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Last Book You Read....


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Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn

It's the first in the "Thrawn Trilogy" of Star Wars books and set 5 years or so after RotJ. Nerdtastic, I know.

Better than anything that has been done since the end of the original trilogy of SW films. The actors are all too old now, but they could do worse than pinch some of this for the new films they're doing.

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Coriolanus by William Shakespeare. I've booked tickets to see it on the Festival but it's going to be in Chinese and feature two of China's top heavy metal bands so I figured I should familiarise myself with the work first.

Intellectual masturbation IMO. It's like Big Brother in reverse.

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Coriolanus by William Shakespeare. I've booked tickets to see it on the Festival but it's going to be in Chinese and feature two of China's top heavy metal bands so I figured I should familiarise myself with the work first.

Intellectual masturbation IMO. It's like Big Brother in reverse.

Are you talking about the play (in which case I disagree), watching plays in foreign languages (in which case you may have a point) or was that a comment about the standard of Chinese Heavy Metal (In which case I'll have to get back to you)

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Killing Floor - 8/10

The first of Lee Child's Jack Reacher novels. Good read and I'm now planning on reading through the rest of them

If you've given that an eight, you'll love the rest of them, as the first one is his worst one by miles.

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Bitter Water by Gordon Ferris - Set in post WWII Glasgow (and Kilmarnock, briefly) Douglas Brodie, journalist, ex cop, ex soldier is caught in the middle of an investigation concerning vigilante attacks in the city. Very decent crime story but the author's description(s) of Glasgow at this time takes it a notch above most other Scottish crime books I've read (8.5)


The Missing by Andrew O'Hagan - Local author who was born in the same year as myself and who's family also moved from Glasgow to Ayrshire around the same time. This book led to a TV documentary of the same name which was screened on BBC2 last year. The early part of the book has nothing at all to do with the TV documentary and instead focuses on the author's own childhood and family roots including an interesting bit on an attack by Sinn Fein/IRA on a prison van in Glasgow in 1921. The author tells how some of his ancestors were members of the Republican movement at that time but neither glorifies or condemns it. The part focusing on his own childhood held special interest for me as I remember most of the things he writes about while also learning a few more things which I hadn't previously read about. The second part of the book ties in more with the TV documentary and is the reason I got the book in the first place. Looking at the thousands of people who go missing in the UK every year it is for the most part poignant and sad. The last 40 odd pages of the book examines the Fred West case and in particular the victims and their families. Unexpectedly there is a slight local interest in this case as well with the author's research taking him back to the Bourteerhill area of Irvine. Very well written and sensitive. (9)

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A shameless plug for my mates first published book if it takes your fancy. The wife has told me it's pretty/brutally violent but she loved it.

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A shameless plug for my mates first published book if it takes your fancy. The wife has told me it's pretty/brutally violent but she loved it.

Like the sound of it, and it's only 3 quid on the Kindle, probably go for it.

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In just over a week, this thread will be eight years old. Quite remarkable when you think about it.

Anyway, I've just finished 'The Neighbors' by Ania Ahlborn. Strange wee book, about a guy who moves into his childhood friend's house and encounters the titular neighbors. The woman is a grade A psycho, who uses the guy's friend to bring in young boys to 'play' with, then kill. Not bad, but pretty predictable ending, and none of the characters, other than the mad wifie, have any real depth to them.


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Recently finished Graham Joyce's Silent Land. It's about a couple who get caught in avalanche (that one of them causes) and a whole struggle thereafter. Characters are one-dimensional, the dialogue is cringe-worthy, the sex scenes laughable and the writing absolutely awful. The plot is okay, and could just about be a short story rather than the 250 page mess that it is. A waste of time, so don't waste yours. 1/5.

Also read Terry Pratchett's Equal Rites, the third Discworld novel, about witches and wizards. It's silly, it's good fun and was very much needed after reading the above. 4/5.

Currently reading The Crow Road by Iain Banks.

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A shameless plug for my mates first published book if it takes your fancy. The wife has told me it's pretty/brutally violent but she loved it.

tell yer pal you sold him another book. Just bought

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