do feel sorry for the fans and the creditors of DAFC who will be left out of pocket but I have no sympathy for the club and the way it has been run. Hopefully a phoenix club "The Dunfermline Town FC" or something will be admitted into the 3rd division, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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I do feel sorry for the fans and the creditors of DAFC who will be left out of pocket but I have no sympathy for the club and the way it has been run. Hopefully a phoenix club "The Dunfermline Town FC" or something will be admitted into the 3rd division, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

It should have to fight its way back through the non-leagues as Clydebank and Gretna's phoenix clubs have had to.

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It should have to fight its way back through the non-leagues as Clydebank and Gretna's phoenix clubs have had to.

I have a feeling it will have to. Come to think of it (and now that you mention it) I advocated Rangers being punted into the non-leagues, it would be hypocrisy of the highest order for me not to say the same about Dunfermline. I suspect Dunfermline Newco's position will be one of "a precedent was set" I anticipate the footballing authority's response will be one of "Rangers were a special case". Would a newco pars even have a stadium?

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I have a feeling it will have to. Come to think of it (and now that you mention it) I advocated Rangers being punted into the non-leagues, it would be hypocrisy of the highest order for me not to say the same about Dunfermline. I suspect Dunfermline Newco's position will be one of "a precedent was set" I anticipate the footballing authority's response will be one of "Rangers were a special case". Would a newco pars even have a stadium?

Only for the next 30 odd years then the loan is called in, probably in that time the ground will be worth the amount of the loan.

Masterton is a fucking genius.

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I cant pretend to have a full grasp of the finances but the idea that fans can rally round the way things happened at Dundee cant really happen as Dunfermline are basically financed by a single person who in turn has massive debts in his own other investments. From what I have seen, most of his investment options, not just Dunfermline FC, are screwed Its a wee bit like Murray and his enormous debts with MIH and old Rangers (deceased). He had to sell, no option. The only person that can turn it around is the same man that has all the debt. Masterton is the solution and the problem. I cant see how they get out of this as the buy-out to placate Masterton must be huge.

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Slightly off topic but I see that Jim Leishman is one of the speakers at the FFC Academy sportsman's dinner tomorrow night.

Surely he'll have other stuff on his plate? He's usually brilliant so would be a shame if he had to pull out.

Anyway, grand scheme of things and all that - hope the Pars pull through.

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I'm cautiously optimistic that things are moving forward

The Pars Community ‏@ThePars1885
Meetings starting at 7.30am tomorrow to try and help #SaveThePars - another huge day for the future of #DAFC.
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If we go bust a newco shouldn't be anywhere near SFL 3, isn't fair on junior clubs who could take the free space. The Rangers are a new club formed in 2012 and , imo, shouldn't have been admitted into SFL 3, so can't have it both ways.

What a fucking mess.

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Only for the next 30 odd years then the loan is called in, probably in that time the ground will be worth the amount of the loan.

Masterton is a fucking genius.

is one brutal option for him that Dunfy go bust and he sells the land/stadium for development, cuts his losses and disappears?

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is one brutal option for him that Dunfy go bust and he sells the land/stadium for development, cuts his losses and disappears?

Is the land protected in any way? For example, part of the reason why Sevco formed again at Ibrox was likely due to the listed building status of their main stand. Similarly, when Hugh Scott tried to drive Morton out of business, his plan to re-develop the land was foiled by the council having designated it for sporting use only, IIRC. St Mirren got out of their debt problem by pressurising the council to change Love Street's category so that it could be sold off.

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This whole situation hurts like hell. Yesterday's game was such a bizarre, emotional experience. I took my 9 year old laddie along, his enthusiasm for the game grows every week, I watch him going through the programme trying to learn the squad, their positions and even things like not getting why the ball going off the side of the pitch isn't called "offside". Two minutes into the game, he even gave me a row for not watching the game. He's making me proud and yet all I can think is "what am I getting him into?".

I turned to him as the 2nd Half kicked off, he was peering at the pitch through his rolled up programme, I asked "what are you doing?" He said "shooting their players with footballs". I was so grateful for him making me laugh as I'd sat the length of half time holding back tears. I've been the same since.

There is a lack of unity between those that love the club. The set up at the club is so complicated that I fear people are wasting time and energy chasing an overly simple "masterton out" solution. Discussions simply have to begin, this press release chess has to stop. Everyone wants the pars to live on, most of us don't have the knowledge or understanding (or money) to fully grasp what is required to ensure this. Masterton is stuck in a corner, alone with the facts. He needs coaxed out in order for fans to unite and save the club, not kicked further in. Is this possible? I don't know, if not, it's game's a bogie.

My heart bleeds for you guys.

I remember sitting in Forthbank watching the Dees take on Stirling,it was the first game as we entered administration.

Not knowing if your club is going to be ok. My boy was 6 then and that was also his first season and that day will live with us forever.

You could feel the emotion in the crowd too, I had tears in my eyes when we started to singing 'please don't take my Dundee away'.

Luckily for us we rallied and were lucky we raised enough money to survive and my wee boy was hooked after that season.

Never give up hope,keep fighting for your club. There are so many fund raising initiatives you can try,the flag that Ludo mentioned was £30k,auctions of memorabilia donated from fans ,ex players and other clubs contributed,plus a whole host of other events were organised.

It's amazing how people all pull closer when our clubs are on the brink.

The ordinary guys(supporters) are whom it hits the hardest ,and when it comes down to it the fans are the only people who'll save it.

We also had donation buckets situated in every stand which made a hell of a lot of money, pretty sure we had a bucket in the Shankly when you guys visited.

All the best to your club,players,staff and supporters. Keep fighting!

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Today is absolutely massive for our club.

The Pars Community recommences it's meeting with the DAFC working group at 07:30 hours.

Show your support at www.thepars1885.org

Follow us on Twitter for upto date news throughout the day.





Unisciti Alla Comunità Pars


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Good luck to the pars today. There's a phrase I never thought I'd use. I have loathed DAFC with every sinew of my being for over 40 years yet I don't want them to die. A few years in the seaside leagues would be nice though whereupon a little humility might be learned from some of their fans but I for one would hate to see them go. Some of my greatest memories as a supporter involves them, kenny ward's great goal in the 80's or that day in 93 2-0, still makes me smile. Our good days against the pars are few and far between which only serves to make them sweeter. Just a few weeks ago I was bouncing around the room at the twitter commentary as we went 4-2 up then down to the local in my adoptive home in the west of Ireland giving local renditions of when the sun shines. To think that those days would never come again fills my heart with sadness. Today I stand with the townie b*****ds, yes you have cheated by living outwith your means and lorded it over others who have budgeted prudently. Nevertheless I have friends and family among your ranks of fans and as i always thought Scottish by birth a Fifer by the grace of God. So Come On Ye Pars

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