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P&B subcrawl

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As everyone is well aware, the best pubs on the crawl have pictures of the Queen behind the bar.

I normally carry a picture of the Queen around with me incase I'm unfortunate enough to stumble into a pub which has the temerity not display a picture of her Majesty.

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I normally carry a picture of the Queen around with me incase I'm unfortunate enough to stumble into a pub which has the temerity not display a picture of her Majesty.

Good lad. In these day's of Pop Up Dining and Pop Up Everything else, there could be good money to be had in Pop Up Rangers Boozers.

I'll buy in at 50%

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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The Pubs that are decorated like a ten year old from Larkhall's bedroom were the best mainly because it different and the fear for getting lynched when L4L fancies a sing song. Brechins also had Tartan Special so it's got that going for it too.

As for the date, depends on what my uni workload is like then.

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The Rangers pubs on the SubCrawl are by far and away the best pubs of the event. And I say that as a man who detests everything that Glasgow's bigot brothers stand for.

As for my attendance or otherwise on the proposed date, it's a bit close to my 30th party and that may render it a no-go for moi.

Edited by Sweet Pete
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Lads and lasses; any interest in setting up another official crawl? Subcrawl 3 Crawl Hard With A Vengeance hasn't happened yet as the last one ended up a sort of 2.1 rather than a 3 proper. If there's enough firm interest we can talk dates.

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