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The P & B Beer, Lager, Ale, Stout and Cider Guide


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Went into the new coffee place at the Harbourside in Irvine yesterday called GRO coffee. Had a lovely coffee but noticed on the menu they were also doing bottled beers and ciders. Had 2 bottles from the Black Isle Brewery, Pollinator Heather Honey Beer and Scotch Ale. Both very decent and in this lovely setting went down a treat. Got speaking to the owner who was very passionate about his coffee but was equally happy to talk about his beers. I was telling him we would be back down on friday as we we were going for a family meal at the Ship Inn just along the road and also in the same conversation told him that I had tried a few Black Isle beers in the past but always wanted to try their porter which I haven't found in any shops yet. The guy wrote down the beer and said that was 2 beers he had been asked for and would have them in for me returning at the end of the week. If he keeps his word I can see this being a regular place for me to visit.

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Currently enjoying a bottle of the above. I've had it maybe six or seven times now in the past few months, I would say it's probably my favourite ale just now, it's incredibly hoppy, like a punch in the puss with every mouthful. Beautiful!

£1.65 a bottle from Tesco if anyone's interested.

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Enjoying a pint of Hobgoblin Gold in The Last Post. Like a daft walloper, I didn't put 2 and 2 together and figure from the name that it was a golden ale totally different to the standard Hob, hence my bewilderment at a much lighter looking pint than expected. Gid though.

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Hit my target last night of 365 unique beers for the year with this ....

5.2% abv golden ale from Ayr Brewing Co. Not my favourite from this local brewery but it's a bit of a grower. Slightly bitter from start to finish. Very pale but quite refreshing. Would be nice in a late summer evening beer garden session. Now that I've hit my target it's time to hit the gym and cut down on the beer :-(


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Bishops Finger from the excellent Shepherd Neame brewery in Kent.

A bit on the malty side but at £1.20 for 500ml from the local Tesco an excellent tipple.

Shepherd Neame brews are bad and Bishops finger is one of their worst.
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The latest Williams are superb. Golden ratio golden ale really good but the perfect storm is amazing. An IPA that actually tries a balance of flavour rather than hop overload.

I've been trying to work my way through them, and there's only been a few so far I've actively disliked - the Alba spruce beer and the Kelpie seaweed one spring to mind.

Favourites so far have been Grozet, 7 Giraffes, Perfect Storm and Honeythief I reckon.

Finally got round to trying Double Joker at the weekend - liked it and would have it again, but wasn't completely blown away by it.

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I would probably struggle to fit into that jacket at the moment :unsure2:

Enjoyed that spell on the beer but losing the weight again isn't going to be as pleasurable.

Done 14 miles along the coast on the bike earlier, came home panting like an old horse and first thing I did was open the fridge for a beer. Took a bit of will power to put it back and have water instead.

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