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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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We discuss Lewis Martin's chances of starting and he starts the next game! Surprised to see JJ reading P&B tbh.

The boy is going to go onto great things. Stunned that he was given the opportunity today considering that meant two 17 year olds started in defence, however I trust JJ and it obviously paid off given the result.

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Bob Garmory says on www.dafc.co.uk ....

At this point I would like to pay tribute to a number of people.
• Firstly to the staff of the Club and our (unpaid) General Managers who have worked so hard to put the Club back on its feet.
• Secondly to the football management team of Jim Jeffries, Neil McCann, John Potter and Craig Dargo who have guided our young players through the last 12 months. We set ourselves the target of being in the play-offs at the end of the season. Given our current league position we are well on the way to achieving this goal.
• Thirdly to our young team who are proving such a joy, not only to watch, but to meet. Their performances both on and off the park belie their years and they have shown a maturity that should be admired.
• Fourthly we must not forget the huge debt we owe Stephen Wright and his team for all their efforts in the past to produce so many of the talented footballers we are now privileged to watch.

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Highlandmagyar, on Today, 14:18, said:

Probably his last managers job then! Apart from being a moaning basturt I always liked him.

He has said from the start that this would be his final job, I believe since pars united have been involved there are tentitve plans for him to move upstairs at the end of those 2 years.

As said this is excellent news and hopefully this is the start of a series of people signing up for the longer term. Its been on the cards for a while but I wonder if it takes officially being out of admin for it to go through?

Edited by parsforlife
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The first game of last season at Central Park convinced me that JJ was the man. We've all seen Pars teams full of mercenaries and with JJ's track record I'd have expected him to go down this route.

Bringing in young lads with boundless enthusiasm and ambition seemed to give JJ a new lease of life. Even on Saturday, when Moore scored he ran straight to the bench to celebrate. He believes in his players and they believe in him and his coaches.

Anyone who says that there are no personalities in football any more just needs to watch Morris, Falky or Geggan to be convinced otherwise.

I'm usually a cold, miserable Eboneezer but this Pars team fairly warms my black heart.

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I didn't give JJ a chance, genuinely thought we were gonna get cuffed going to cowden on the first day of last season.

some of the fitba played at the start of last season was tremendous, up there with the best i've seen any pars team play.

as a tribute, a few of us are wearing JJ maks to the next home game, the rangers on the 30th of this month.

god bless jim jefferies.

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The man has done, and is doing, a terrific job, as are Neil McCann, John Potter, Stephen Wright and everyone involved in the youth set-up. Things off the park are obviously looking very optimistic, and on the park we're doing great.

I haven't enjoyed watching the Pars as much since the days of Bert and Dick. Genuinely. They play with such a freedom, such enthusiasm and what an honest bunch they are. Sure, they'll make mistakes but to see those lads blossoming from youth team to first team has been terrific. Some of the football they're playing has been superb - in the second half last Saturday, they were outstanding.

They're a talented group who hard hard for themselves, their manager and the badge, and you can see they're enjoying their football. And that starts with the manager and I am absolutely delighted that he will continue in his role. JJ has been just marvellous for our club and, for me, he really kept the place together when it could all have fallen apart over the last year.

My word it's pretty good to be a Pars fan just now!

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I'm genuinely not trying to put a damper on things but I think we're all getting a wee bit carried away with it all right now.

If we look at objectively the standard in this division is absolutely chronic. I mean it's really, really bad. Almost laughably so at times. Our current squad is a very decent League One outfit, that isn't up for debate, but they'd get cuffed religiously by the top half of the Championship. We'd need to strengthen massively next season if we plan on avoiding a relegation dog fight. Something I rather suspect we're not in a position to do.

I remember speaking to a Livi fan at the tail end of last season and he was adamant we'd absolutely hose this league (with the exception of the blue bigots). Let's not kid ourselves here, we're facing up to diddies of epic proportions each week, it just so happens that we're a bit better than them all.

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I'm genuinely not trying to put a damper on things but I think we're all getting a wee bit carried away with it all right now.

If we look at objectively the standard in this division is absolutely chronic. I mean it's really, really bad. Almost laughably so at times. Our current squad is a very decent League One outfit, that isn't up for debate, but they'd get cuffed religiously by the top half of the Championship. We'd need to strengthen massively next season if we plan on avoiding a relegation dog fight. Something I rather suspect we're not in a position to do.

I remember speaking to a Livi fan at the tail end of last season and he was adamant we'd absolutely hose this league (with the exception of the blue bigots). Let's not kid ourselves here, we're facing up to diddies of epic proportions each week, it just so happens that we're a bit better than them all.

Oh no danger of me falling into the trap that many, most recently queen of the south fans, have fallen into, the gaps between divisions are bigger than most want to admit, there is a reason promoted sides rarely find themselves finishing high up the league above without significant changes.

However, our players will be a year older and we probably have it in us to add a couple of players if we were to go up,but any pars fan who thinks we are capable of challenging at the top end of the championship is seriously deluded.

This doesn't mean we should be any less complimentary to the coaches + squad, they have had to grow quickly even for this level and dealt with a lot of shit so to have good performances most weeks needs to be applauded.

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I'm genuinely not trying to put a damper on things but I think we're all getting a wee bit carried away with it all right now.

If we look at objectively the standard in this division is absolutely chronic. I mean it's really, really bad. Almost laughably so at times. Our current squad is a very decent League One outfit, that isn't up for debate, but they'd get cuffed religiously by the top half of the Championship. We'd need to strengthen massively next season if we plan on avoiding a relegation dog fight. Something I rather suspect we're not in a position to do.

I remember speaking to a Livi fan at the tail end of last season and he was adamant we'd absolutely hose this league (with the exception of the blue bigots). Let's not kid ourselves here, we're facing up to diddies of epic proportions each week, it just so happens that we're a bit better than them all.

Is it really that bad though? Laughably bad? I've seen you mention this a few times recently but don't quite get where you're coming from. Perhaps you've been spoiled watching too much SPL football, or decent Championship stuff. At the start of the season, many fans - Pars and regulars at this level - thought you'd struggle. Given the turmoil and signing embargo, added to the youthfulness of your side, don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?

How much better than a 'very decent League One outfit' could you expect to be? If Dunfermline go up, now out of admin, with no further signing embargo, of course you would seriously strengthen.

Either way how could any of that reflect badly on Jeffries?

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Is it really that bad though? Laughably bad?

Either way how could any of that reflect badly on Jeffries?

It really is bad.

It doesn't reflect badly on Jefferies at all. He's doing a good job and I'm chuffed he's signed a new contract. He's handled himself very well during this collosal f**k up and would've been well within his rights to walk away.

Can't just enjoy doing well? Not even for a few weeks without the cynicism kicking in?

It's called being realistic. Maybe if more fans had tried it years ago we wouldn't be in this mess.

Let's not fall into the same trap again.

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I was utterly against Jeffries' appointment as manager. I thought it was an appalling one on a par (excuse the pun) with Davie Hay. I thought we were in for seeing us sign diddies like Kevin Kyle and having tall defenders who could barely pass the ball smash long balls up to him. I thought we would be filled with cloggers in midfield who were pish.

I was of course exceptionally wrong, and indeed am very glad to have been so. Jeffries is quality.

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