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Last Book You Read....


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I've got 3 books set aside for my holiday.

I usually take 5 or 6. Any other recommendations? (not into chick-lit :rolleyes: )

It's got to grab me from the first couple of chapters, none of these slow paced ones! :lol:

Any book by Stuart MacBride is a great read and highly recommended.

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Just finished Making Money by Terry Pratchett. :) Well up his usual high standard with a lot of LOL parts:

'Lavish had grown thin sideburns that tapered to an even thinner moustache and descended to a sharply pointed goatee beard in an attempt to look as menacing as Lord Vetrinari. Unfortunately the effect was more like a pubic chin.' :lol::lol: I nearly spat my cider over the bar table at that! :D

Just started Alex Gray's thriller 'Pitch Black' about murders at Kelvin FC - it's a real page turner and she's fast becoming Glasgow's riposte to Edinburgh's Rankin. I'll let you know what I think when I've finished it. ;)

"Making Money" is excellent. Is that the one with the passage about "The Big Cabbage"? That genuinely made me laugh out loud.

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"Making Money" is excellent. Is that the one with the passage about "The Big Cabbage"? That genuinely made me laugh out loud.

Yep! :D There are plenty more good laughs in it but I'll not post up any more so as not to spoil the fun for those yet to get round to it! ;)

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Yep! :D There are plenty more good laughs in it but I'll not post up any more so as not to spoil the fun for those yet to get round to it! ;)

The Discworld books are generally just brilliant. I bought them all from Amazon towards the tailend of last year and read all of the threads in chronological order*, and didn't fail to enjoy a single one of them.

*I'm a bit "Rain Man" in terms of that kind of thing.

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Have you read The Unconsoled? It is the only book of his I have read and found it an utterly unnerving and dreamlike experience. Very unusual.

Got round to reading it, and despite my reservations really enjoyed it.

I actually started it thinking that, if as I suspected, it wasn't really going to appeal, I would just put it down and read something else; I used to soldier on with books that I wasn't really enjoying, but recently came to the conclusion that lifes to short for that nonsense. However, I actually found it a really absorbing, and as you say, somewhat unnerving read.

The ending slightly confused me mind you but, that said, I found it strangely moving.

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Have you read, Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie? I've recommended it to a few people who have all enjoyed it.

It is an excellent book. Just finished The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini i didn't think it was as good as A Thousand Splendid Suns but still a good read all the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest oddjob

The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs - Irvine Welsh.

Great read.

Eta: I had to dig up 15 pages to answer this, and Brookmyre gets a pinned thread for a book that's not even out. :o If I ever have to poof reed one ov yur buuks yer fooked.

You can tell this is a buddies forum. :P

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David Lister and Hugh Jordan - Mad Dog, the rise and fall of Johnny Adair and C Company

I knew Adair was a fanny before I read this book I just didn't realise how big a fanny he was, He is clueless about politics, constantly embarrasses himself with his inability to fire a gun and his all round stupidy. I hope he gets shot again son.

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"Dynamo" a book about the Dynamo Kiev side that played against a German football team during the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine.

The brutality of the Nazis is sickening and just makes you understand the total disregard the Red Army had for all things German as they pushed towards Berlin.

The bravery of the Kiev players just makes your heart swell, to be able to have the energy at all to play considering the conditions they were living makes it all the more outstanding.

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"Dynamo" a book about the Dynamo Kiev side that played against a German football team during the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine.

The brutality of the Nazis is sickening and just makes you understand the total disregard the Red Army had for all things German as they pushed towards Berlin.

The bravery of the Kiev players just makes your heart swell, to be able to have the energy at all to play considering the conditions they were living makes it all the more outstanding.

Good book that. Just finished reading One Soldier's War in Chechnya by Arkady Babchenko it's an amazing book and shows how brutal life in the modern Red Army is conscripts and regular soldiers are treated disgracefully and the bullying is endemic. A very moving story and i'd recommend it to anyone interested in Russian history.

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"Dynamo" a book about the Dynamo Kiev side that played against a German football team during the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine.

The brutality of the Nazis is sickening and just makes you understand the total disregard the Red Army had for all things German as they pushed towards Berlin.

The bravery of the Kiev players just makes your heart swell, to be able to have the energy at all to play considering the conditions they were living makes it all the more outstanding.

Possibly the best fotball book ever written!!!


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Brookmyre's 'A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil'.

Utterly, utterly delightful. One of the funniest books I've read. It's really made me think a lot of my schooldays, particularly as the scenes at school were about the same time as I was there. So many references I thought only ever applied to my school(s).


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T.C Campbell - The Wilderness years 3/10

Campbell talks about his time in prison after being wrongly jailed for the "ice cream murders", the courtroom and legal jaargon chapters dragged on far too,long and were extremely boring however the prison chapters about his hunger strikes and rooftop protests were interesting.

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Recentlr I've read Slash's book which was really good but not quite as gritty as you would expect, reading Nikki Sixx's heroine diaries at the moment and that would put most people of the stuff for life. Also read James Frey's Bright Shiny Morning which was totally different to his previous 2 books but still enjoyable although the ending was a bit shit.

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Closing Time by Joseph Heller

Maybe I was just expecting too much after the marvellous prequel, Catch-22; however I feel that the author was a spent force by the time he got round to writing it. The whole book seems muted and the characters just don't drag you through the novel or engage you like Catch-22's did. Yes, some of the characters have been retained, but the new ones just aren't delightfully well-rounded as with its' predecessor. Some moments of sheer genius; however, it doesn't read as if the main characters are fighting "The End" - it seemed like Joseph Heller was, and his battle wasn't entirely successful.


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Back from hols and lot of reading!

Grisham - The Innocent Man 9/10 - read it in one day, excellent non-fiction

Picoult - Second Glance 8/10 - not bad

Salinger - Catcher in the Rye 6/10 - never read it at school, so tried it

La Plante - Clean Cut 4/10 - worst of the lot

Brookmyre - Country of the Blind 8/10 - quite good. reading the parlabane ones in order now

Rankin - Rebus short stories (Good Hanging) 7/10

Picoult - Mercy - not finished yet, but quite good


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