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P&B subcrawl

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We arrived at Dows between quarter to ten and ten o'clock. Only reason I know is because my train left Queen Street at half ten, and I was there in plenty time for it, having spent at least 20 minutes in Dows beforehand.

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I have another: when Stewartymac tells you that we don't go for food for another two stops, ignore him and go and eat. If you wait, you'll not be able to face eating and we all know what happens then.


After 13 Subcrawls, I'm so indoctrinated to eat at Partick, that I can't compute doing that at another stop! Sorry!

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I missed the puddle drinking as I had nipped to the toilet in the Partick Tavern and when I came out everyone had just left, so when I walked outside Phantom's Livi Lass, Mozam76 and Smurph were waiting for me and regailed me with the story, complete with unneccessary pointing out of Lichtie's pool of vomit.

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I'm also amazed no one spent a night in the cells.

Or the hospital.

Yeah, I must confess that around 2/3rds of the way around I was pretty sure it'd result in at least one going to the cells or the A&E. My money was on me for the cells and Lichtieforlife for the hospital in a related incident... :shutup

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I missed the puddle drinking as I had nipped to the toilet in the Partick Tavern and when I came out everyone had just left, so when I walked outside Phantom's Livi Lass, Mozam76 and Smurph were waiting for me and regailed me with the story, complete with unneccessary pointing out of Lichtie's pool of vomit.

I really can't remember any of the puddle drinking either. Gutted.

On a side note, I think puddle drinker is an excellent insult, "f**k off puddle drinker"

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I really can't remember any of the puddle drinking either. Gutted.

On a side note, I think puddle drinker is an excellent insult, "f**k off puddle drinker"

"Aye, very good you puddle drinking weirdo"

I like it too, it brings up a similar image as "knuckle dragger", I'm using that!

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"Aye, very good you puddle drinking weirdo"

I like it too, it brings up a similar image as "knuckle dragger", I'm using that!

"You were in some nick last night"

"Aye well at least I'm not a fucking puddle drinker like you"

Definitely works.

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I really can't remember any of the puddle drinking either. Gutted.

On a side note, I think puddle drinker is an excellent insult, "f**k off puddle drinker"

Not as good as "You fucking Longmuir"

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