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Gary Lineker


That is a good call chapsticks. I will give you that one, but if you did enough digging you would find something about his character. Married a girl 20 years his junior after cheating on his wife allegedly.

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Its ridiculous to suggest late tackle in training is assault even if it was intentional. You would have footballers up on charges every day in your world. Carragher is very well respected with his colleagues and fellow professionals, The thug comments are only coming from dafties like yourself who like to pick up on one or two regretable incidents in someone's past. You fail to mention his charity work or his leadership skills, or working with the youth team for example. You seem like a glass is half empty type of guy.

Intentionally attacking your colleague is assault and anyone who engages in such an activity is rightly derided by society.

End of story. Your defence of him is absolutely hilarious, no doubt your a big fan of girlfriend beating Carroll too? And the man who beats up people in bars who refuse to play his song?

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Intentionally attacking your colleague is assault and anyone who engages in such an activity is rightly derided by society.

End of story. Your defence of him is absolutely hilarious, no doubt your a big fan of girlfriend beating Carroll too? And the man who beats up people in bars who refuse to play his song?

Your arguement and comparison to Caroll is utterly ridiculous. we are talking about a late challenge in training to beating up a women. Its like comparing a speeding driver to a rapist. Have u ever played football at any level, or are you just a bit stupid?

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Pretty lame to call someone a thug for being angry and contemplating revenge after you have been assaulted, so i think its you talking pish honest man. He didnt even assault anyone. Going in hard on the training field after a disagreement with a team mate is pretty common practice at any level of football. You obviously just a fan, who has not got a scooby doo about actually playing the game. Can you give me an example of a model professional honest man. I await this angel character who has never done anything wrong in the game or life in general.


That is a good call chapsticks. I will give you that one, but if you did

enough digging you would find something about his character. Married a

girl 20 years his junior after cheating on his wife allegedly.

You seem a bit confused. You're willing to give a thug a pass, but not a model professional in every sense of the word.

Besides, what the fcuk does Linekar's current wife being 20 years younger than him have to do with anything? Ageism is a particularly backwards form of discrimination, what's your excuse?

Edited by banana
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Banana you need to look up the definition of age discrimination as you clearly have no clue. I agreed that Gary Linekar was a model professional. I pointed out that Linekar allegedlly cheated on his wife with someone 20 years his junior, which some people might question his character. Personally i couldnt give two hoots. the point i was trying to make is that you could question anyones character if you did enough digging about there past or that way inclined, which many people have done regarding Caragher. To class the man as a thug is just utterly ridiculous in my opinion. You have obviously never came across a real thug in your life. Trust me your views would be different.

Edited by Narey
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Banana you need to look up the definition of age discrimination as you clearly have no clue. I agreed that Gary Linekar was a model professional. I pointed out that Linekar allegedlly cheated on his wife with someone 20 years his junior, which some people might question his character. Personally i couldnt give two hoots. the point i was trying to make is that you could question anyones character if you did enough digging about there past or that way inclined, which many people have done regarding Caragher. To class the man as a thug is just utterly ridiculous in my opinion. You have obviously never came across a real thug in your life. Trust me your views would be different.


Ejecting from thread.

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Liverpool are just so unbelievably soft. No idea why there's not been another defensive midfielder signed up - Lucas has been the only player in that area for ages and he missed nearly a year with injury!

Sterling could do with a run in the reserves again as well.

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Liverpool are just so unbelievably soft.

Just don't seem to be able to defend as a unit. Thinking about how Rafa had the team defending well without the ball this side gets undone time and time again. Rodgers says they won't be defending like this in 6 - 12 months...he'd better hope the aren't or he'll be on his way.

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Pretty lame to call someone a thug for being angry and contemplating revenge after you have been assaulted, so i think its you talking pish honest man. He didnt even assault anyone. Going in hard on the training field after a disagreement with a team mate is pretty common practice at any level of football. You obviously just a fan, who has not got a scooby doo about actually playing the game. Can you give me an example of a model professional honest man. I await this angel character who has never done anything wrong in the game or life in general.

Paul Scholes?

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If you don’t think you can do it then you won’t do it. You have to see it to believe it. I've always said that you can live without water for many days, but you can’t live for a second without hope. If you don’t have hope then you've got no chance.



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