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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Just a mess at the Pars.

That was an embarrassing statement and the board could’ve garnered a much better support if they’d have just been transparent and communicated.

What have they done with the Nisbet and Edward’s money. Why no backup keeper well into the season at full time professional championship football.

Intriguing few weeks / months coming up. My guess would be the additions to the squad will be as cheap as possible with their sole aim being survival. Pars will be an attractive proposition for an investor (if a Scottish club can ever be attractive). That would be based on being in this division and not broken in L1.

All us provincial clubs will get right behind new ownership but as cheesy as it sounds you have to take us on the journey with you. We’ve shown that down the A92 with the highest % increase in attendance in Scotland last year. The level of communication in all forms has been monumental in making us all feel apart of something…your German guys seem to keep punters in the dark. Doesn’t work when you scrape relegation place by 3 points last term and don’t have a full squad this..

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On the face of it, that's a statement and a half. But as we saw at Falkirk, maybe getting rid of bad board, or bad parts of a board, can have benefits. 

We were in a hell of a mess a couple of years ago. You can draw a straight line from that board leaving to the position we are in now both on and off the pitch. The question for you guys is what comes next. Will you be trying to get an investor to come on and take charge? Or move towards a fan ownership model? What will the priorities be?

Whatever happens I for one wish you luck. I know it's painful to see your club in the hands of chancers and incompetents. 

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1 hour ago, Heaton said:

The bizarre thing with McPake is that he did make changes, both during and in advance of games in League 1, but since we came up, that element has gone and hes returned to what the Dee fans warned us about. Is it fear of failure and defeat in a harder league? No idea but it was what I liked about him initially and now it's gone.

If it doesn't return, then aye he has to go as well.

Agree. Don't want to sounds like a dafty but in L1 I actually thought McPake was tactically as good a manager as there has been for a few years, changing formation and styles week in week out to suit who we were playing against. I know personnel hasn't always been available but in the last season and the start of this it's been the same pish formation with even pisher football regardless of who was available. 

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Have to say, gained a lot of respect for fellow championship fans coming together on here to really go against the arrogance of these investors who take absolutely zero accountability for the mess that they've solely created. Not to say that the Simpsons memes aren't warranted for us (keep them coming).

Just generally fed up of fans, especially at our level having to stump up £23-26 a game and then being blamed for wanting the club (who have sold over 3000 season tickets despite the dross of last season) to perform a bit better on the park thanks to that sort of backing. 

No sensible pars fans I've spoken to said they expected a load of money to be chucked at the first team since the German investors came in, however they've clearly diverted funds away from the first team to pay for this fundamentally flawed side project.

I don't think their pockets were as deep as they made out and only recently they've realised the scale of investment required to succeed in Scottish football, often throwing funds at recruitment to make it to the premiership where you can actually make a bit of money by getting in the top six, European qualifiers, selling players on for a reasonable initial payment rather than relying on sell on clauses to come to fruition. 

Edited by Nat Weederburn
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18 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

My guess would be the additions to the squad will be as cheap as possible with their sole aim being survival. Pars will be an attractive proposition for an investor

It will need to be experienced signings to attract potential buyers/investors. Like anything you’re looking to sell you’d have to make it look as attractive as possible, and a team that can lift itself from the bottom of the table will be more attractive to buyers, and bring in top dollar. 
I think I speak for many Pars fans when I say it’s a fair trade, a couple of experienced players in to get this lot out is a bloody good deal 

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GmbH backer is very very wealthy. Google ER Holdings, who the CFO works for 

The CFO has clearly told GmbH to pull out as their plan is never going to work. 

im certain GmbH would still have been with us if our absentee ceo had not spunked cash left right and centre. 

now trying to distance himself from any blame 

it was the Germans not me


aye f off ya arrogant, ignorant charlatan 


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4 hours ago, BPM said:

Nonsense. Brentford have invested millions in how they identify and target players. No club in Scotland could afford to do it like they do. 
The only long term approach that will work in Scotland is investment in youth (at a level your club can afford) and supplement with a good scouting system to identify players to play in the first team who have a sell on value. 

Not a nonsense at all, I understand Falkirk fans will jump on any word of the Brentford model after Hartley and Co made a pigs ear out of it, but there's absolutely aspects of it that can be taken and lessons that should be learned from it. 

In our case, much like Brentfords, is there any point in having an academy? Is there any point in having a youth system at all? I'd argue if you're diverting significant funds from the first team towards it, no. 

3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

It's £100m+ they've spent now on setting up facilities. 


I follow Brentford and I'm trying to figure out why you mean by this, are you including the cost of the stadium in this? Brentford have gradually been improving their training ground but it doesn't look like a 100 million pound training ground. 

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How's the Brentford model the one to follow? As much as geographically they're close, English and Scottish football are worlds apart.


Looking forward to getting the old Dunfermline back.

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2 hours ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


The players you mention of value there were all taken from other clubs, which seemed to be part of the strategy the poster was suggesting. We've done similar, sold Devenny to Crystal Palace a year after Killie released him, and would imagine McMaster and Hancock will follow soon. Early days but would hope a couple of our new signings will do similar. I don't think anyone would disagree that clubs need to sell young players, the question is is it worth clubs at this level building up an Academy and having multiple youth teams. Or by-passing that, let bigger clubs do the work and just hand pick the best of the released players in their late teens/early twenties - like it seems Falkirk are doing.

The youth system is so saturated at the top level, and most of the clubs so close geographically, that getting access to really talented youngsters as a lower league club without them being snapped up by bigger clubs is becoming increasingly difficult/impossible. I like the idea of a youth team around 18/20s age group to supplement the first team squad, and if you get the odd gem it's a bonus, but the idea of basing your future first team on academy graduates like Dunfermline seemed to be hoping for is pie in the sky stuff.

Scottish football as a whole needs to do more to get youngsters into the first team picture far more than we currently do.

The larger clubs are getting battered right now with youngsters opting to head down south but it's no wonder given how little first team opportunities they are given to prove themselves.

Celtic are up in arms about Vata and Kelly refusing to sign new contracts but Vata was given 3 minutes of premiership football last season and Kelly 86 minutes. Rangers bought up a fair whack of players from other academies a few years ago, one of which was Bailey Rice from Motherwell he's since manged 15 premiership minutes whereas Lennon Miller who played in the same team as Rice and stayed put has 1557 minutes under his belt and rising. 

We've only just started our academy back 3 years ago and have 6 modern apprentices in the first team that will hopefully be able to make an impact soon. Hamilton don't seem to have any issues producing players good enough for the first team and club wise they are nowhere near the size of a Dunfermline. 

Edited by FFC 1876
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1 hour ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

Pars fans, chill. Everything is going to be fine. I’m hearing that Provost Leishman is going to fix everything with one of his limerick’s.

”There once was a man from Monchengladbach…..”


There once was a man from Mönchengladbach,
Who thought he'd give football a crack,
But with no cash to spend,
And no players to send,
The Pars couldn't keep on track.

The fans, they did moan,
"The team's barely grown!"
So he packed up and never looked back.

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The problem is Scottish Football will never get the numbers of youngsters onto the pitch because of the small league sizes and the pressure 3 or 4 consecutive defeats pile on any manager. He's always going to turn to old hands to get him out of trouble then or stop the problem appearing in the first place.

Just looked at the statement and it's clear the Germans bit off way more than they could chew and are now deflecting the blame for the club's predicament. I'm sure there'll be someone with deep pockets who will take the Pars on as they are a decent-sized club with potential. This may be a real opportunity after an initial further setback.

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1 hour ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

Pars fans, chill. Everything is going to be fine. I’m hearing that Provost Leishman is going to fix everything with one of his limerick’s.

”There once was a man from Monchengladbach…..”


Investors of German descent

Oversaw millions being spent

On jam tomorrow youth

While the first team went sooth 

Then left with a greetin faced statement 

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1 hour ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

Pars fans, chill. Everything is going to be fine. I’m hearing that Provost Leishman is going to fix everything with one of his limerick’s.

”There once was a man from Monchengladbach…..”


There was a big team in Fife called the Pars,
Who through financial shenanigans now need to collect money in jars,
With the Germans now gone,
The funds didn't last long,
And the dreams of success turned to scars.

No players to sign,
The results took a decline,
And now they're left crying in bars.

The fans hoped for glory,
But now it's a different story,
As the Germans head home in their cars. 

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56 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

there's absolutely aspects of it that can be taken and lessons that should be learned from it. 

I think we're doing something a bit like this at Airdrie, although rather than identifying players ourselves have a relationship with Cosilium agency who identify players and we look at signing them. This includes young players to be developed who we can bring in from other teams then develop and sell on. Remains to be seen how well it will work in the long term but happy with it at the moment.  

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40 minutes ago, bagpuss said:

The problem is Scottish Football will never get the numbers of youngsters onto the pitch because of the small league sizes and the pressure 3 or 4 consecutive defeats pile on any manager. He's always going to turn to old hands to get him out of trouble then or stop the problem appearing in the first place.


So presumably the larger league sizes down in England means there's less pressure on managers? Utter nonsense.

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